Improving Customer Service within a Small Business

In the cut-throat world of small businesses and start-ups, it’s often customer service that will differentiate you from your competitors. It’s rare that you’ll have a product offering completely unlike other businesses in your space, so those relationships that you make really have to count if you’re to retain and win business.

Customer support staff

The following are some practical tips that you can follow to improve your small business’ customer service.


If you’re lucky enough to come face to face with your customers on a daily basis (or your employees do) then you’ll find this challenge much easier than everyone else, for the simple fact that you’ve got an extra opportunity to impress.…

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The Introduction to A/B testing

How can we know that our website is easy to use? Is it convenient enough for visitors? What attracts them more?

There is a good tool which helps to find out the answer to these questions and you probably know it. Yes, I’m talking about A/B testing.

A-B testing

So, what is A/B testing?

A/B Testing (also known as Split Testing) is a website optimization technique that involves sending half your users to one version of a page, and the other half to another version, and watching the web analytics to see which one is more effective in getting them to do what you want them to do (for example, sign up for a user account)

Simply put, it’s just a way to figure out how you can get your website visitors to click that shiny red button instead of yesterday’s green one.…

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How Damp Meters And Moisture Meter Can Save You And Your Property Thousands

As anyone that has ever suffered from damp in their own property, or maybe a property they own, knows that if you do not catch the damp and sort the issue before it becomes a major problem, the end result can be a very costly repair effort, taking much time and money to truly fix and prevent the damp from occurring again.

Damp meter

Many people believe that damp and moisture is only ever found in older homes, but this could not be further from the truth, because water will always find a way to get into your property if it can, whether you own a 4 bedroom new build in the city or a 100 year old cottage in the country.…

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3 Ways Technology Can Improve your Online Customer Service

Customer service plays a huge role in the satisfaction and return of your customers. However, many online companies have forgotten that having good customer service for an online business is just as important as for a brick and mortar business—maybe even more so. And because many other companies understand this, there are a plenty of different technologies available to help you improve your customer services as well as your overall relationship with your customers or clients.

Caring customer service

To show you how, here are three types of technologies you can use to improve your customer service with online visitors.

Finding Weaknesses with Analytics

Before you can know how to improve, you first need to know where you should be improving.…

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How to Get the Most out of your Training Courses

What result signifies the success of a professional training course? Is it gifting of key skills to professionals and businesses? Is it the effective communication of key learnings? Is it an improvement in business operations and profitability as a result of the new skills and knowledge acquired? Or is it the commercial success of the course? The simple truth is that all of these outcomes are required for a training course to be considered a success.

Training course marketing

But in order to achieve the ultimate goal of commercial success, you need to create courses that address specific needs in your industry – and then promote them effectively.…

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Understanding the Basics of Acquisitions

An acquisition is a financial term that describes what happens when an organization develops its competences and resources by taking over a different company. There are many different types of acquisition strategies. More information about the various strategies can be obtained through General Equity – Acquisitions.

Acquisition agreement

Some of the popular strategies include single purpose documents and standalone acquisitions, as well as multi-purpose documents, which are more comprehensive. Regardless of the chosen strategy, the goal of an acquisition strategy is always to minimize the cost and time used to obtain a specific, validated need and this is achieved through sound business practices and common sense.…

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How NOT to Ruin a Corporate Event With your Music Choices

Getting the music wrong at your corporate event is not what you, as the organiser, want to be remembered for. There are many pitfalls and obstacles to consider but by taking three key areas of consideration at the basis for your decision, you can avoid even a slight disaster.

Screaming and angry rocker at corporate event

Think about the guests

Before you do anything else it is important to think about who is coming to your event. That way you know whether the music your choice has to be appropriate to your corporate identity, or instead reflect the type of event and its attendees.

If you’re launching a product or out to impress new clients, make sure the band suits the brand.…

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4 Health and Safety Risks When Finding an Office (and How to Look for Them)

Finding an office comes with many requirements. Layout, size and location are things you have to think about. But all of these are secondary to making sure the office is safe to work in. If you haven’t started looking at offices at all, a helpful office relocation guide might be needed. When you’re ready, here are the 5 most important health and safety risks to be aware of before you sign the dotted line.



Even though asbestos was banned in the 1990s, asbestos-related disease still kills more people per year than car accidents. If your potential new office was built before the year 2000, there is at least a 50% chance it contains asbestos.…

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5 Reasons Why your Business Needs Self Storage

Running a business is always a tough thing to do, whether you are struggling for the next sale or are simply struggling to keep up with sales, running a company is generally stressful, time consuming and one of the biggest challenges you may ever face, which is being self-employed is definitely not for the faint hearted.

Business owner in a self storage

As business owners, big, medium and small, we are always looking for ways to be make our company more profitable and more successful, and whilst this often comes from making more money, it can also come from saving money and making business decisions that improve your business on different levels than just seeing increased pound signs.…

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Workplace Injuries: Pointers for the Avoiding the Most Common Yet Preventable Accidents

Injuries in the workplace are unfortunately a common occurrence and according to figures collated by the Health and Safety Executive, some 611,000 people in the UK are estimated to have sustained a non-fatal injury at work during the last 12 months.

Claims for work accident compensation often result from an accident that occurred in the workplace which could potentially have been avoided and although the rate of actual deaths equates to 0.46 deaths per 100,000 workers, this rate could be improved upon.

Workplace accident

The top five

The same types of injury come up regularly in accident reports and the top five types of injury account for about 70% of all injuries in the workplace.…

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