How Your Website A/B Tests Can Benefit From Artificial Intelligence

How successful is your landing page? Could it be better? Should you place that Call-to-Action button at the top or bottom of your page?

A/B testing for landing page optimization

A/B tests help you test and control against a variable and find out which variable option determines the best response. Artificial intelligence (AI) is capable of measuring the same type of responses, albeit, in a better way. In this post, we will explore the benefits of AI and how it can complement your A/B tests.

How AI is Surpassing A/B Tests

AI surpasses A/B test

Marketers have depended on A/B or split testing to find out the best performing aspects of their website.…

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Proper Domain Name Considerations For New Business Owners Going Online

Just imagine how much business you’re losing every time a user mistyped your domain name or worse – forget it. Sometimes the word is hard to spell, maybe it doesn’t make sense, or perhaps it’s unremarkable.

Online consumers are prickly people. They won’t spend precious time looking for your location and most of them would just consider other similar product or service on offer.

Domain name choices

Understanding how to name your website can help you distinguish your brand from competitors, attract new customers to your website, and even prevent spammers from stealing traffic. Confusing or generic domains cause customers to end up at a competitor’s site.…

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Taking Account – The Benefits of Upgrading Your Financial Systems

For most business owners the day to day running of their company makes huge demands on their time and energy. It may not even have occurred to them that their business could run more efficiently or that their cash flow could be increased and their customer experience be enhanced, simply by upgrading their accounting software.

Finance team meeting

Often this is a case of ‘if it ain’t broke then don’t fix it’. Unfortunately, in many instances, this can be an expensive mistake. To truly appreciate the advances made in small business accounting software and to understand how they can benefit your business, I have devised a few pertinent questions which can identify how your current accounting system may be letting down both your business and your customers.…

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Connecting with Customers in Ecommerce: Why CRM is a Must-Have

Ecommerce isn’t a forgiving industry. If you’re one of the millions of online retailers that’s competing to earn the business of new customers, the lack of proper tools at your disposal could be what’s holding you back. The good news is that with the right marketing weapons, you can expand reach and nurture new as well as existing customer relationships to great success.

CRM for Ecommerce

Along the way, make sure you don’t overlook the benefits of a CRM for ecommerce. Here’s how it can help you earmark new accolades.

How Ecommerce CRM Works

Unlike traditional CRM, which is a lead-gen tool, ecommerce CRM has changed the game for this newer and evolving industry that’s currently undergoing explosive growth.…

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Data Analytics: Helping Healthcare Evolve

Data is increasingly becoming a part of our everyday lives. All industries are adopting data analytics in order to find more efficient methods for operations. This is particularly true in the healthcare sector, where there is a lot of room for improvement, and also a lot of potentially useful data. These are a few ways data analytics is helping healthcare evolve.

Nurse analyzing healthcare data

A Wealth of Data Leads to a Wealth of Innovations

You need to have data in order to get something valuable out of analytics. There are some industries that struggles more than others in quantifying things. This, fortunately, isn’t an issue for the healthcare world.…

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Can You Start a Business Using Free Software?

We live in a kind of golden age for amateur entrepreneurs. Thanks to the plethora of online resources available to anyone with an internet connection, it’s possible to learn the basics of entrepreneurship and business ownership. And since it’s possible to build a business based on digital goods and services, such as an online blog or reselling operation, overhead isn’t as big of a limiting factor as it used to be.

Businessman using free business software

In the pursuit of starting a business as cost-efficiently as possible, millions of entrepreneurs turn to free and open-source software to manage things like accounting, project management, or even inventory management.…

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Beginner’s Guide to Cloud-Based Performance Testing

Once the functional testing phase of cloud computing is completed, it’s time for performance testing. Here are some reasons why.

Cloud performance testing

Focusing on Performance Testing

Performance analysts work hundreds of hours to support testing environments. Qualified performance testers have a high salary and can earn as much as an experienced developer. This is because performance analysts have to be proficient in 2+ programming languages and masters of multiple technologies. Using a valuable resource for supporting and installing software is a bit problematic no?

High Scalability

What will you do if you have to increase the number of testers from 1,000 to 20,000?…

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How Can Businesses Improve Their Data Security?

After new regulations were introduced in 2018 to tighten data security, businesses in the UK have been forced to adjust their policies to ensure they meet the new guidelines. Data security has become a huge focus, which businesses both large and small need to be mindful of.

Improving data security

Not only do you need to worry about the data of your customers, but you also need to be wary of protecting your own data too. If a hacker were to get into your company’s systems, they could easily cause huge financial problems for both you and your customers. So, what can businesses do to improve their data security?…

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How to Simplify Small Business Management with Managed IT Services

Learn How Outsourcing Basic IT Tasks Can Save You Time and Money

Small business IT management

Keeping a small business running takes plenty of blood, sweat, and tears– not to mention hours upon hours of managing tasks. Surprisingly, some of the most essential tasks– the ones that keep your business running day in and day out– can be some of the smallest. When it comes to IT, keeping these small but extremely important tasks on your own full (or let’s be honest, over-full) plate can lead to oversights that may have disastrous effects for your business.

Instead of managing IT tasks yourself, find an IT provider that offers managed service.…

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How Agio helps Hedge Funds Improve Cybersecurity based on DDQ

For every hedge fund, Due Diligence questionnaires are an essential part of day-to-day management of the company. You will need these questionnaires to know the kinds of questions that your customers are asking. In addition to that, a DDQ can be the perfect marketing tool if you know how to use it well. However, one of the things that threaten the effective use of a DDQ is cybersecurity.

Securing hedge funds DDQ

The possibility of losing your information while handling these questionnaires is always reality. In addition to that, there are third parties that could use that information to harm your organization. To avoid these risks, Agio has one of the best solutions.…

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