Curtain Pulled: Revealing the Role of a Business Broker

Business brokers are of great help when you are buying or selling a business. They serve as the middleman between you and the other parties involved. Their knowledge and expertise help facilitate successful transactions. What tasks might they take on?

Business broker

Valuing Businesses For Sale

You should always meet with a business broker to have the organization valued. They appropriately apply accepted valuation methods like discounted cash flows, comparable transactions, and precedent transactions. Their expertise allows them to accurately assess the marketability and fair market value of a company.

They offset your natural bias and provide a neutral perspective on the company’s worth.…

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Succession Planning Remains an Afterthought for Many Companies

Succession planning isn’t at the forefront of every business leader’s mind, but it should be. If you’re an executive leading a company, you will likely depart at some point.

In an ideal world, you would have that day all mapped out. However, too many CEOs, presidents, and founders left their positions without implementing a succession plan. The outcome often involves a combination of confusion and chaos, leading to attrition and negative publicity.

Succession planning

This doesn’t just happen to small businesses. Howard Schultz formerly served as the CEO of Starbucks — three times. Schultz’s multiple returns to Starbucks highlight the challenges of finding a suitable replacement for a top leader within an organization.…

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Why your Company Can’t Afford to Skip Safety Protocols

Each year, thousands of workers are injured on the job throughout a variety of industries, including construction, carpentry, automotive, and even people who work regular office jobs.

For this reason, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) created a set of safety regulations that all businesses must follow. Most businesses do a good job of meeting these regulations, but sometimes safety gets skipped for the sake of convenience. This is always a bad idea.

Caution signage

image credit: Rawpixel / CC0

There are serious consequences for ignoring your company’s safety policies and procedures. Here’s why your business can’t afford to put convenience ahead of safety.…

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Key Factors to Consider When Hiring Shipping Containers

The modern economic system owes its entire existence to shipping containers. The modern supply chain would not exist without them, and we could not handle the logistics necessary to sustain 21st-century living standards.

Shipping containers

photo credit: Paul Teysen / Unsplash

Shipping containers protect our cargo in several ways, ensuring smooth transport from one part of the world to the other. They are designed for intermodal transport, which means transporting a set of goods in a steel container using various modes of transportation, such as truck and rail. So they can survive both land and sea voyages without causing damage to the goods.…

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Stagnation is Scary: The CEO’s Struggle with Stagnant Small Business Sales

In the world of entrepreneurship, the ultimate goal is often to see steady growth and expansion. However, there is a situation that can be even scarier for small business owners than witnessing their sales plummet – stagnation. When sales become stagnant, neither increasing nor decreasing, it can send shivers down the spine of even the most seasoned CEOs.


In this article, we will explore why stagnation is a terrifying prospect for small business owners and the challenges they face when their businesses appear to be running like well-oiled machines but aren’t growing.

The Illusion of Stability

At first glance, stagnant sales might seem like a blessing in disguise.…

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Why you Should Compare your Business to The Competition

Although many of us are advised not to compare ourselves to others, when it comes to running a business, comparison is key. It’s imperative that business owners continue to assess their competitors so that they get a better understanding of how their respective market operates on a regular basis. But, with so many aspects to consider, it can be hard for some entrepreneurs to know where to start.

Business strategy

As such, this article will discuss the importance of comparing yourself to others when running a business.

1. Improves Your Customer Service Strategy

Whether you work in a brick-and-mortar store or run a bustling e-commerce platform, keeping customers happy is probably one of your main goals.…

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Building Relationship Capital Through Personalized Service 

With the rise in competition, endless shopping options both online and in-person, and evolving customer expectations, the value of having customer relationship capital cannot be overstated. These relationships transcend immediate transactional exchanges with customers. They focus on nurturing long-term connections and customer relationships that cultivate long-term brand loyalty and awareness.

Listening to customer

In discerning relationship-building interactions from day-to-day communications with customers, the defining factor lies in the overarching aim of the interaction. For example, day-to-day communication typically lacks the forward-looking mindset essential for true relationship-building. Rather than investing time to understand the customer and their unique interests, day-to-day interactions are often narrowly focused on addressing immediate needs and finalizing transactions.…

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Building Community Resilience with Shop Local Initiatives

Retailers and e-commerce companies dominate the market, so understanding the value of supporting small businesses and purchasing locally is critical. Beyond their immediate benefits, shopping locally significantly influences our lives.

Shop local

As globalization progresses, community resilience becomes crucial in enabling local communities to overcome economic, social, and environmental challenges. The “Shop Local” initiative/movement is the cornerstone of this resilience, ensuring patronage of local businesses.

Community Resilience and Shop Local Movements

To understand community resilience, it’s essential to recognize that communities are dynamic systems with interconnected parts. Collaborating and working together strengthens social networks and builds stronger communities. The “Support/Shop Local” movement, gaining popularity for a while, became more significant during the pandemic as it disrupted global supply chains and impacted the economy.…

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3 Tips for Organizing Your Messy Garage

Is your garage a cluttered mess? You aren’t alone. It’s easy for your home’s garage to become disorganized, messy, and cluttered over time; however, there are things you can do to get organized fast so you can enjoy your garage without the help of Garage Pros KC. Today, we will be sharing a few unique strategies for decluttering even the most disorganized garages, so you can store your vehicles and enjoy extra storage space in no time. Keep reading to learn more.

Motorbike garage

photo credit: SplitShire / Pixabay

1. Create a Plan for Organization

Organizing any space in your home can be a daunting task, and a cluttered garage is no exception.…

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Essentials of Innovation: How Businesses Stay Ahead in Dynamic Markets

In the fast-paced and ever-evolving business landscape, staying ahead of your competition is not just a goal but a necessity. Dynamic markets demand constant adaptation, and businesses that fail to innovate risk becoming obsolete.

This article will explore the essentials of innovation and how companies can leverage it to maintain a competitive edge in dynamic markets.

Business meeting discussing innovation

photo credit: 089photoshootings/ Pixabay

Understanding the Dynamics of Modern Markets

Before delving into the essentials of innovation, it’s crucial to understand the dynamics of modern markets. Rapid technological advancements, changing consumer behaviors, and global interconnectedness have transformed the business environment. Traditional business models are being disrupted, and new players are entering the scene with innovative solutions.…

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