Why It Pays In Spades To Recognize And Reward Your Top Performers

The importance of rewarding employees for high performance has long been recognized as a powerful management strategy to stimulate better morale and boost greater retention in an organization.

Employee reward

When properly executed, employee recognition programs not only positively impact recipients, but also influence their peers. While some may be incentivized to win awards themselves, others may simply appreciate that they are part of an organization that honors and respects its best workers.

Why Employee Recognition Programs Work

The psychology behind why employee recognition programs work is simple: people like to feel appreciated for the good work that they do. At the end of the day, employees aren’t just thrilled at the reward itself but at the fact that the company they worked for recognized their hard work.…

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Tips For Boosting Employee Morale

Being a business owner comes with many responsibilities, which is far too many to mention them all. Keeping all your employees motivated will be an ongoing task that will require the assistance of your entire team of supervisors. If your workers are not motivated, they will not be as productive as they could be, if it were the other way around.

Motivated employees

Every worker has a mind of his or her own, so you will need to start by making sure everyone is one the same page. Below, you will discover several tips for boosting employee morale.

Giving Them Reason To Believe

When you first hire the employees to staff your business, you will need to make them aware of the fact that they are going to be involved in something bigger than themselves.…

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Par Chadha Interview on Serial Entrepreneurship

Par Chadha is an electrical engineer with a long history of creating innovative companies in the technology arena as well as building bundled industry solutions through M&A of leading platforms.

Par Chadha

Chadha founded Osicom Technologies with his wife in 1981 and drove innovation through the development of numerous Patents: Patent 5343324 – Bias control and method for electro-optic modulators; Patent 6151336 – Time division multiplexing expansion subsystem; and Patent 6400478 – A wavelength division multiplexed optical transmission system with expanded bidirectional transmission capacity.

Par Chadha interview

Q: In your career you’ve ran and worked with dozens of tech startups – it’s not a small feat. 

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3 Proven Growth Strategies for Law Firms in 2017

Law firms need to stay at the forefront of marketing to expand and grow. And the rules keep changing every year. Software is an integral part of a law firm’s marketing campaign, and there’s a lot new and established firms can do in 2017 to expand their reach, bring in new clients and make more money.

Law firm growth

Your firm can implement the right strategies today to help spur growth tomorrow.

1. Referral Tracking Via CRM Solutions

If your firm is still using Excel to categorize your leads and clients, you’re doing it wrong. It’s time to step into the world of an all-in-one CRM and client intake solution that allows you to properly track:

  • Contacts
  • Leads
  • Conversion rates
  • Lead sources

Lexicata offers an all-in-one solution that also incorporates intake forms, automatic email reminders, status updates, engagement letters and so much more.…

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The Benefits of Customer Service Training

Customer service expert Shep Hyken wrote in one of his articles ‘Customer service is not a department. It is a philosophy’ and many professionals would wholeheartedly agree with this.

Customer service training

When you utilise good quality customer service throughout the entirety of an organisation– from the recent hires to the CEO – you can improve the way that every element of the operation impacts the customer. This includes not only the employees on the front line, but also those working behind the scenes.

Customer service training makes the difference

As an example of the difference customer service training can make to unlikely roles in an organisation, imagine an employee behind the scenes in a logistics company.…

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SMB’s: Breaking Silos to Drive Growth

Early on in my career I spent six weeks in an ad agency creative department. I was a junior account executive, and I’d been sent downstairs to the creative floor to learn about what they did. It would be generous to say that I didn’t set the world on fire as a creative. In fact, in my entire time there, I came up with precisely one decent ad idea. So, you can imagine how gutted I was when the creative team I was working with shot it down in flames. Sure, my idea wasn’t going to win a Cannes Lion, but it fit the client’s brief perfectly and deserved to be put forward.…

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How to Accept Criticism Gracefully – and Be a Better Leader

No one likes to be criticized. Even when it’s a valid critique, or delivered constructively, it’s still difficult to hear that you have room for improvement. And when criticism is delivered harshly or with the intent to tear you down? That can have a long-lasting effect on your psyche and your ongoing willingness to take on new challenges.

Criticized businessman

Although learning to accept criticism gracefully is important for anyone, it’s especially important for leaders. Good leaders are visible and transparent, but putting yourself “out there” like that also means that everything that you say and do is on display and open for comment and critique.…

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How the Military Prepares People for Running a Small Business

Military veterans only make up roughly 7% of the general population (including retirees), yet 9% of businesses in the U.S. are veteran-owned. If you factor in businesses that are 50% veteran-owned that number jumps to 13%. These Census statistics highlight that veterans are about 45% more likely than non-veterans to start their own business.

Military veteran

For those who have been in the military, worked with service members or are a direct relative, this comes as no surprise. The special training and discipline veterans receive in the military prepares them for entrepreneurship. It also helps that there are franchise opportunities for veterans and special programs that can help prior military members realize their dream of being an entrepreneur.…

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6 Simple Ideas on How to Build Strong and Long-Lasting Business Relationships

When you start a business, you have the hope that customers will buy your products and services. But besides that, you hope that they will come back for more. However, establishing strong and long-lasting business relationships with your clients is easier said than done. This is because most people are not ready to put in the effort and commitment required to establish such. In the end, you might be selling a good product, but you still wonder why the clients never come back.

Business relationships

Here is a clear guide to help you build strong and long-lasting business relationships:

1. Never promise what you can’t deliver

The reason why most clients are reluctant to shop (especially online) is that most of the things are so overrated.…

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Better Leadership through Community and Social Work

Leadership is one of the must-have skills for business owners. Whether you’re running a home business with just one employee or a growing startup that’s starting to hire more team members, showing strong leadership and knowing how to keep the team working efficiently can help take the business to new heights.

Business leadership

It is also worth noting that leadership is a skill; one that can be learned and mastered. There are different ways to sharpen your leadership skills, but working in communities and doing social work are among the best ways to do it.

Becoming Community Leaders

A lot of business and startup owners went as far as going back to school to study social work specifically.…

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