What is Deal Registration – and Why Does it Matter to You?

Anyone who has ever worked in a sales environment knows the frustration and disappointment that comes when a big sale falls through — especially when a competitor swoops in and seemingly snatches the customer right out from under your nose. Despite your anger, though, there’s usually not a whole lot that you can do about it.

Deal registration

Unless, of course, you registered the deal that you were working on. In industries that rely on channel partners and resellers, such as IT, some vendors engage in a process of deal registration that protects their partners from losing sales to other resellers and even the vendor’s own sales team.…

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3 Tips for Opening Your First Store Location to Accompany an Online Business

Many businesses who started out as purely online business are now branching out and trying their hand at opening physical locations to accompany their already successful online business. However, just because you’ve found success online doesn’t mean that opening your first brick and mortar store is going to be a walk in the park for you.

To help you make this transition a little easier on yourself as the business owner and on your company in general, here are three tips for opening a physical store as an extension of an online business.


Although your brick and mortar store is meant to be merely a physical manifestation of your online store, it can be difficult to figure out how to integrate these two into one consistent being.…

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How to Ensure Your Business is Effective at Time Management

Time management can seem like the simplest organisational skill in the world to some people, yet others struggle with it. For businesses as a whole it is incredibly important that their time management is on point, in order for it to run as efficiently and effectively as possible.

Time management

Good time management within a business comes from the top. If you run a start-up, small company or big business, then you’ll want to review and improve the time management of it. As well as improving your company’s process it should also save you money in the long run. Here are a few ways to ensure your business has strong time management.…

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Stop Profit Shrinkage: Small and Sneaky Ways Your Business is Losing Big Money

There are more ways to lose money in business than to make money. In fact, if you’ve been in business for any length of time, you know this adage can ring very true. Here are a few mistakes that have killed even successful businesses.

Frustrated businessman making business mistakes

Too Many Meetings

The 1980s called — they want their meetings back. If you spend more time in meetings than you do making sales, then your business is in trouble. Having too many meetings is the hallmark of a company that can’t find itself, doesn’t know how to turn a profit, and spends way too much time trying to compensate for poor marketing.…

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Spying On Cell Phone of Employees from Across the Globe

Mobile BI helps businesses to spot, collect, analyze, and use valuable business data to improve sales and revenues, while managing costs. Although the concept of Mobile BI shows monumental growth in businesses, incidences involving employees compromising sensitive company data are on the rise. This explains why the use of apps for spying on cell phone of employees is necessary for business owners across the world.

Mobile business intelligence

Mobile Business Intelligence is a growing trend in the world, and it has been around for nearly a decade or more. Its success comes because of the advantages smartphones offer in this new mobile computing era.…

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Asset Management Services: What They Are and How Your Business Can Benefit

More and more businesses are outsourcing the management of assets and in the process allowing other companies to take care of and manage investments and resources. This relieves a lot of stress and increases productivity while saving money. A win, win!

Asset management

Are you wondering, what are asset management services? This is a simple yet complex answer. Asset management is the systematic process of operating, positioning, maintaining, improving or disposing of assets in a cost effective manner. Which means, having a professional organisation take care of your tangible and intangible assets for a fee or fixed price.

According to Investopedia, asset management is usually provided by a financial services company like an investment bank.…

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3 Tips for Managing Growth of your Small Business

The main goal of any small business is to succeed and to succeed well. Despite this being a universal and common goal, many small business owners are caught unawares when their company begins doing extremely well. Rather than being a pleasant surprise, this has a tendency to diminish the reputation of the business.

Growth management

This is typically because small businesses are unprepared to cater to an increase in customers or demand. This is why authorities in the industry such as Global Resources LLC insist of being equipped with an adequate strategy. Here are some things that you need to keep in mind when dealing with a sudden influx of consumers, requests, and profit:

Flexible Plan

The plan that you have for your company should be flexible.

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How to Track your Employees Time and Still Be Seen as a Good Boss

If there is something that can put off your employees’ working spirit, it has to do with looking over their shoulders again and again while they are working. To many of them, tracking is an unnecessary administrative nuisance that has to be done away with because it is just a waste of time.

Happy and productive employee

Companies know that they have to time track their employees whether they like it or not because it is really important in gauging their productivity in the business. In fact, to avoid rubbing their employees the wrong way, several companies have tried to come up with creative and fun ways of time tracking that you may have read on tech news.…

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The Advantages of Using Serviced Offices

There are so many advantages to using serviced offices that it’s no wonder their popularity has increased so much in recent years, especially in the UK. With there being so many prestigious London locations now available to rent as serviced office spaces, smaller business can instantly raise their profile by renting out an office space in an upmarket trendy location, but that’s not the only advantage.

Serviced office space

Here’s why your business should consider using serviced office spaces:


The amount of flexibility that using serviced offices offers businesses is invaluable. Not only does renting a serviced office space mean that you don’t have to commit to a lease on an expensive office block for a certain amount of time, it also means that you can up and move your company at the drop of a hat depending on where the new hip and trendy business areas in London are.…

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Yelp Ratings and Review: You Are in Control

Consider these facts: 98% of Yelpers have made a purchase from a business they found on Yelp, 89% of consumers make a purchase within a week of visiting reviews sites and 29% will visit a business within a day.

While there are a variety of business directory websites that offer customer reviews, none have received the acclaim and influence that Yelp has. With strong brand power and ability to directly influence customer’s purchase behavior, specifically for local businesses, Yelp should be the first place your business starts responding to reviews.

Yelp is for all small businesses

Since Yelp was founded in 2004 it has grown to see over 95 million reviews in just 11 years, that’s over 8 million reviews a year and over 23,000 reviews a day—quite a bit of activity!…

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