SAP: Does Your Small Business Need It?

Choosing the right software for your small business can be stressful, and in some cases it can be the most difficult part of owning a company. You want to make sure you’re getting enough out of the software to make it worth the overall cost, and that it will help you streamline your business processes.

Business owners working with SAP ERP software

While there are a number of softwares available for small businesses, one that you may not even consider is SAP, which stands for systems, applications, and products. Here, we’ll run through exactly what SAP is, and how it could help your business.

SAP puts businesses processes through one system

SAP is also known as an Enterprise Resource Planning or ERP software, and is made up of a modules that work together to cover every aspect of business management.…

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Why Every Business Needs a Website: Gain More Business And Beat The Competition

It’s a fact that 3.8 billion people use the internet every day. Every single day, you have a potential audience of 3.8 billion people. That’s an opportunity you don’t want to miss out on. Just look around and you’ll see the proof: everyone is on their phone. So, if they need anything, that’s the first place they turn.

Boiler bust? Google. Fancy a takeaway? Google. Sofa on its way out? Google.

Browsing on smartphone

The Yellow pages are dead — we’re living and operating business in the era of the almighty search engines.

Google Is King

So, when they’re searching for that new sofa, they’re bombarded with choice.…

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Moving with the Times: 6 Reasons Why You Should Digitalize Your Business Model

You can’t sit down and assume that your business is going to grow like wildfire if you haven’t adopted a digital business model. To be frank with you, it is a waste of time to continue hoping that your business will grow some day without a digital business model.

Digital business model

If you have been listening to what’s going on in the world recently, you’ve already heard about digital marketing, digital landscape, and digital workforce. But have you thought why those phrases have the most searches online?

Below are 6 reasons why you should digitalize your business model:

1. Mobile is Ubiquitous

The number of people using mobile phones across the world has grown and is likely to increase in the future.…

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Common IT Mistakes Your Business Should Watch Out For

Businesses are very complex machines, much like servers and computers. They feature a variety of different components to be successful, but perhaps none more important than IT. Especially with all the recent advancements in technology, it’s more important than ever to have an IT team that’s not only experienced and skilled, but also armed with the most recent, cutting edge technology.

IT Guy

Image Credit: Seeweb/Flickr

However, with an IT teams’ growing role in business, there’s a greater chance that things could go wrong or get forgotten. While making mistakes in other areas of your business might be minor, mistakes in IT can be very costly.…

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Virtual Reality 101: What You Should Know About VR Technology

Virtual reality is a computer-created environment that allows a user to experience an alternate reality. Just like the Hollywood blockbuster “The Matrix,” science fiction has glamorized the idea of VR in countless novels and movies. The idea of ‘plugging-in’ to a different world has always been coveted, glamorized, and marveled at by tech geeks across the globe. Today, VR technology turns imagination into reality.

Wearing VR headset

By immersing yourself in a VR headset, you can tour places you only see in your wildest dreams. Virtually hike Mt. Everest, fly over oceans with a bird’s eyes view, and navigate any digital landscape that’s been designed for VR.…

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What is Digital Asset Management? Why is it So Important? (Infographic)

Digital asset management is basically a method for a company or organization to store and retrieve information as needed, on demand. This allows for more efficient and pragmatic decision making. If you’re not on board yet, this group of technologies and methodologies is quickly changing the way business is done, and you can be sure the competition will be using it, sooner rather than later.

Enterprise digital asset management can help you in many ways, for example in presentations, audio, Documentations, images and in any other multimedia content or digital content.. However what it all comes down to is that DAM can store digital assets and make them easy to retrieve and view whenever decisions need to be made.…

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The Most Common E-commerce Checkout Mistakes and How to Fix Them

The e-commerce world is only getting more competitive. Setting up an online storefront and selling products and services directly to customers is easy to do these days, especially with CMS platforms like WordPress and Joomla being easy to use, with many e-commerce plugins available for them.

Ecommerce checkout

The competitive market means there is little room for errors. Ensuring a smooth user experience and a pleasant customer journey is one of the ways you can take your online store to success. Customers can go all the way to the checkout page and then decide to abandon their carts because of the slightest disruption in the user experience.…

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How to Protect All Your Valuable Business Gadgets

In the digital era, we’re all surrounded by electronic gadgets like smartphones, televisions, laptops, computers, Wi-Fi, and many other devices. We buy them from various ecommerce or small business supply platform sites. They help make our lives better, and certainly make businesses run more smoothly. If you don’t take care of electronics, it can cost a lot of money.


Even if you’re one of the few out there who only have just one gadget, such as a smartphone, it’s important to take a few minutes here and there to keep it in good condition. Here’s a few tips to keep all your electronics clean and in good working order, to make them last as long as possible.…

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Snail Mail Or Email: The Benefits Of Hand-Delivered Correspondence

Since the beginning of time, people have developed and honed their ability to communicate with each other in written form. Those early pictures and symbols etched in stone developed into a readable alphabet which later turned into writing on early forms of paper. Now, people have many ways to communicate. Whether it be via a postal service or by email, mail is often one of the main ways people stay connected with the outside world.

Air mail deliveries

There are, however, some notable advantages to sending and receiving a hand-delivered piece of mail.

Time-Honored Tradition

Receiving the mail on a daily basis has often been the highlight of the day for many since the days even before the Pony Express.…

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Intranet Tools Are a Secret Weapon For Employee Retention in Healthcare

In an economy where it is no longer necessary for workers to stay with a single organization for their entire career, employee retention is an issue that has dogged many high performance, high-pressure sectors like finance and business — but the problem is probably most stark in the case of the healthcare industry. The average turnover rate for new employees in healthcare rose to 14.7% in 2017, a number that represents a staggering amount of lost time and money for large healthcare organizations that may need to train hundreds of new workers every year.

Healthcare workers analyzing

Although there are many factors driving low employee retention, research on the subject has found that in many cases it comes down to the employee’s sense of connection and integration into the organization as a whole.…

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