4 Cybersecurity Due Diligence Questionnaire Tips

Process and operations within many financial firms are becoming more reliant on digital solutions. As technology continues to evolve, it’s essential to realize that the potential for efficiency gains and improvements are becoming larger. However, more powerful technology also paves the way for more sophisticated ways for hackers to get access to sensitive company information.

Cybersecurity DDQ

One way to both measure potential opportunities and cybersecurity risks lies with a process called the due diligence questionnaire (DDQ). At the core, due diligence questionnaires can be powerful tools to dive deep into nitty gritty processes within a firm so that any potential attack vectors, inefficiencies, or vulnerabilities can be exposed.…

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How Can a Distracted Generation Learn Anything?

Hardly unnoticed today is the level of distraction easily seen in today’s youth. In our digital-everything world, video screens on phones, TVs, tablets, and computers play a role in distracting attention from tasks to messages and images vying for the viewer’s attention.

Bored and distracted student trying to focus

As distraction grows incessantly, science shows the compulsion for this behavior might affect how our brains work. New research reveals that younger brains can process information faster today than at any other time, which makes task transition easier. The findings also show that people growing up in this new era seem better conditioned for constant task-to-task transition. So, how can a distracted generation learn anything?…

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The Advantages of Using VoIP for Your Business

VoIP or voice over IP technology has been around for a while and is being used by businesses big and small. VoIP uses broadband internet to transfer voice data in the form of digital packets. While it can be used to reduce your overall costs on calls, this is not the only reason why VoIP can be such a powerful tool. The fact that it digitizes conversations makes them much easier to search, classify, mined for data, distribute, and store. Let’s take a look at some of the many benefits VoIP could have for your business.

Entrepreneur hold smartphone while using VOIP

Cooperates Better with Omni Channel Tools and CRMs

One of the things that make VoIP such a great solution is that it can have a profound impact on your customer relationship management process.…

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Staying Secure When Moving To The Cloud

Cloud computing is irrefutably among the prominent new technologies that are increasingly becoming widespread today. This popularity and increased migration of applications, data, and other vital elements from an on-site data center to the cloud is owed to the benefits that businesses stand to reap.

From allowing you to work from any place and increased agility to reduced expenditure on costly hardware, the list of perks is undeniably long.

Coworkers examining data stored in their cloud based server

With the growing hype surrounding cloud computing, it makes perfect sense to flip the coin and focus on security concerns. Even though you may regulate the information you share with your preferred cloud service providers, you lack control of the parties who can gain access to it.…

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What Is Big Data? Understanding the Role Data Plays in Modern Business

Are you trying to figure out the true significance of big data to your business operations, but feeling overwhelmed by the answers? Use this basic primer to learn its value and how it’s used. It doesn’t matter how big or small your business is. If you don’t make proper use of data, then you can’t make smart decisions.

Marketers analyzing consumer data

The introduction of big data has been changing the way businesses operate for years now. Some 97.2% of companies are now investing in big data and AI to help them run their business. So now you have to answer this question: what is big data, and how can it help?…

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How to Avoid Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) Data Overload

The internet of things development has already become an international service. Equipped with hundreds and thousands of sensors smart industrial IoT devices provide a whole new level to data-driven business decisions.

Industrial IoT

Just a few years passed and the IoT market has now doubled in value, which basically means a double increase in the diversity of applications and industries that benefit from their implementation.

The advantages are obvious, the statistical information has become so accurate, that you can endlessly optimize the current business processes and develop new strategies based on reliable data. Most of the shortcomings are related to the need for gathering, processing and management of the huge data.…

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Web Development In A Mobile World

Since 2017, more than 50% of all internet traffic has been mobile, and that share is only going to go up.

Web development in mobile tech

When the internet was first conceived, the entire concept revolved around home computers accessing vast networks of information. Over time, communication, in the form of email and forums, developed to use the same network as the web – but the concept of interconnected computers in fixed locations stayed the same.

With the advent of the first wireless telecommunications, and then smartphones and mobile computing, the internet gradually became a framework for far more complex systems based around the capabilities that the new hardware and infrastructure offered.…

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Top Five Mobile App Development Trends in 2019

Mobile app development is one of the biggest tech industries in the world now, with millions of users around the globe using apps as part of their daily routine. The potential uses of mobile apps are nearly limitless, and constantly being advanced by development in hardware and software technology, so keeping pace with the changes is essential for anyone looking to enter the market.

Mobile app development trends

Here are our top five mobile app development trends for 2019.

1. Speed rules

With advances in technology bringing a host of possibilities to mobile app developers, we’re now entering the phase where the limiting factors tend to be more human than machine.…

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5 Reasons Your Business Needs Workforce Management

Your projects are only as good as your workforce. The employee base is the biggest asset of any organisation. From managing client demands to mitigating project risks, your workforce makes sure that all your deliverables are on time, every time.

Manager using workforce management tool

Managing your resources while maintaining and improving the company’s bottom line can be like walking on a tightrope. Maintaining the productivity of multiple resources while retaining the same level of efficiency is hard work. As companies are increasingly focusing on digitally transforming processes and workplaces are becoming dynamic, a robust workplace management system is quite frankly necessary for you, the project manager.…

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MRP vs. ERP: What’s The Difference and Which Solution is Right for Your Company?

At some point in time, most manufacturing companies realize the need for a software solution that allows different operational departments – procurement, production, warehousing and others – to share information. And it wouldn’t hurt if the same software could also loop in sales and finance. Any search for solutions raises a question almost immediately for most executives: What do the acronyms MRP and ERP stand for, and what’s the different between the two?

Management team using resource planning tools

The terms are sometimes used interchangeably, and there is no standard definition for either. As manufacturing firms look to invest in and implement a software platform, it’s important to realize that each software solution is distinctive, and it does matter which one is chosen.…

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