What Makes an Ideal Office? (Infographic)

Office environments vary depending on the size of business and industry, but at the end of the day, everyone has their own view on what an ideal office would be like. Ensuring that employees are happy in their working environment is extremely important as happiness is the main contributor to a productive and motivated team. Cezanne HR carried out a survey to establish what Britain would deem as their ideal office, taking a huge variety of factors in to consideration.

Happy office

What makes an ideal office

How can you create the best office environment for your employees? Well, it might be time to consider allowing minimal supervision, as being micro-managed is one of Britain’s largest office annoyances!

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How to Effortlessly Control and Track Your Inventory

Savvy inventory management is crucial to streamlining business operations, meeting customer demand, and improving profitability. While many business owners start selling without a clear inventory strategy in mind, keeping track of and controlling inventory levels effectively is vital to growing over the long term.

Inventory management

Here are some of the inventory management considerations every retailer or wholesaler should know.

Key inventory management stages

Foundation: Inventory management should start with a fundamental system of categorizing and naming products. Giving each product an SKU (stock keeping unit) ensures all your inventory is uniquely identifiable and easily tracked. SKUs can easily be created for products using an SKU generator.…

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3 Ways To Make Your Business Meetings More Productive

The last things anyone wants is to leave a meeting feeling like they haven’t accomplished anything. Or worse, feeling like they’ve taken a step backward or are more confused than ever. If this seems to be frequently happening within your company, it’s time you reassess how you handle meetings and implement ways to improve these meetings.

Productive meeting

While having a room set aside for meetings can be helpful, it’s what happens in those rooms that’s going to have the most impact on their ultimate success. So to help you with this, here are three ways you can make your business meetings more productive.…

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Ximble Review: Fast and Simple Employee Scheduling Software

Managing your employee schedule is one of the important tasks that you may need to handle. It involves a lot of responsibilities to handle. Rescheduling, vacations, and assignments are some of the major tasks you need to take care of. Almost all organizations invest a lot in these operations.

How about a software that can make these tasks simpler and faster?

Ximble screenshot

Ximble Employee Scheduling Software is one of the able software tools that are capable of doing it.

Ximble – An Overview

As you have understood it already, Ximble is an Employee Scheduling App that can be used for employee scheduling and time tracking.…

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3 Simple Things You Must Do to Create a Rock-Solid Business Plan

Many people dream of becoming an entrepreneur — and making the millions that can come with owning a business. The only problem: There’s a huge gap between dreams and what it takes to make them a reality. That’s probably the main reason why 8 in 10 new businesses fail within 18 months of opening their doors.

Business planning

To navigate this gap and stack the cards in your favor, you need a plan — and a good one, at that — but you already know that. While most people realize they need a plan, they usually forget that it needs to cover certain key ingredients.…

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How to Deal with Business Pests

Just like a home, businesses are prone to having “uninvited guests” on the premises. Ants, mice, roaches, termites, water bugs, spiders, and the like can wreak havoc on your establishment without a moment’s notice. As the presence of these pests grow, infestations begin which can lead to serious problems. Not only can it lead to a ruined reputation and the loss of good customers, but it could also result in health risks and law suits.

Rodents in the kitchen

Food Service Industry

Do you own a restaurant? If you do, you should know that pest control is required whether you’ve seen signs that there are insects or rodents present or not.…

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5 Essential Packaging Elements that Always Get Overlooked

With the commerce largely moving to the Internet, the competition for any type of product is incredibly strong. However, there’s one thing that can help you stand out from the rest: packaging. In the age of e-commerce, the packaging is the only direct contact between your brand and your client, save for the product.

You know what they say, first impressions are everything!

Packaging elements

That said, companies that offer custom packaging solutions like The Box Co-op make it easier to come up with a perfect package for your product. However, there are several things brands overlook when choosing the best package for their product.…

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Poop Pollution: 4 Reasons Businesses Should Be Concerned About It

No businessperson wants to worry about poop. Out of all the things entrepreneurs and startups think about, poop’s impact on the environment is often at the bottom of the list, because it’s not a sexy or exciting topic. Commercial septic tanks and wastewater reduction just aren’t business buzzwords in the same way that disruptive innovation or work-life balance are.

Poop pollution

So, while many businesses are rightly concerned by the impact they have on the environment, not enough businesses are considering the issue of poop pollution. However, they really should be, and here are a few reasons why.

1. The Wastewater The Average Business Produces Is Astronomical

The maths don’t lie.…

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How to Expand your Business into China

China is the world’s second largest economy, and is due to continue expanding, so it makes sense that businesses want to capitalise on the investment opportunities the country presents. With a population of over 1.3 billion, breaking into the Chinese market is attractive to almost every business, but there have been a number of famous companies that have tried, and failed, to expand in China.

This could be due to a lack of knowledge in how to localise and launch a business in China, or it could simply be because there simply isn’t a market for the company. According to the program director at Chinacelerator, a company which helps startups bridge the gap to the east Asian market, Oscar Ramos: “Ninety-nine per cent of companies who want to access China as a foreign company, shouldn’t.”…

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Tips for Attending Industry Conferences

So it’s time for your first industry conference, and you’re not sure what to expect. You know that hundreds, maybe even thousands, of people in your line of work will be gathered in one city for a few days of panels, trade shows, and schmoozing.

If you want to make the most of the experience, keep a few things in mind.

Industry conference


This is the biggest thing you can do at a conference. Don’t just hang out with your small group of coworkers; get outside your comfort zone.

When you get up in the morning, you should have a list of things you want to accomplish that day.…

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