Managing Your Working Relationship With a Supplier

As with any business deal, the relationship you have with your manufacturing plant needs to be nurtured to ensure it’s both long-lasting and beneficial for both parties. This isn’t simply about being nice either, it’s in your company’s interests to build strong relationships. While it doesn’t guarantee benefits like more favourable rates, faster service, and the chance to gain knowledge in a related industry, you’re prospects will certainly be improved if you can remain on good terms.

Building customer-supplier relationship

Business owners who take suppliers for granted can quickly find themselves last on the list when it comes to inventory arrivals. This not only leads to a breakdown in communication, but the extra stress it brings will be a major detriment to your business.…

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Flames in your Office – How to Avoid Them

You lock up your office for the evening, head home, have some food and sink off to sleep. But all through the night, as your open eyes and stare at the ceiling, you can’t help but think that something doesn’t feel right.

It’s only when driving your convertible up to your workplace that you notice your big mistake. Smoke billows from your office’s roof, ash impinges on the air and crowds have formed around police cordons.

Building on fire

A fire has raged through your workplace in the night – and there’s so much you could have done to stop it.

Questions rush through your head – what if someone had been trapped in there?…

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How to Grow Your Business By Unlocking Your Employees’ Potential

If you’re thinking about how to grow your company to the next level–and if you’re a CEO, the chances are pretty good you are–you’re likely preoccupied with a number of different growth targets. You’re thinking about how to scale your business. You’re thinking about better marketing your business, and you’re thinking about new business development.

Unlocking employee potential

But as someone who has been through the type of growth that transitions a company from small to mid-sized (and growing), I recommend you also make a point of focusing on one key element that it’s vital you protect: The talent contained within your existing employees.…

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4 Tips to Be a Great CEO

If you are the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of your company, no matter how good you are at your job, you could always be doing things a little bit better. Being a CEO is a job that has a great deal of pressure. After all, you are responsible for making the big decisions that will determine the success or failure of your company. This will also impact the lives of all your employees.

Great CEO

There are many things that make a person a great CEO. But it is rare to find a person with all of these qualities. Nevertheless, greatness is worth pursuing, and it should be the endeavor of every CEO.…

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Commercial Finance Brokers: Understanding Risk Management

Trade finance brokers are laden with a huge amount of responsibility when it comes to choosing the correct avenue of financing for their customers. Every morsel of advice given to customers could either lead to a road of success or come back to bite you. So the importance of risk management is pretty substantial in any case.

Risk management tips

If you are the CEO of a commercial finance company, not only does the ability to identify risks help you protect your customer’s assets, but it will also protect your business from ugly legal upshots. Trade finance risk management is all about covering your team, as well as giving your customer the best possible chance to survive or grow within their industry / market.…

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Why Should a CEO Care About Employer Brand?

CEOs have many things to occupy their attention. There’s share price, growth, profit levels, competitors and new product development. Why should they add Employer Brand to their list? Isn’t it just another fad? Perhaps they remember the noise around CSR a few years ago that has now become a faint whisper? Will the same happen to the term Employer Brand?

Employer branding

To decide its value, it might be useful to explore the impact of being seen as a great employer with a strong Employer Brand.


The economy seems to be improving almost daily. After the last few recessionary years, it may be tempting for a company to think that it can recruit great people instantly.…

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Could Your Small Business be Acting Faster?

Small business startups know all-too-well the value of minutes and seconds in matters of money. Making a sale or sealing a contract often requires precise timing in getting the gears turning. The hard part is knowing when to start and at which r.p.m. each one should be set. Enterprises large and small spend considerable amounts of time looking over data and coordinating team member efforts before they act on the information learned therein.

Serious business meeting

Information. It’s what’s necessary for successful company actions. The faster you get it, the quicker you can make the decisions that make money. It’s no wonder small business have a reputation for being sleepless beings bent on sharing the experience with the team.…

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How Safe is your Company from Losing Credibility?

Carmakers that need to recall defective vehicles lose credibility. Multinational banks busted for bribing foreign officials lose credibility. And brand name designers busted for running sweatshops in third world countries lose credibility. People thinking of buying that product or using that service prefer to look elsewhere.

Thumb up for being credible

There is nothing more damaging to a company than loss of credibility. It’s more than a loss of face from bad press, it also loss of valuable market share. For large companies, it could mean millions in loss. For small to medium companies, it could mean struggling to stay in business. And for startups, it’s often the kiss of death.…

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Five Reasons to Set Up Your Virtual Business in Singapore

If you think it takes money and power to create a successful business, think again. It takes the right skill set, the right ideas, and knowing how to leverage your resources. For this reason, location is king for start-ups. Virtual business services can help you get your business off the ground for very little. Here are five little benefits Singapore virtual outsourcing provides that most business owners don’t suspect can save them money:

Commercial district Singapore

1. A Global Step to Big Business

Moving your business to a virtual office in Singapore is a huge step in moving to a global business setup. This is a relatively low-cost solution to branching out and can help you get a foothold and competitive advantage in making your business more marketable simply by diversifying your greatest assets, your personnel.…

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Inspire your team With an Innovative Workplace

There is nothing worse than walking through the doors of the same 9 to 5 job every day and feeling demotivated and uninspired. In such a repetitive environment it is easy to lose inspiration and see your work suffer as a result. That being said, one of the best ways to reinvigorate a work force is through workplace innovation.

Google innovative office

Workplace innovation aims to improve staff motivation and overall working conditions. It is considered that these positive changes will help to increase productivity and produce a more creative workforce.

Whether you are a large corporation with thousands of employees or a smaller company with a few part-time members of staff, workplace innovation can help to rejuvenate and inspire your workforce.…

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