Moving with the Times: 6 Reasons Why You Should Digitalize Your Business Model

You can’t sit down and assume that your business is going to grow like wildfire if you haven’t adopted a digital business model. To be frank with you, it is a waste of time to continue hoping that your business will grow some day without a digital business model.

Digital business model

If you have been listening to what’s going on in the world recently, you’ve already heard about digital marketing, digital landscape, and digital workforce. But have you thought why those phrases have the most searches online?

Below are 6 reasons why you should digitalize your business model:

1. Mobile is Ubiquitous

The number of people using mobile phones across the world has grown and is likely to increase in the future.…

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How to Improve your Business’ Credit Score

While business confidence levels in the UK have remained relatively high in recent times, it appears as though the looming spectre of Brexit is finally beginning to take its toll. Most tellingly, the ICAEW Business Confidence Monitor showed that sentiment declined sharply at the beginning of the fourth quarter, falling to -12.3 in October. To put this into perspective, it’s the lowest level since April 2009, when the country was managing the fall-out from the great recession.

business credit score

While entrepreneurs may be growing increasingly concerned as Brexit approaches, however, it’s important that they take practical steps to safeguard their ventures. One of the most important measures is to improve (or at least consolidate) your credit score, so following are some simple steps to help you achieve this goal.…

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Green Focus: 4 Tips to Make Your Business Eco-Friendly

Corporate social responsibility is a big deal, and not just for the large multinationals. For SMEs and startups, an eco-friendly focus brings financial benefits, and garners a positive reputation in the marketplace. Consumers are increasingly conscious of a supplier’s green credentials, and will be more likely to choose a company that has policies of protecting natural resources. Going green also creates ensures long term jobs for employees, while preventing unnecessary environmental damage.

Go Green

Image Credit: AIO-CIO/Flickr

Here are some ways to give your business a green focus in a way that will leave your customers with no doubt that you are serious about championing sustainability.…

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Supporting Employees through Financial Difficulties

While many of us still think that people who are working can’t really get into financial difficulties, it’s no longer the case. Employed people are just as likely as the unemployed to be struggling with personal debt, especially as wage rises aren’t keeping up with inflation now.

Facing financial trouble

The average amount of personal debt in the UK is £30,000 and in the US it’s $140,000. While for some this may be manageable, for others it’s an all-consuming nightmare than affects their home and work life.

Employers have a duty of care to employees here

You may, as an employer, believe that it’s not your problem if an employee is struggling in this way, but it is, at least partly.…

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Diversity In The Workplace And Its Effect On Well-Being

It is safe to say that whether recruiters are convinced by the argument for equality or not, there is a tangible effect a diverse workforce has on the well-being of the workplace in general and the individuals it comprises. In fact, in purely business terms, research from McKinsey have found that diverse businesses deliver 35% better results than non-diverse business.

workplace diversity

A diverse working environment promotes acceptance, respect and teamwork, despite differences in race, age, gender, native language, political beliefs, religion, sexual orientation or communication styles among employees.

Effort is required to get it right.

It takes a deliberate effort to achieve a diverse workforce, given the landscape of the workforce and the availability of labour.…

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5 Surprising Ways to Deal with Difficult People

It is not very easy to deal with difficult people, that’s for sure. Let’s imagine the next situation. Your boss instructed you to head your team of four, organize a meeting, plan a product launch, and “ensure that it is 100% successful.” You and two of the team members are easygoing, but the other one is problematic. In fact, they’re such difficult people that they are hard to deal with.

tips to deal with difficult people

For one thing, in fact, they do not have any ideas on how to make this project flawless. For another, they do not agree with your options and are ready to contest everything that you offer.…

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6 Tips to Create Your Own Zen Room

In this day and age, we’re constantly on the go and trying to keep up with our jobs, relationships, health and more. Technological advances also mean that we’re always connected on our smartphones, computers, tablets etc. With such a busy lifestyle, it’s important that we have a space for ourselves where we can just relax, unwind and disconnect.

Tips to create a zen room

Below, we offer 6 tips to create your own Zen room – a restful, serene and restorative space just for you.

1. Select Natural and Light Fabrics

One of the most basic foundations of a Zen room is utilizing natural and light fabrics that are also comfortable.…

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4 Smart Tips to Create Financial Buffers in Your Business

If you own or manage a company, it’s essential that you give yourself financial buffers whenever possible. Business income and expenses are always in a state of ebb and flow, and you don’t want to get caught having to pay for something business-related when you don’t have the money and can’t get the capital easily to secure some necessary part of your company structure.

Tips to create financial buffers in order to protect your business.

Financial buffers can be in several different realms. You need to make sure that you manage your inventory properly. You should protect against legal situations. Your company needs to be prepared to scale up and down. And, there are lots of financial benefits to outsourcing as you need it.…

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Smart Business Decisions To Keep Your Company Competitive

If you want to keep your company competitive, not only will you have to have a fantastic product or service, but you’re also going to have to have a backbone of incredibly smart business decisions. If you are at the top end of your company, it may be up to you to make those decisions. Or, if you’re more at the worker level, you can recommend to your managers that they start shaping up.

How to stay competitive in business

There are several different perspectives that you can approach smart business decisions from. You can use project management professionals to help you out. You can install intelligent software in the appropriate places.…

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Sole Proprietors: How to Appear Bigger to Your Future Clients and Partners?

“The bigger the better” is a phrase we’re all familiar with. It’s true too, no matter how much many of us wish it weren’t so. The first thing you’re supposed to do when you see a bear in the woods is to lift your arms high, puff up your chest as big as you can, and yell as loud as your voice box will allow. Many in the animal kingdom have also learned this trick, such as the peacock who use their massive tail feathers to make themselves appear bigger to predators, and each other.

Appear bigger to clients

As humans, we’re told to “fake it til’ you make it” because it’s a well-known fact that if you can effectively pull off looking the part of a big shot, you might just get lucky enough to actually make it to the big time.…

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