5 Reasons Why Good Communication With Your Employees Will Boost Your Business (and How To Do It)

When you communicate well with your employees, work relationships are generally hunky-dory. Good communication enables you to build good relationships with your staff. With good working relationships, any problems tend to get aired sooner rather than later, allowing you to nip potential problems in the bud. If you don’t bother putting in the effort to communicate with your employees, you could be hurting your business more than you think.

Good business communication

So, what is good communication? At its most basic level, communication is the imparting or exchanging of information by speaking, writing, or using some other medium. That can include email, text and chat applications.…

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Tips For Boosting Employee Morale

Being a business owner comes with many responsibilities, which is far too many to mention them all. Keeping all your employees motivated will be an ongoing task that will require the assistance of your entire team of supervisors. If your workers are not motivated, they will not be as productive as they could be, if it were the other way around.

Motivated employees

Every worker has a mind of his or her own, so you will need to start by making sure everyone is one the same page. Below, you will discover several tips for boosting employee morale.

Giving Them Reason To Believe

When you first hire the employees to staff your business, you will need to make them aware of the fact that they are going to be involved in something bigger than themselves.…

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Top 10 Responsibilities of a Limited Company Director

Directing a Limited Company effectively can be challenging. Impeccable organisational skills and a competent understanding of accounting – keeping track of all tasks in order to stay within the Companies Act 2006, is vital to guarantee your success.

Limited company director

Deciding to manage your Limited Company by yourself without the assistance from an accountant, it is imperative to know the tasks that need to be completed and when. Below, we have comprised a guide of our top ten most important responsibilities a director of a Limited Company must undertake. For an annual fee specialized contractor accountant firm can assist you with all but one (filling your tax returns) of these responsibilities for running a tax efficient and successful company, making your life as a Limited Company director easier.…

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A Manager’s Guide to Giving Proper Employee Performance Evaluations

Make no mistake about it, administering an Employee Performance Evaluation is never easy. While the process of assessing employee performance may seem intimidating at first, they do become easier the more a manager does them.

Employee performance evaluation

Performance, including productivity and morale, go up significantly when managers empower employees with the constructive criticism and positive feedback they need to strive to be the best they can be for the betterment of the company.

This guide will help all managers to learn and/or improve upon the skill sets that are needed to perform accurate and effective employee assessments with the utmost professionalism throughout their careers.…

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How Small Businesses Save With Cowork Solutions

Whether you’re expanding, want a more professional environment or are just sick of working alone, there comes a point for every small business where your home office is no longer the right environment.

However, you may not have the finances or a business requirement to rent a permanent office space.

Coworking space

There is another option. One that is more flexible and cost effective compared to a traditional office space: coworking.

An estimated 3.8 million people will use coworking spaces by 2020 and many small businesses are turning to this way of working.…

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3 Procurement Tips for Small Businesses

Anybody running a small business will know only too well how many different hats they have to wear in the average working day. Strategy, operations, business development, staffing, finance and customer relationship management, to name but a few.


As a result, procurement can often be treated as a low-priority issue that gets very little attention or strategic focus. This can be a big mistake when you consider that small and medium sized businesses spend at least 50 percent of their sales revenue on procurement of input services and materials.

Put that way, it is easy to see the impact that even a small improvement in procurement efficiencies could have on your bottom line.…

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How to Reduce Stress Through Better Time Management

Your daily routine involves clocking in 10 hours at the office, going home to wolf down a quick dinner and then getting right back on your laptop to fire off a few more emails.

Stressed out entrepreneur

By the time night comes around, you fall into bed utterly exhausted but unable to switch off, a million and one thoughts about bills and forgotten jobs chasing each other around your head.

That’s just life as an entrepreneur, right?

Think again.

Being a small business owner is hard work, don’t get us wrong.

But feeling stressed, tired and running yourself ragged 24-hours a day isn’t a longterm strategy for success.…

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5 Excellent Ways to Foster an Innovative Team Collaboration Environment

When you have a superstar team heading your startup or established enterprise, there’s nothing that can really stop your business from pushing forward, on an upward trajectory.

Unfortunately, so many businesses still miss this fact, instead sticking to accepted office traditions, and relying too heavily on management to put their stamp of approval on everything. Fostering a more innovative environment is as easy as changing things up a bit and considering new ways of running your team.

Team collaboration

Here are 5 excellent ideas for bringing your team closer together, to push the business to greater heights:…

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Taking Action on Customer Survey Data the Right Way

There are a variety of uses for survey data, and there are a myriad of ways to collect it. As far as survey data tools, you can get your feet wet with a simple online Google Doc survey or expand into the robust data extraction game with Qzzr or Qualtrics.

Customer survey

The following are the six data points that are incredibly important to business owners and decision makers.

1. Customer Segmentation

Customer segmentation is dividing customers into distinct groups. Doing so allows you to develop a deeper understanding of your customers. If you don’t have any knowledge about your target market, it’s like trying to shoot a target at the shooting range blindfolded.…

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How to Maximise Your Office Space

So, you’ve just grabbed yourself a brand new office space and, quite simply, you don’t know what to do with it. So much room, yet you can’t think of a way to optimise it. Even if you think the perfect office is within your grasp without any elbow grease, there’s always something to improve.

Office space

Most businesses don’t feel as though they need to change much. Most will have everything they need, where they need it, at any time. One area that seems to cause a small issue is the warehouse.

The warehouse

Warehouses are usually full of space, but are only used for the function of deliveries and holding company stock.…

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