3 Essential Employee Investments to Boost Your Business

Customer satisfaction should obviously be one of your company’s most significant priorities, and while it’s vital that you keep them happy, it’s important that you look inwards too. Your staff is your most crucial assets as, even with an incredible product or service, success is hard to come by without a happy, high-performing team. As Richard Branson once famously said: “Employees come first. If you take care of your employees, they will take care of the clients.”

Team development through employee investments

While it can be difficult to focus on team development amidst the day-to-day pressures of running a business, you’ll be rewarded for taking the time to do so.…

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5 Ways To Grow Your Small Business

Whether you are launching a startup or have spent several years establishing your business, growth is essential for success. Every small business, regardless of which industry it is in, benefits from generating new clients as well as encouraging repeat customers to purchase products or services again.

Boutique owners discussing strategy

Implementing these five strategies is an excellent way to grow your business quickly to help it reach its full potential.

Develop a Comprehensive Understanding of Your Target Audience

Before you even launched your business, you determined who your target audience was. However, it is not enough simply to know who your products or services appeal to.…

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4 Strategies for Inspiring and Guiding Your Team

Not every leader has the foresight or faith of Norm Miller, which is perhaps why Gallup’s research indicates that only 14% of workers feel inspired to grow after receiving performance reviews. Yet Miller’s not exactly radical; he just takes a fresh approach to managing a workforce.

CEO guiding team in a meeting

As Interstate Batteries’ board chairman and former CEO, Miller leads from a humble, centered place. Not only does he shower his employees with resources and investment, but he carries his religious beliefs wherever he goes. It’s a beautiful blend of fiscal and people stewardship that’s resulted in a $2 billion company fueled by his creativity, risk tolerance, and spirituality.…

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5 Ways to Improve your Skills as a Business Leader

If you are a business manager or leader, it is important to stay ahead of the game in your niche. It can be all too easy to become stuck in a set way of thinking and carrying out business processes, yet being flexible and adaptable to change is essential if a business is to thrive in a changing market.

Business leadership skills

Here are some quick tips to sharpen and improve your skills as a business leader.

1. An Open Mind

Being open-minded means that, as a business leader, you are available to new opportunities and ways of doing things. Even if some of your business processes are already successful, it doesn’t mean they can’t be improved upon.…

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9 Pro Tips to Improve Sales Operations Efficiency

No matter how good your product or service is, without a good sales strategy you can’t achieve much. Here are tips to improve your sales operations efficiency.

Sales operations efficiency

Do you have a product or service that you believe is a game-changer in your field? Are you trying to come with the best way to make it known to the rest of the world?

If so, then you must first come up with a reliable sales strategy so that you can do as much business as possible right away. The goal here is to build your sales operations with a team that knows what it’s doing and consideration for all factors that all more people to notice your offerings.…

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The Leadership New Teachers Need to Flourish

A key factor steering the economic growth of any country is a knowledge-driven workforce and the significance of the teaching profession towards the same cannot be underrated. Teachers play a vital role in building a strong human capital base and shaping the future of a country. However, while there is the need to recruit and retain quality teachers, there is a growing concern across the globe with regard to the attrition rate.

Accentuating teacher leadership role

Research put forth by the U.S. Department of Education suggests that 17 per cent of new teachers leave the classroom within 5 years. This has led to a decline in instruction quality, making it necessary to adopt strategies that improve teacher recruitment and retention.…

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Here’s What You Need to Know About Content Syndication & How to Get Started

Content syndication is a great way for business owners and/or bloggers to capitalize on audiences that other publishers have already built. With this strategy, you can benefit from additional opportunities, and even sales.

Content syndication tips

If you want to establish thought leadership in your niche, you need as many eyes on your content as possible. With content syndication, you can achieve this. Here’s what you need to know:

What is Content Syndication?

One of the first things you’ll need to know is what exactly content syndication is. Content syndication is a method where content that you’ve created is pushed to other sites as well.…

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Shifting Methods: 4 Ways to Take the Stress Out of Shift Planning

A well-staffed shift does not happen by coincidence, it’s engineered through smart shifting methods and efficient planning. Shift planning should be something that adds value to the function of your business, rather than slowing it down. If shift planning is taking you or your management away from crucial work and opportunities for improvement, here are some tried and tested shifting methods that will ensure productive days and reduced administration requirements.

Two managers planning work schedule

1. Retire the paper pushing

The familiar paper timesheet and roster have faded away in recent years, and what a miracle that is. These paper solutions have made way for more reliable shift planning tools.…

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Do You Know The Definition of WINNING?

That is what I would like to ask you right now… If you don’t know the definition of “winning” how can you ever be a winner? ~I would like to share a few of my ideals on how people win and help you find out subconsciously what “winning” means to you. After all, isn’t that what winning is all about… what it means to you!

Group of entrepreneurs holding their hands up as winners

5 ways I think about winning are:

1. You Win When You Are Comfortable.

This is the person who feels that sense of accomplishment. His primary goal is to go through life as comfortably as possible.…

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Best Tech Devices for Small Business Offices

In today’s competitive business environment, every business is striving to raise its efficiency and productivity to gain an edge over others. What can you, as the owner of a small business, do to achieve that feat? One of the obvious ways to augment your productivity is by equipping your office with devices that will ensure faster, smoother and more organised workflow. Here are some of the best devices that will definitely make your work less hectic and more enjoyable.

Asus BRT-AC828 router

In the digital age, reliable high-speed internet connectivity is an inevitable requirement for most small businesses. Therefore, it is imperative for small business owners to invest in a superior quality router which can fulfil their needs.…

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