Ways to Deal with Negative Comments About Your Business Online

It is inevitable that you to face some people in your life that will try everything to destroy your business, as some will spread false information to prevent people from benefitting from what you have to offer. However, you can’t let them win and end the day controlling the narrative, so here are some ways to minimize the impact of their comments and come out strong.

Businessman dealing with negative comments

Determine who posted the comments

You can check if the comments came from a suspicious account. If it has, the said comment might probably be from your opponents and you’ll need to deal with the problem head-on and tell the truth.…

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Is It Time to Find a New PEO for Your Small Business?

The benefits of using a PEO (professional employer organization) for small business are undeniable. However, not all PEO services are equal, so you need to reevaluate your partnership regularly.

Professional Employer Organization (PEO) staff

Does the company provide the exact type of help you need? Has your business outgrown its capabilities? Are there better offers available? Answering all these and some other important questions will help find the best PEO for you and ensure your business gets maximum of the benefits these services can offer.

Do You Need to Change Your PEO? 4 Signs to Watch Out For

1. The cost is getting too much

The majority of PEOs charge a fee per employee, but there are usually many factors affecting the total amount you have to pay.…

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When Should You Outsource a Business Task?

As your business grows, you’ll encounter dozens of important tasks and responsibilities that must be handled in order to keep operations running smoothly. And, in many cases, one of the toughest parts is knowing when to outsource.

Business operations and management

The Pros and Cons of Outsourcing

Outsourcing is simply the act of assigning a business responsibility, challenge, or need to someone outside of the company. In some cases, it’s a smart idea. In other situations, it makes much more sense to handle the task in-house. So before diving much deeper into this discussion, let’s examine some of the pros and cons of outsourcing.…

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Beyond the Cubicle: Deskless Workforce Getting Left Behind

Somewhere in the neighborhood of 3 billion (80%) of the global workforce now works in a deskless environment.

Deskless warehouse manager

Strange, when one considers the digital shift that’s been occurring these last two decades, with many physical labor jobs having been replaced by automation technology and apps that can do the most complicated of tasks. Traditional deskless jobs still abound with people still working while on the move in construction, transportation services, retail, and healthcare – all sans-desk.

Changing landscapes in the workplace

Gen X worked so hard to become a generation of office drones sitting at a desk and changing the world from behind their computer and talking on their old-school phones.…

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5 Processes Every Business Owner Should Automate

Across all industries, automation has become a critical factor in a business’ success. According to a study conducted by Gleanster, almost 80% of top-performing companies use automation for marketing and have done so for years.

Business process automation

What’s great about automation is that it can be used by companies of all types. Big corporations, startups, small companies, and even freelancers can benefit from incorporating automation in many business processes, to include capturing leads, communicating with customers, and completing routine tasks in the office.

When processes are automated, business owners can devote more time and energy towards growing the business and ensuring it stays on the right path.…

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Still Using Manual Processes? 5 Reasons To Automate Your Systems Today

Businesses from every industry use automated systems to some degree, whether it’s automated payment processing, point-of-sale systems, or simple invoicing software. No business is too small to benefit from automation. However, many small businesses have been slow to adopt automation. Perhaps it seems too technical for some, or maybe they’re afraid of change.

Business owner using automation software

If you’re hanging onto manual methods to run your business, let the following reasons be an invitation to consider automation:

1. Not using automated systems will keep you in the past

There will come a time when your old software applications no longer function. You know, the applications you downloaded as freeware back in 1996?…

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5 Business Vehicle Considerations You Need to Make

When using a vehicle for business purposes, there are a lot of things to consider. These include taxes, mileage deductions, depreciation expenses and whether to use a personal or business car.

Businesswoman gets out of a business car

Just like any aspect of your business and personal life, it is important to keep vehicle and other expenses separate. So before you start using a car for your business, address these five issues first.

1. The Driver

The driver is one of the most important things to consider when using a vehicle for business purposes. Will the owners, staff members or both drive the vehicle for business? Business owners obviously have more control over their driving behavior than that of staff members.…

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Fact Or Faux? Myths About Coworking

When perusing coworking sites online, it is very easy to assume that the coworking space is one of fun and frivolity. Images of professionals standing around an after-hours cocktail bar or chatting amicably around a conference table can give the impression that coworking is a big scene. This is just one of the major misconceptions about the popular office format, which has already taken traction in places like Wellington and Auckland.

Coworking misconceptions

Other misconceptions related to coworking involve definitions of it as being shared space, which has also been around forever. Then, there is this whole idea that major cities are the only places where coworking professionals can thrive.…

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A Simple Guide To Managing Short Term Property Rentals

Managing short term property rentals is becoming easier and more profitable with every passing year. With technology and automation, this shared-economy business model is both welcoming and lucrative. However, it’s a good bet if you’re reading this, you’re not looking for a side gig or a hobby.

Rent unused property for profit

You can make a fortune running a short term property rental business by prepping as much as possible before opening the doors to your first guest. The following are a collection of expert tips and strategy that are guaranteed to help you build and scale your short-term rental empire.

Short-Term Property Management: A Brief Guide

Are you ready to run a business?…

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5 Skills Social Media Managers Should Nurture Without Much Ado

It goes without saying, the social media industry is growing in leaps and bounds and so are social media jobs. Not surprisingly, Linkedin is swarming with 18,000+ social media gurus. But then, tell me one thing, how many of these are *real* social media gurus?

Social media manager on the job

Don’t get me wrong. In principle, there are people who are holding relevant social media job profiles. But, the explosion in social media marketing space has led to so many made-up social media job titles as well. In a way, it was expected. But then, remember, simply tweeting your everyday office activities or Instagramming your office tours won’t suffice if you are looking for a role of social media manager.…

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