Identifying and Removing Major Roadblocks in SMB Growth

Thousands of small business enterprises are being founded and closed every day in this modern era of startup. This makes almost every niche highly competitive and company growth needs to be fast and continuous, since even the smallest oscillations and breakdowns can cause major loss of customer trust.

Business growth

In this article I’ve reviewed some of the most common problems small business entrepreneurs face during their road to success.

1. Problem: Not having enough funds

This is a very common problem that affects many small businesses. In most cases good idea and hard work are not enough to turn innovative startup into a multi-million dollar business.…

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Small to Medium Sized Enterprises need Culture

Small to medium sized enterprises (SME) have long been noted as important economic engines of many countries and account for approximately half of GDP in the United States, yet this sector has continued to have mixed success and failure with such businesses having less than 50% chance of surviving five years! Despite this challenge most efforts to identify what leads to small firm success has been personal opinions or conjecture.

Great company culture

To gain a deeper real world understanding of what successful small businesses do to succeed I interviewed 29 owners and senior leaders of profitable and growing small firms that had been in business at least five years.…

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Tips to Nurture a Growth-Oriented Startup Culture

“A company’s culture is the foundation for future innovation. An entrepreneur’s job is to build the foundation”

– Brian Chesky, Airbnb.

Startup culture


For MNCs and other big players, having a great culture is just an additional feature, but for startups, having a great work culture – strong and growth-oriented, is a necessary element of success, be it for employee retention or for innovation.

Nurturing a growth-oriented culture is mainly dependant on the core values of the startup and the work force.

It is crucial to work on building your startup DNA early on. Here are some tips to build a strong work culture:


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5 Ways to help your Small Business Successfully Grow

As the owner of a small business, growth is at the forefront of your mind. Once you’ve established yourself as a local retailer and are making comfortable profits, the next step is growing your small business further.

Business growth

Here are 5 ways to help you grow your small business today:

1. Launch a new product

Although, ‘if it isn’t broke don’t fix it’ is a good business motto, a great way to try and grow your business is by launching a new product line. This doesn’t mean letting go of your original successful product but my launching a new line you’ll get the chance to attract new customers and create a buzz about your business again.…

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5 Success Tips from Donald Trump

Whether or not you agree with Donald Trump’s political views, there’s no denying his success in the business world. He’s one of the richest and most success business tycoons in America. He’s the owner of several companies and organizations, a powerful spokesperson, and a genius when it comes to entrepreneurship.

Donald Trump

According to Forbes, Trump is worth $4.5 billion and makes $250 million every year from his multiple business dealings. Trump Tower in Chicago is the fourth tallest building in the United States, surpassing the Empire State Building – a symbol of his wealth and power.

With all that success, Trump is a man worth listening to.…

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3 Ways to Make Your Small Business Blossom

Some of you might have already started your business and you’re officially ready to take it to the next step. What is that next step? There are many options, and it all depends on where you currently stand as a company, how many resources you have, and what kind of risks you’re willing to take.

Business possibilities

It’s important that you evaluate all of the options. You don’t want to do anything too rash that could hurt your chances of sticking around in the long run. Here are some things you can consider doing that can help take your business to the next step.…

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New Year’s Resolution for CEOs: How to Care Less About What Others Think

Whether you are a gardener or the CEO of an Inc 500 company, letting the opinions of others control every fiber of your being is unhealthy. Period.

I dont care what others think

Perhaps you drive a Toyota Hybrid instead of the Porsche you can afford because you don’t want to look like you think you’re all that. Or, perhaps you squeeze your savings dry to buy that Toyota Hybrid instead of taking the subway because you’re afraid that people will see you as a not-that-successful startup CEO?

If you are anything like the other 98 percent of the people who reside on this planet, you actually do care what other people think of you.…

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Characteristics of a Good Business Leader

Outstanding leadership is something that all successful businesses have in common. Unfortunately, finding people with this type of leadership ability is much easier said than done. Individuals with these types of skills are in very high demand. Taking on an online mba degree may help in honing such skills, but not as much as natural talent and real life business experience. Therefore, they are quickly hired by companies on the rare occasions that they are available.

Good business leader

There has been quite a lot written when it comes to the subject of business leadership. Many theories have been put forward about the qualities that some of the most famous CEOs have in common.…

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How to Get the Most out of your Training Courses

What result signifies the success of a professional training course? Is it gifting of key skills to professionals and businesses? Is it the effective communication of key learnings? Is it an improvement in business operations and profitability as a result of the new skills and knowledge acquired? Or is it the commercial success of the course? The simple truth is that all of these outcomes are required for a training course to be considered a success.

Training course marketing

But in order to achieve the ultimate goal of commercial success, you need to create courses that address specific needs in your industry – and then promote them effectively.…

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The Top 3 Small Business Problems That Are Keeping You From Growing

In today’s economy, it can be hard for a small business to succeed. From bigger competitors to an ever-changing consumer space, getting your small business to effectively grow can be a real challenge. However, there could be things you’re doing as a small business owner that’s making it even harder for you to find the success your company needs.

Business growth

To help get you on a more upward trajectory, here are three of the top reasons small businesses aren’t growing and how to fight against them.

1. Lack of Liquid Funds

One of the biggest reasons small business can’t grow at the rate they’d like is a lack of funds.…

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