How to Boost Traffic to Your Fitness Website

The question of how to get more traffic is quite familiar to all online content creators. This is because the growth and sustainability of their brand and business depend on how much following they get. Even though not all your followers will end up being your customers, a big following comes with advantages.

Increasing fitness website traffic

First of all, out of the many prospects, you will not lack a good number that will be converted into real customers. Also, people are attracted to popularity, so if your account has many followers, it will definitely attract more, and this could also mean you get paid by third parties.

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Need Tech to Boost Your Restaurant? Use Employee Scheduling Software

Breaking into the restaurant industry is notoriously difficult. The dire statistic everybody knows is that one of every two new restaurants close after only being open for a year or two. Of those that survive past this point, their financial situation is often still precarious.

Restaurateur using employee scheduling app

In the last few years, many restaurants across North America have taken advantage of new software that has empowered them with various tools which give their budget a boost. Read on to see how employee scheduling software can give your restaurant a major advantage.

Perfect Schedules, Quickly

Employee scheduling software’s primary function is to create responsive, flexible schedules in up to 80% less time than it would otherwise take.…

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10 Tools a Small Business Needs for Streamlined Communication

If you own a small business, then you know how important communication is – yet how overwhelming it can seem at times. That said, you need tools that can help you in streamlining your business communication.

Using tools for streamlined communications

Without further adieu, in this article, we’ll outline ten communication tools that can help you in handling inquiries from customers and even how your team works together.

1. Social Media Platforms

Through social media pages on platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter, you can effectively connect your business with prospects and existing customers. Thanks to built-in messaging, people can easily message you anytime, and it’s essential to be sure that you are replying quickly.…

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Why Dash Cams Are So Important (Infographic)

As you already know, life can bring many unexpected events. You never know when something odd or unbelievable is going to happen. Using your smartphone to capture evidence can help but this can be tough when you’re driving an automobile. Instead, you should think about buying a dash cam.

Dash cams in a car

photo credit: Wikimedia Commons

The dash cam benefits are immense, especially for your business fleet. With a good dash cam, you can guarantee that you’ll be able to record footage of unexpected incidents.

For instance, you can record car accidents, meteors, and strange weather events. This footage could prove to be very beneficial to you in the future.…

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What Should a Small Business Website Include?

There is little doubt that a website is essential to the success of any business. Fortunately, it is relatively easy to create one.

But, creating a website is not enough, you need the right features on your page and enough advertising to encourage people to visit. Of course, having great content will help to keep them on your page and get them purchasing your products/services.

Browsing business website

Before you consider what elements need to be included on every website, you should consider getting expert help from a firm like this Web Design Bondi. You’ll quickly realize it’s worth every cent.

Who Are You

The average visitor to a website will only stay on a page for approximately 15-30 seconds.

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4 Benefits of Switching to an Online Inventory Management System

There are several reasons why more and more people are turning to online platforms to shop. For one, they have a wider range of products to choose from, which may even include items that are only available overseas. The price points are also quite competitive and various payment options can lead to even more savings for the customer.

Using online inventory management system

But perhaps the most compelling reason for most people to buy online is convenience and speed. In fact, customers expect businesses to do everything they can to deliver the products on as quickly as possible, especially if the online store makes the delivery earlier than the promised date.…

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The Benefits of Using Accounting Software for Business

Running a business requires that you pay attention to many financial details. And, even though you may find it entirely possible to manage your personal finances without using any specialized software, managing business finance is far more time-consuming if you’re trying to do everything on your own.

Accounting software benefits

Hiring an accountant to look after the books for you is a popular option, but if it’s not in your business budget, you might be wondering if there’s anything else that you can do to make balancing the books easier without having to go through everything manually.

Accounting software products are designed specifically with business owners in mind, and offer a wide range of advantages including:


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7 Ways To Future-Proof Your Small Business

As a small business owner, you don’t always have time for the little details that help your business run successfully. Answering every email, following up with every lead. These can all slow you down especially when you’re managing accounts and nurturing prospects.

Work process automation

If the administrative aspects are occupying too much time, here are some resourceful ways to automate work processes.

1. Automate customer communications

First impressions matter. About 58 percent of customers open welcome emails versus 15 percent that receive offers for promotions (when they’re not shopping). After a sale, use automation software like MixMax to send a welcome email to new customers.…

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4 Ways to Effectively Address the Cyber Skills Education Gap

America has more than 30 million small businesses with fewer than 500 employees apiece. These companies pay almost half the wages in the country and are huge engines for job creation. For too many of them, however, cybersecurity isn’t a pressing priority.

Businesswoman learning about cybersecurity

We learned this in the Q1 AppRiver Cyberthreat Index for Business, which surveyed more than 1,000 small to midsize businesses. The results reveal that 58% of respondents consider the importance of cybersecurity to be “high” or “very high.” Another 78% say that cyberthreats are on their mind some of the time. These are positive signs, but they’re not the most revealing takeaways.…

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10 Things You Might Not Know About Python

Python is everywhere! No, we’re not talking about the longer, non-poisonous, slimy reptilian cousin of your average garden snake, but rather the programming language that has by and large taken over the IT industry.

Python programming language

If you are a developer, you know what I am talking about and chances are you already ‘speak’ Python and if you are not, you can just take a short Python course and be able to learn it easily owing to its reputation of being one of the easiest programming languages in the world. But even if you are a veteran, do you know everything about it?…

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