3 Ways to Ensure Your Workplace Is Well-Maintained

If you have a physical location or property as part of your business, you’re going to be worried about the best way to present and maintain that building. Whether you choose to get assistance through a property management company or you want to do it all on your own, the appearance and functionality of your building is going to have a big impact on your company, both with efficiency as well as on a more personal level.

Well-maintained office building

So to help you ensure that the state of your building isn’t keeping your company from being successful, here are three ways to ensure that your workplace is well maintained.…

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5 Clever Ways to Build Brand Awareness with a Personalized Binder

Binders are a versatile and highly cost-effective way to raise awareness for your brand. A well-designed binder provides more information in one place than virtually any other print marketing material. Its tangibility helps clients focus and retain information. And a binder is easier to keep track of than a stack of loose papers.

Businesswoman holding personalized binder stationery

As with any marketing material, you’ll need a strategy for when and how to use your binders to maximize their effectiveness. You can build brand awareness with these 5 clever uses for your binder.

1. Engage clients’ imaginations

Binders come in a wide variety of manufacturing materials that can be customized with different stock colors, imprint methods, and coatings.…

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7 Most Popular Products to Sell Online Right Now

Sometimes, no matter how unique a product you’re offering on your online store, it just won’t appeal to the general public as you had hoped it would. When this happens, it might be hard to convince other people to look into your online store and see if they can find something that calls out to them. So why not start off by offering products that people are actually looking for in order to gain their attention?

Oculus VR

Here are 7 of the most popular products that you can sell online right now.

1. Wireless Chargers

Wireless charger

With mobile phone companies gradually producing more and more phones that are capable of charging without wires, the demand for wireless chargers have gone up.

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3 Main Advantages of Disposable Linens for Your Business

Many care homes, food production and serving facilities and hospitals, among other enterprises and institutions, are now using disposable linens rather than the traditional fabric varieties. Single-use items, like disposable aprons and gloves, or soluble laundry bags, are becoming more and more commonplace as businesses catch on to the advantages they offer.

Chef wearing disposable apron

Let’s take a quick look at the main advantages of swapping over to disposable linens.

1. Disposable linens can save a lot of time

If clothing, protective equipment and hygiene appliances are disposable, it saves a lot of time on laundry. Hospitals and care homes in particular find that a lot of time is spent on cleaning bed linens, aprons, scrubs and gloves.…

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How Modern Tech Innovations Reduce Operational Time Losses

Increasing Your Research Palette

Oftentimes it can be difficult to find information about a given organization or corporation. You do a Google search, but everything you find is sanitized. When you need information from an unbiased source on a corporation, finding that data will usually take a lot of time and energy. That time represents a diminished opportunity cost.


When you’ve got to spend hours getting the measure of an organization, those hours can’t be devoted to more fruitful, productive activities. When it comes to business, curtailing opportunity cost wherever possible is a very wise strategy. So if you can consolidate your research parameters such that they deliver more information at less time expense, it’s like making money.…

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Choosing The Right Outsourcing Partner

As businesses look to scale their efficiency the global market for nearshore and offshore outsourcing continues to grow. While many people link India and Asia as the main outsourcing hubs there is a real momentum shift happening in Central America particularly in Nicaragua as a new outsourcing marketplace that offers many benefits.

However, choosing the right outsourcing partner is always the same process – whether it’s China, Nicaragua or India as the main labor target.

Outsourcing office

Today, we are talking with Matt Reeser, a thought leader in the outsourcing industry in Nicaragua – who is helping us pinpoint the main qualities of a great outsourcing partner.…

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11 Tasks You Can Outsource as a Small Business Owner

With the rise of the new gig economy, more and more people are leaving their traditional workplaces to go into business for themselves. These include entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, freelancers, and small business owners.

While this means that the job market is robust, always changing and therefore steadily growing, it also means that there is now also an increase in independent professionals with a wide range of skills.


For small business owners, this means that you can get someone short-term to do tasks that would usually require a full-time employee.

More and more business owners are outsourcing their work nowadays. However, it doesn’t have to be just limited to website or logo or graphic design.…

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3 Simple Ways to End Internal Communication Woes

In military forces around the world, top-notch communication skills, or a lack thereof, are considered a life and death issue. After all, any slip in the communication lines can result in catastrophe – soldiers can lose their lives, innocent civilians can be killed or harmed, wars can be lost. Big communication blunders are rarely forgiven, those who make the small ones are often subjected to the “three strikes and you’re out” rule.

Internal communication woes

In business, some workplaces have their communication down pat. Others are terrible, yet refuse to learn their lesson when blunders happen time and again. A study from a few years ago labeled “The Cost of Poor Communication” made it abundantly clear that communication woes cannot be treated as a casual issue.…

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4 Self-Improvement Strategies for Small Business Owners

As a small business owner, you may have become so caught up in improving your company that you have forgotten to spend any time improving yourself. Running a business can certainly be a turning point for many people, but there are also many strategies for active self-improvement that can be effectively used by entrepreneurs. Self-improvement will not only benefit your personal life and relationships, but it will affect every aspect of your life, including your business and perhaps even your finances.

Meditating business woman

Here are some of the best ways to invest in your own self-improvement.…

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5 Things You Should Get from an ERP Demo

Before committing to an ERP vendor, it is essential that you insist on receiving an ERP demo in advance. Since the goal of any ERP is for it to become an essential part of your daily operations and long-term growth strategy, you want to have every confidence you’re committing to the right vendor. An ERP demo is a way to look past the stock sales pitch and get a more honest understanding of what an ERP solution and the vendor who offers it can and cannot do for your company.

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Here are the five things you should be sure to get:


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