4 Important Considerations When Switching from a Virtual Team to a Physical Office with Full-time Staff

For a virtual team that is transitioning to a rented office space and a full-time staff roster, there are many changes to accept. Some are obvious whereas others are a little unexpected when you haven’t previously had to think about those types of considerations.

From virtual office to physical office

It may surprise you, but both the internal and external areas of the office matter. The reason is simple – when visitors first drive up, what do they notice? The exterior creates a client’s first impression before they even reach the reception area on your floor of the building. The internal layout and decorations on your floor are not to be forgotten either.…

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Understanding the Top Challenges of Expense Management

At the macro level, there’s a lot affecting businesses when it comes to expense management. For example, international expansions and globalization are two elements that are influencing expense management, and also making these costs rise in many instances.

Expense management tips

According to the Global Business Travel Association, there will be an estimated four percent increase in costs this year, and businesses need to be prepared to address this general challenge, as well as many others.

One of the best ways to address most challenges of expense management is to choose the right expense report software. Along with keeping costs in check, the following are some of the other challenges businesses need to realize they’re likely facing, as they select expense management software.…

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Top Contract Management Tools for SMBs

When you’re running a business, it’s vital that you create contracts carefully, so so issues crop up in the future. While once entrepreneurs had to spend huge amounts of time preparing and issuing contracts, today, due to technology, there are all sorts of excellent tools available that make the process quicker and easier.

Contract management tools

Read on for some top contract management tools you can use plus some tips for selecting which is right for you.

Exari Contracts

When you’re after an easy-to-use contract lifecycle management tool, one for the top of the list is Exari Contracts. Its dashboard is user-friendly and makes it simpler for people to generate and manage self-service contracting.…

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Your Business and Inspiring Social Change

Everyday people form the backbone of charitable giving in the USA, but business is a driving force behind that, with the National Philanthropic Trust finding that charitable business assets totaled $85bn. A clear sign of the importance US corporations place on philanthropy, these numbers only increase as foundations like the Gates’ influence smaller companies. What, exactly, motivates business to give money away to those less fortunate?

Charity partnership

Brand and reputation are linked to charity but that’s not the only reason. It seems counterintuitive also to give money away freely, so money might not be the benefit. Instead, look at the stories of philanthropy, and how they inspire social change; in the end, everyone is benefited, including the business.…

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Different Types of Commercial Burglary Explained

There are no sure ways to prevent commercial burglary but there are ways to reduce the risk considerably. Before investing in the latest security systems, it is very important to know the different types of commercial burglary.

Commercial burglar

The City of London Police categorises commercial burglary into the following types:

Smash and grab

These burglaries literally involve smashing – typically the windows – and grabbing the most valuable items. According to the City of London Police, the so-called ‘smash and grab’ burglaries may also involve stolen cars being driven into the premises so that the burglars can force themselves inside and get away as soon as possible.…

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How Having Competitors Nearby Can Help Your Business Grow

Business owners in general avoid locations where there are competitive businesses, wrongfully assuming that the more similar businesses there are in the area the fewer clients/customers there will be for them. And naturally, fewer clients or customers translates more often than not into lower profits.

Competing shops

But even though this conviction may make sense at a first glance, it’s not entirely true. On the contrary, it has been proven that having competitors nearby can actually be beneficial and help your business grow.

Here are a few examples how you can benefit from choosing a business location within a short distance of your ‘business rivals’:

Attract more clients/customers

Areas with high concentration of similar businesses within a short distance from one another often tend to be associated with those particular businesses.…

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Virtual Office: Mail Service Only or Full-Fledged Service?

If you find yourself reading this, it’s likely you’ve been considering renting a virtual office for a while. Making the move to a virtual office is a decision that shouldn’t be taken lightly, just as you wouldn’t rent the first physical office your Realtor shows you. For all intents and purposes, the virtual facility you rent will be listed on your website, marketing materials, and government business registration profile.

Businesswoman working in a virtual office

Some CEOs rent a virtual office merely to legitimize the business, receive official mail, and have it forwarded from the virtual location to their actual location. However, that’s not all a virtual office service can offer.…

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How Much Can You Save when Using Virtual Office vs. Physical Office?

The goal of any business is to generate as much revenue as possible while servicing their customers to the very best of their ability. A virtual office is a great way to save tens of thousands of dollars per year in office expenses. Virtual office rental accomplishes this for many businesses by offering a physical office for important meetings, a private place to work as needed, and mail drop off/forwarding that adds a level of professionalism to any business.

Save money on staff

After all, where you reside says a lot to customers about how much value you can offer. Setting up a Virtual Headquarters, you get the prestige of the virtual location you rent, without all the expenses.…

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Virtual HQ in Australia: Sydney or Melbourne?

Ready for world domination? No business plan is complete without defining where your headquarters will be located. If you’re like many modern entrepreneurs, you’re interested in a virtual office. These virtual office spaces are hosted in physical spaces but offer a number of benefits that serve your business around the clock. It won’t matter where you are or what you’re doing; they offers Virtual Services you need to keep your company running 24/7.


You likely already have a list of reasons why you want a virtual headquarters, but now you’re delving into what could be your most serious decision yet. If you’re looking to put down a headquarters in Australia, you’ve undoubtedly got your eye on two of the country’s top cities: Sydney and Melbourne.…

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3 Ways Asset Tracking Efficiently Helps Your Business Get More Done

RFID tracking and QR tracking tags are two forms of technologies that make it easier and more time-efficient for tracking assets. Why is managing your assets efficiently, via automated processes and management software, instrumental in optimising the facility’s workday?

Asset tracking

If you have a few minutes to spare, I’d like to share a few ways with you about how asset tracking systems benefit your facility and organisation’s bottom-line income and profits (Not to mention making your workers’ lives easier.)

1. Keeping The Books Straight

Proper accounting (known as ‘balancing the books’). Whether you’re tracking digital assets, physical or intangible assets, having accurate books (in the hands of skilled accountants) is paramount for ensuring projects are completed on time.…

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