6 Simple Ideas on How to Build Strong and Long-Lasting Business Relationships

When you start a business, you have the hope that customers will buy your products and services. But besides that, you hope that they will come back for more. However, establishing strong and long-lasting business relationships with your clients is easier said than done. This is because most people are not ready to put in the effort and commitment required to establish such. In the end, you might be selling a good product, but you still wonder why the clients never come back.

Business relationships

Here is a clear guide to help you build strong and long-lasting business relationships:

1. Never promise what you can’t deliver

The reason why most clients are reluctant to shop (especially online) is that most of the things are so overrated.…

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Better Leadership through Community and Social Work

Leadership is one of the must-have skills for business owners. Whether you’re running a home business with just one employee or a growing startup that’s starting to hire more team members, showing strong leadership and knowing how to keep the team working efficiently can help take the business to new heights.

Business leadership

It is also worth noting that leadership is a skill; one that can be learned and mastered. There are different ways to sharpen your leadership skills, but working in communities and doing social work are among the best ways to do it.

Becoming Community Leaders

A lot of business and startup owners went as far as going back to school to study social work specifically.…

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Top 5 Habits of The Best World Leaders in History

The idea of being “successful” is indeed a matter of personal judgment. There are timeless truths and habits that helps one achieve success, regardless of one’s personality or industry he/she works in, or a point in history.

The world’s top leaders and professionals employ unique ways to boost their productivity. Then be it Steve Jobs or Mark Zuckerberg, Mahatma Gandhi or Barack Obama there are 5 simple habits that sets them apart from the crowd and makes them the best in their craft. Many of these can be easily integrated into our daily lives.

Here’s how:

1. They have their priorities clearly defined

Instead of gossiping with people, successful world leaders tend to invest heavily on learning new concepts or grooming a new skill.…

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The Habits of Successful CEOs Revealed

If you’re tired of coding websites for a living, and have dreams of someday running your own corporation, you’re not alone. Most people would love to be a CEO.

However, not just anybody can be a CEO, and not just any CEO can be successful. What is it about a successful CEO that stands him or her apart from others?

According to research by Russell Reynolds Associates, “willingness to take calculated risks” is a top attribute that leaders have and many non-leaders lack.

Bill Gates is the perfect example of this. Imagine if he didn’t decide to take a risk and drop out of college (Harvard of all places) to focus on developing Microsoft.…

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1 in 4 CEOs are accountants. Here’s why

A CEO is the most important person in a company. Jumping from meeting to meeting, calling shots, taking risks, making and sometimes breaking businesses. We see these larger-than-life figures giving talks, announcing products and lining the pages of the Forbes Rich List. But where do they come from?

CEO accountant

A recent survey has shown that nearly one quarter of FTSE 100 CEOs come from a background in accounting. For some this may come as a surprise. How could so many humble bookkeepers end up running high end firms?

There are, however, many reasons why accountants are well-suited to the role of CEO.…

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Silicon Valley’s Most Influential Women

In recent years, many women have started to lead the way in Silicon Valley. These women are leaders in social media, marketing, healthcare and a wide range of other industries, that were often dominated by their male counterparts in the past. These women are inspiring future generations of female entrepreneurs who no longer need to be concerned about becoming a leader in their chosen field. Below are some of the most influential women in Silicon Valley at the moment.

Sheryl Sandberg

Facebook’s Sheryl Sandberg is one of the world’s leading female business women and has been named Forbes Most Powerful Woman for the last five years.…

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Here Are The Secrets of The Most Successful Business Personalities

They’re often well known by the world, but sometimes it’s their empire that is recognized instead of their name. Either way, the biggest businesses that ever existed had a face behind the name pulling the strings and making the magic happen. While you hear horror stories about some of them and assume that their personalities are larger than life and they treat people like scum beneath their feet, many you will find are rather humble and wish to give back to the world in the same measure that they’ve received.

Successful businessman

When you view their lives from the outside, everything seems rather picturesque.…

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Why Small Business CEOs Need to Keep Learning

Do you allocate a certain amount of your time each week to learning something new about your industry or niche? If not, you may need to change this situation and consider spending more time educating yourself. The world’s leading business people are always inquisitive individuals and they want to continually keep learning for the following reasons.

Learning CEO

Learning Promotes New Ways of Thinking

The more you learn, the more dynamic you become as the leader of your business. If you don’t learn new business strategies or methods from experts like the business consultant Sam Ovens, there’s a good chance you and your business will be left behind.…

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How to Spot a Truly Exceptional Employee

In a desperate attempt to occupy my exhausted mind with more or less entertaining content a few days ago, I stumbled over an article in the Inc. Magazine that was going on and on about how to spot an exceptional employee whenever you see one. The ultimately goal was, presumably, either to reward such people for their or to lure them into an employment contract (if we are talking about candidates).

Hardworking employee

As far as I can tell, the article is not spanking new and has been published on LinkedIn more than a year ago where it earned no less than 6,333 likes, 1,073 comments and 28 shares.…

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Your No-Nonsense Roadmap to Effective Crisis Management

Sooner or later, every company experiences a crisis that threatens its reputation and revenue, which are of course inextricably linked. For the uninitiated, the experience can be truly terrifying.

Crisis management

In crisis management, as in much else, fortune favors the prepared. Before you get in over your head, follow this crisis management roadmap.

Lay the Groundwork with a Transparent Corporate Culture

While your company’s next crisis remains a gleam in fate’s eye, lay the groundwork for your response with a transparent, forthright corporate culture that respects your employees and stakeholders. The more information you share, the better.

“Understanding that employees want to feel they contribute to their company’s success, it is key that employees be exposed to the company’s strategic goals and objectives,” said Lovell Communications president Rosemary Plorin in a recent Inc.

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