5 Mistakes to Avoid When Renting Office Space

Choosing the location of your company is important because it determines the visibility of your business. The decision also determines the profitability of your business because of the monthly rent costs.

Office building

Business owners often make major mistakes when choosing their first office space. The excitement of starting a business often gets in the way of making a sound judgment on such important matters.

If you are about to start a business or move your current business to a new location, here are the common mistakes you should avoid at all costs.

1. Compromising your business image

It is possible to consider all other aspects of an office space and forget the image of your business.…

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4 Ways to Create a Paperless Workplace

There has been a steep fall in paper consumption in the workplace over the past decade. The average office worker in the United Kingdom consumes around 45 pieces of paper per day. This is five pieces lower per worker per day compared to what it was in 2008. In absolute terms though, the drop in overall consumption is still a blip in the radar and we have a long way to go when it comes to creating a paperless workplace.

Digital signature

One reason why businesses consume paper in such large quantities is because legal documents continue to be handled and shared physically.…

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Why a Sole Proprietorship May Be Best for You

Today, LLCs (limited liability companies) seem to be the favored form of business organization and they do offer a lot of advantages. But for many small startup businesses there is a lot to be said for having no business organization at all, which is referred to as a sole proprietorship.

Sole proprietorship

First what is a sole proprietorship? Basically, it means that there is no legal distinction between you and your business. The income that the business earns is part of your personal income. A sole proprietorship would not have a separate balance sheet since it is not a legal entity: the sole proprietorship does not have assets or debts.…

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4 GPS Tracking Devices that Will Keep Tabs on Your Company Vehicles

When you own a fleet of vehicles, you understand the importance of keeping operating costs low and productivity rates high. GPS tracking devices can help you reach that goal by providing a link between you and your vehicles, so you can keep tabs on fuel costs, driver behavior, idle times and route efficiency.

GPS tracking

With GPS tracking, you can:

  • Track and manage your vehicles at all times.
  • Keep tabs on driving speeds to prevent speeding tickets and reduce legal costs. The true cost of a speeding ticket in some states can be over $1,000.
  • Keep track of cargo to prevent employee theft and ensure deliveries get where they need to go.
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Defined Direction – What Skills You Should Look to Develop When Entering the Business Landscape

When you started university, you didn’t necessarily know what exactly you wanted to accomplish. With so many roads from which to choose, a clear path is not necessarily visible right away. After a time, however, you concluded that you wanted to get into business after uni. Now that you’re closing in on a graduate diploma of applied finance, or a master’s degree in marketing, or whichever business path you’ve chosen, it’s time to consider the outside world a little more.

Happy businessman

If you do plan on owning and operating your own business after you leave our institution, there are a few different skills that you should look to develop.…

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To Maximize Productivity, Trust Experts In Fluid Power

When work is occurring on the floor or on site, at varying levels of difficulty, and relies on several different types of machinery to get done, it’s important be confident that the equipment your employees are using is functioning optimally. It’s difficult to know however whether your tools are enabling the work to be completed efficiently or hindering it, without fully understanding their components, or how they work.

Factory engineer

Nobody wants to be managing a productivity set back on the factory floor as a result of faulty equipment.

Hydraulics systems drive business

Hydraulics systems are used to control everything from car brakes, garbage trucks, and cranes to elevators and garage jacks, allowing these applications to utilize great amounts of power by means of a small, and compact motor.…

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4 Ways Big Data Has Changed Fleet Management Forever

Fleet management is no simple task; it’s tough to balance vehicle acquisition, repairs & maintenance, as well as disposals. All of that’s even before you consider the knowledge and effort it takes to be in full compliance with regulations and state laws. Without fixed parts, fleet management is a complex and ever-changing process.

Fleet management

Fortunately, today’s fleet managers have a distinct advantage: big data. The advances made possible by big data have ushered a new era of fleet management. Today we’ll examine four ways that big data forever changed the world of fleet management.

1. Improved Efficiency

Naturally, one of the most important aspects of fleet management is the ability to ensure drivers are on the right route at the right time.…

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A Guide to Setting Up Your Own Consultancy

Internet has made remote collaboration a possibility. It is possible for businesses to outsource components of their work to third party consultants. This is beneficial in two ways.

Firstly, businesses save costs due to fewer overheads in terms of office space and salary. Secondly, third party consultants specialize in certain aspects of business which makes them a lot more productive and efficient in executing tasks.

Business consulting

Consulting is quite often the way that professionals in 9-to-5 jobs dabble with entrepreneurship for the first time.

Setting up your consulting firm can be confusing at first. In this article, we will take a broad look at the various steps that go into launching your own consulting firm.…

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Four Outlets for Outsourcing: Save Time, Money, and Sanity

The cogs that make up the business machine are often too much to handle for a small group let alone a sole proprietor. There simply isn’t enough time in the day.

The suggested solution is to manage your energy.


Energy is a finite source – time will keep ticking. You wish you could do it all but you can’t. This leads to an expansion of the business which comes with new headaches to be had in the hiring and management process. Those energy reserves are certainly getting low now.

The solution? It’s time to outsource for the big wins.


Logistics, the management of delivering the product, accounts for a sizeable time and money chunk of business operations.…

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How to Improve Customer Outreach and Your Business Reputation

Communicating with customers is an important part of running a business. If you want a healthy cash flow, you need to understand and effectively conduct customer outreach. Especially if you are selling products online, like this exclusive 100% Kona Coffee from Greenwell Farms. The perfect coffee for every coffee lover. But, without effective communication with the customer, Greenwell Farms would leave money on the table. Luckily their customer communication skills are excellent.

Customer outreach

Customer outreach is meant to benefit your business and encourage more people to buy from you. But, it can end up hurting your business reputation if it isn’t carried out right.…

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