How Much Office Space Do You Really Need?

The cost of renting office space has spiralled over the past year. In 2017, the global flexible office market has grew by over 18% and this growth has continued to soar in 2018. Recent research has revealed New York City to be the most expensive place in the world to rent a desk, with San Francisco, Chicago, Sydney, Los Angeles, and London rounding off the top six.

Spacious office space

With rising office space costs, it’s becoming increasingly important to ensure you’re only renting the space your business needs. According to analysis by Philips Lighting, businesses around the world can save a total of £1.11 trillion in reduced office costs, by simply reducing the number of empty workspaces and meeting rooms in their offices.…

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How to Know Your Business Is Ready to Go Remote

The workplace of tomorrow will probably look like your living room or home office. Or maybe even a local coffee shop. It will look like anything except an office, whether it’s a traditional one with cubicles or the modern one with lots of open space.

Remote working

Remote working is one of the most important business trends this year. It is also one of the things employees want from their employers the most, along with increased bonuses.

Remote business or team setups can be very rewarding. “From the beginning I’ve been designing the dream job, in fact Cloud LGS was born in a coffeeshop.…

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Business Advice: Starting, Maintaining, Streamlining

There are many different phases and stages of a business. If you can’t figure out how to work through all of them, of then there isn’t much chance of you having a completely independent entity that exists over time. That’s why you need to look at each of those phases individually even while you are doing your initial planning.

Busy business development team

There is the startup phase. There is the period where you have to figure out how to keep your business going. Once established, you have to become more competitive. Also, it’s essential that you remember that you always need to flex with the times rather than being too static about how you approach different business challenges.…

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Being Comfortable In Your Company Working Environment

One thing that you have to do to run a successful business is to make sure that the idea of comfort is handled properly. Your employees need to be comfortable. Your clients need to be comfortable. Also, there are different kinds of happiness you need to look into. Physical comfort is one. Mental and emotional satisfaction is another. So you need to go through each one and ensure that you’re doing as much as possible to create the best environment in your workplace.

Healthy business environment with happy employees

Fortunately, there are ways that can facilitate that; one example would be allyship training, which is purposed to train employees in such a way that each individual in the workplace can support each other in an effective way.…

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Should You Purchase a Vehicle for Your Small Business?

One study estimated the “average cost of starting a new business from scratch at just over $30,000.” Additionally, research has found that the “average small business invests about 1 percent of its revenues into advertising.” It’s obvious that starting and running a small business is not cheap.

Company car

Many small business owners are forced to make important decisions on essential spending each and every day. Every dollar saved can help a business stay afloat, especially if it is a newer small business. When faced with making a larger purchase, there usually has to be many significant advantages in making the purchase.…

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Successful People Follow These 7 Productivity Rules

While there’s no such thing as an ideal, mold-making businessperson, successful entrepreneurs and executives share certain traits in common.

Productivity is one such trait.

Productive businesswoman works in a cafe

Whether you’re doing your best to climb the corporate ladder ahead of schedule or working to turn your big idea into a big employer, you’ll find a streamlined schedule smooths the road ahead. Follow these seven productivity-boosting tips and good things might just happen.

1. Don’t Let Email Take Over Your Life

There’s an email management tip for everyone. It doesn’t really matter how you choose to manage your inbox clutter, as long as you do it well and consistently.…

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When Does Office Security Turn Into an Invasion of Privacy?

Offices around the UK need to step up their security game, according to the most recent statistics. There has been a 145% rise in incidents of malware and DDoS attacks to commercial servers across all sectors, and the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry noted that 47% of London businesses have been victim of some form of crime in the past year.

Office privacy

Yet when it comes to both cybersecurity and physical security for offices, many employees don’t actually know what their rights are. Despite workplace monitoring of internet use being perfectly legal, a recent Broadband Genie survey showed that only 21% of workers were aware of this fact.…

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3 Changes to Boost Office Productivity

Every company wants to be profitable, and productive employees are key to that success. But how can small business leaders help their workforces become more productive?

Hard working leader

One way is to consider creating a non-sedentary workplace, which research shows can improve group performance. A study conducted by researchers at Washington University in St. Louis found that when people worked on creative tasks in an environment that encouraged standing versus sitting, they increased collaboration and achievement.

It’s clear that the energy of the environment affects productivity. Small business leaders need to begin thinking more comprehensively about how the modern office factors into the success of employees and businesses alike.…

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How to Say No in the Business World: 4 Tips


It’s one of the simplest words in the English language. Two letters, one syllable, incredibly commonplace. In fact, it even transcends language. Whether you’re in the jungles of South America, the city lights of Paris, or the plains of the United States, your audience knows exactly what you mean when you say no.

Say no

Why, then, is it so difficult to tell someone no – particularly in the business world? Why would we much rather say yes, even when no is the correct statement? These are questions worth exploring – so let’s take a look.

Why We Avoid Saying No

We all have our own unique reasons for saying no – many of them specific to the situation or scenario at hand – but it often comes down to one of three factors: fear of conflict, unwillingness to disappoint, and a desire to fit in.…

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How Using Business Self Storage Can Benefit Your Company

It’s a little known fact, but self storage is a godsend for small businesses and ecommerce companies worldwide. These handy units give companies the flexibility, security, accessibility, and space-saving ability that all modern businesses rely on for successful operation – and all at an affordable price.

Self storage

Self storage units are valuable for a broad range of commercial applications – including business storage, retail storage, document/file storage, office storage, or stock storage.

To find a reputable storage provider, see those recommended by an authoritative organisation – if you’re looking for self storage companies in the UK, for example, search your postcode on the Self Storage Association website.…

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