Qualities that Good Managers and Leaders Possess


It’s easy to think that there is not much difference between a good manager and a good leader. However, there is a difference! In short, managers concentrate more on doing things right, while leaders focus more on doing the right things.

Team leader discussing project

At the end of the day, both good management and good leadership skills are indispensable to an organization’s bottom line. Although some still insist that leadership skills are inborn, studies increasingly show that leadership is 30% genetics and 70% experiences learned through daily living. In other words, even those that do not have the 30% genetic make-up to become a good leader can still become good leaders by focusing on the 70%.…

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The Importance of Developing a Successful Company Culture

The words “company culture” have become somewhat of a buzz-phrase over the past few years. What does it really mean, and why is it so important to develop a successful company culture? “Company culture’ is basically the shared values and beliefs that the organization’s leaders/owners develop and message to employees using various methods.

Benefits of positive corporate culture

Your culture should represent what the company stands for. Not just on an esoteric level, but also how decisions and various motivating factors allow the company to progress.

A Thriving Corporate Culture Helps Your Business’s Future

Developing a thriving company culture can have many benefits for your business and its future.…

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How to Ensure That Your Business Remains Organized

Owning a small business and running it on your own can be a difficult thing to do. Besides doing the work that you do best, you also have to take care of your finances, sales planning, marketing, etc.

When customers come pouring in, it’s easy to lose track of everything you have to do. And once you begin falling out of sync with all of your responsibilities, it can be very difficult to get back on your feet and recover. After all, your small business is only as organized as you are!

Organize your business

With that in mind, here are some useful tips to help you ensure that your business remains organized.…

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Supporting Employees through Financial Difficulties

While many of us still think that people who are working can’t really get into financial difficulties, it’s no longer the case. Employed people are just as likely as the unemployed to be struggling with personal debt, especially as wage rises aren’t keeping up with inflation now.

Facing financial trouble

The average amount of personal debt in the UK is £30,000 and in the US it’s $140,000. While for some this may be manageable, for others it’s an all-consuming nightmare than affects their home and work life.

Employers have a duty of care to employees here

You may, as an employer, believe that it’s not your problem if an employee is struggling in this way, but it is, at least partly.…

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Smart Business Decisions To Keep Your Company Competitive

If you want to keep your company competitive, not only will you have to have a fantastic product or service, but you’re also going to have to have a backbone of incredibly smart business decisions. If you are at the top end of your company, it may be up to you to make those decisions. Or, if you’re more at the worker level, you can recommend to your managers that they start shaping up.

How to stay competitive in business

There are several different perspectives that you can approach smart business decisions from. You can use project management professionals to help you out. You can install intelligent software in the appropriate places.…

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How to Lead a Multi-National Business Startup Team

Leading a multi-national team after you’ve launched a startup is no easy task. You still get to deal with the day-to-day worries a regular business owner would. However, you also have thousands of miles separating your various team members, all of which speak their own language, and have unique cultural differences that need to be understood and respected.

Managing multi-national startup team using web conferencing tool

A multi-national company is a great challenge, and the opportunity for immense profits is very real. However, you have to wear many hats to successfully cross cultural barriers, and have the proper technology in place to make communication as instant and seamless as possible.…

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5 Qualities of Emotionally Intelligent Leaders

Business leaders are not just great at making their companies a success, but they should also be great at handling their staff. After all, without a hardworking and inspired workforce, they will not be able to achieve success in business. This is why leaders are able to handle people, who are warm, approachable and able to handle interpersonal relationships.

Emotionally intelligent leader

People who have these traits have a high emotional intelligence quotient. This means they are great at being aware of their own and other people’s emotions. While these traits can be natural, they may also be developed and honed.

Here are 5 traits of emotionally intelligent leaders:


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The Importance of a Board of Directors in the Formation of a Company

To build a successful venture, CEOs and other management involved in forming a company need to know it takes teamwork and good communication. The board of directors in a company are responsible for its ultimate success or demise. Unfortunately, a board of directors may collaborate together, but each are individually accountable for anything that goes wrong.

Directors UK company formation agent have to come together before any new corporation is set up. A corporation’s board of directors have the responsibility of steering the company through the rough waters to appease shareholders. In addition, a board of directors also have other duties to perform such as satisfying legal obligations and others, such as those discussed below.…

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3 Ways to Squeeze Every Penny Possible Out of Your Startup

If you’re looking at setting up a new business, the statistics for success are never great motivation. According to the Small Business Association, 30% of startups fail within their first two years, while 50% fail within five. After a decade, around two-thirds of all new companies will have closed their doors for good. Furthermore, the second most common reason for failure is lack of cash.

Why startups fail?

Managing expenses properly plays a pivotal role in the well-being of any company, but budgeting during the early days of your business’s existence forms the cornerstone of a healthy game plan for long term success. With this in mind, we’ve decided to highlight three easy ways of squeezing every penny, to ensure that your shoestring budget-run business has every chance of being a roaring success for many years to come.…

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5 Ways to Promote a Healthy Work-Life Balance in Your Small Business

When it comes to maintaining a healthy work-life balance, startups are leading the charge. In fact, thinking like a startup is one of the best ways to attract top talent and keep them happy. From flexible work hours to company retreats, 53% of surveyed employees say job perks offer a better quality of life both in the office and outside of it.

Work-life balance

Keeping employees engaged and happy in their jobs is key to success, especially in a highly efficient, small team. If you’re considering implementing more perks to excite employees, here are some tips from other small business CEOs and managers who introduced new strategies to help their employees maintain a healthier work-life balance.…

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