Leading and Succeeding – What Makes a Great Sales Manager

You might think that being a great sales manager is all about analyzing KPIs and methodically crafting sales plans. While that is certainly part of it, there are myriad of other considerations a sales manager must make in order to succeed.

As the head of your team, in charge of hitting sales targets and achieving growth, you have to be both coach and critic, cheerleader and leader, analyst and orator… the list goes on.

Sales manager and her team

Understanding Differences

It is understandable for a new sales manager to believe that whatever qualities got them the job, those are the same qualities they should bestow upon their sales team.…

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How to Know Your Business Is Ready to Go Remote

The workplace of tomorrow will probably look like your living room or home office. Or maybe even a local coffee shop. It will look like anything except an office, whether it’s a traditional one with cubicles or the modern one with lots of open space.

Remote working

Remote working is one of the most important business trends this year. It is also one of the things employees want from their employers the most, along with increased bonuses.

Remote business or team setups can be very rewarding. “From the beginning I’ve been designing the dream job, in fact Cloud LGS was born in a coffeeshop.…

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The Next Level: 4 Signs It’s Time to Expand Your Small Business

In the highly competitive world of small business, finding a way to carve out a niche in your industry is vital for success. According to recent studies, economic uncertainty is the main factor that prohibits small businesses from growing.

Business expansion meeting

If you are like most business owners, you have a number of ideas you want to put into practice. When the time comes to grow and expand your business, having a game plan in place is essential.

Generally, you will need to secure a business financing loan to fund this type of growth. Working with an experienced and reputable lender is the only way to ensure the loan you get is the right fit for your particular needs.…

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What are The Responsibilities of Company Directors?

Whether you are contracting for your own limited company or you are appointed as the director for someone else’s company, there are certain duties that you are required by law to perform as director. If you own a limited company and are appointing a director, you should also understand these responsibilities to ensure that your company remains compliant with the current rules and regulations surrounding limited companies.

Confident company director

Company directors’ responsibilities

Director’s functions

The Companies Act 2006 set forth the current duties and obligations of limited company directors. There are a total of seven major functions that the director must perform. These include promoting the company, exercising independent judgement in the operation of that company, using reasonable care and skill when performing company duties, avoiding any conflicts of interest within the company, and declaring any interests in proposed transactions.…

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Making Better Business Decisions: 5 Tips

It’s difficult for a company to reach its full potential without making business decisions that are consistently aligned with company objectives. When someone in a position of responsibility fails to make a resounding decision, it has the potential to demotivate staff and negatively influence financial results. Thankfully, with the right advice and a positive mindset, you’ll be able to ensure the best approach for your particular business.

Better decision making

If you’re seeking inspiration on how to make better business decisions, here are some steps that you’ll find useful.

1. Speak with a Professional

Specialists like Wiss & Company can help you make exceptional business decisions, as they have a legacy of excellent client service.…

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Why Every Service Business Should Offer an Unconditional Guarantee

Trust is the most important thing when trying to bring in new customers, especially in the services industry. Customers have already heard nightmare stories about fly-by-night contractors, plumbers who never show and HVAC technicians who make the problem worse.

How can you win over customers when they view you as untrustworthy before they even use your service?

Offer them a guarantee.


Many service providers never think to offer a guarantee. They assume that services cannot be guaranteed. After all, you can’t send back bad catering or a bad haircut for repair.

When we say “guarantee,” we’re not talking about the service itself, but rather, customer satisfaction.…

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Turning Office Small Talk Into Smart Conversation

You’ve heard the saying ‘time is money’; this is true in most elements of your life but especially true when you are thinking about starting a company or building your business.

Creating your own small empire is a fantastic idea and one that can bring a number of awards, success, potentially fame and security. But getting from a small startup or even a medium sized business to the big leagues takes time, money and effort.

Having a conversation with a colleague

Fortunately there are several ways in which you can smooth this process along. The ability to convert your office small talk into smart conversation is an important skill to learn; it will help to grow your reputation and your business.…

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5 Reasons Your Startup Can’t Survive Without Solid Leadership

If you asked 10 random entrepreneurs why they decided to go into business for themselves, you’d likely hear at least 3 common answers from each:

  1. The freedom of not working for someone else.
  2. The adventure of building something from the ground up.
  3. Being in ultimate control of their income level.

Whatever your reason, be it one of those mentioned above, or something completely different, you need to bear in mind that no company can survive or thrive without a solid leader at its helm.

Effective leadership

Here are 5 good reasons your company can’t survive without effective leadership:

1. Leadership establishes and maintains order

When it comes to the human condition, there’s no more scary a scenario than bringing together lots of people from multiple different backgrounds.…

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3 Lead Generation Tactics That Can Give Startups a Big Boost

Lead generation is key when starting up a business. The rule is simple: More leads equal more sales (given you can convert those leads well, though…) However, to make lead generation work, you need some tactics.

There are plenty of lead generation tactics you can adopt, but I’d suggest you to focus on just three tactics: Ringless voicemail, Facebook ads and online referral program.  Here’s a brief explanation on each.

Business smartphone

1. Ringless voicemail

Ringless voicemail is a technology that delivers voicemail messages to cellular phones without actually calling them. Ringless voicemail contacts a provider of a cellular service via a business landline and delivers voicemails thought the landline.…

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Tips for Immigrants Who Want to Start a Small Business

One role immigrants don’t get enough good publicity about in the news is the fact that immigrant entrepreneurs play a huge role in hiring a large swath of the U.S. labor force. The exact numbers are staggering, too. Nearly 6 million workers are employed by immigrant-owned businesses, according to a report released by the New American Economy.1

Immigrant business owner

While starting up a business as an immigrant in the U.S. has its challenges, those who take the entrepreneurial plunge can also find sweet success from doing so, as well.

“Our system certainly doesn’t make it easy for immigrant entrepreneurs—but still, immigrants work hard, they start businesses, and they create jobs for American workers,” said John Feinblatt, Chairman of New American Economy.

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