Using Mail Merge to Boost Customer Engagement

When it comes to business outreach, you should never underestimate the effectiveness of email marketing. In today’s world, you might think that social media would be a better approach, and while social media is definitely useful, email remains the preferred method of communication for most business professionals.

Using mail merge

Hero image courtesy of Pexels.

If you’re looking for a way to maximize the efficiency of your email marketing campaign, mail merge is a productivity tool that you want to have in your arsenal. Keep reading to learn how to use mail merge to its fullest potential and how it can boost your customer engagement.…

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Why Pitney Bowes’ SendPro Online Service Makes Sense to Business Owners

Small to medium-sized business owners face a plethora of unique challenges that usually involve obstacles including cost and time. When it comes to shipping, small business owners are definitely caught at a crossroads between needing a reliable shipping solution and needing a budget friendly option. Many small businesses have shipping needs that send them on a quest to find the cheapest shipping carrier, whether it be USPS, UPS, or Fedex. This is a burden that costs business owners crucial time and money.

SendPro Online by Pitney Bowes

Many current shipping solutions seem to cater to larger companies only. While there are some shipping savings that can come into play, most business owners would be shocked to see that they can’t just do everything within the fee they pay.…

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6 Online Tools a Small Business Needs

Running a small business requires entrepreneurs to wear many hats: accounting, project management, collaboration, marketing and so on. Just as there is no lack of tasks for you to do, there is no shortage of online apps and tools to help make these responsibilities easier or more efficient either. A place where you can get your customers engaged in your goals and insights to your business is by developing Communities of Practice online.

Using online business tools

If you’re looking to take some of the tedious duties digital, then here are five tools that you can start using immediately:…

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4 Ways to Maximize Your Online Presence

As you work to build your brand, startup or small business, it is only natural to focus on ways to use online and social media resources to your advantage. Whether you want to increase sales or improve brand awareness, the internet is a bountiful resource. It is just figuring out the best ways to tap into it.

Strategy to maximizing online presence

Here are four simple ways you can maximize your online presence to build your business.

1. Invest in a Professionally Designed Website

Whether you hand someone your business card bearing your website address, or someone finds you via social media or another website, your own website gives you the opportunity to make the first impression you’d like to make most. …

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15 Internet Terms And Definitions That Everyone Should Know

The Internet: a vast collection of servers and web pages that have been the bedrock of information-sharing and electronic commerce for decades. From social media to cloud computing, the versatility and usefulness of the Internet is difficult to overstate.

The problem is, how are we to understand and maneuver through it when there is too much of it to even comprehend?

Businesswoman accessing the Internet

To many individuals, some of the words I just used aren’t even in their vocabulary, let alone truly understood. With the vastness of the Internet at our fingertips, there are certain words and phrases that act as directions in our journey online.…

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Is Robotics Automation a Viable Cost Control Strategy for Your Small Business?

As a business owner, you should always be looking for ways to improve your ROI. Robotics automation could be a great thing to invest in. However, not all automation technology is worth the investment.

Robotic arms

You should familiarize yourself with different robotics automation technology on the market and make sure to allocate your capital expenditures wisely. This requires assessing your business needs and calculating the expected ROI from your robotics technology.

The state of robotics automation under capitalism in the 21st-century

Automation is a complicated concept that has received a lot of attention inside and outside the business community. Many clueless political pundits state that automation is a form of worker exploitation.…

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How DevOps End-To-End Implementation Improves Your Business

Many businesses across the world are improving their operations by implementing the DevOps methodology. As a CEO, you constantly search for the best technologies for your company.

Using DevOps tools

With that being said, you need to consider investing in the top DevOps tools. Then, your company can determine changes that need to be made and make those changes effectively. After all, implementing the methodology entails creating an ongoing learning culture in your business.

If you want to excel, learn how DevOps end-to-end implementation improves your business by reading this post.

Scalable Server Capacity

Firstly, DevOps end-to-end implementation improves businesses by enabling developers to scale server capacity.…

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How an Intranet System can Benefit your Business

To many, an intranet system seems like an outdated concept, a relic from offices of the nineties who claimed to be “hi-tech”. Put simply, an intranet is a private network which is only accessible to chosen individuals, such as the staff of a given organisation. The technology kept employees locked into the same server, and was notoriously difficult to navigate.

Employees using business intranet system

Of course, a couple of decades on, intranet technology has become just as advanced as any other network. Nowadays, corporate intranet systems work to streamline everyday processes, whether this for completing specific tasks or a company’s wider work culture. Here’s why you should consider establishing an intranet system for your small business.…

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Best Tools for Attorneys in the Era of Globalization

Globalization has changed the way that attorneys practice law and conduct their business. While the nature of their professional responsibilities remains the same, how they give legal advice and obtain their clients is now an entirely different game. This is mainly due to the changed scope and pace of law practice.

Lawyer's firm operational tools

When the law sector becomes global in nature, it inherently means a quicker pace and more broad-based services that must be provided to clients. To keep up with globalization, attorneys will need to ensure that they have the proper infrastructure to handle the new demands that are placed upon them.…

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The Best Tech Tools to Get Ahead as a Real Estate Agent

Being a real estate agent means that you always have to work to stay ahead of the game. You have to be one step ahead of your competitors and the market.

Real estate agent tools

Along with being competitive and staying ahead, you also want to be productive and find ways to make your work life as easy as possible because real estate can be incredibly stressful and busy.

Technology is a good way to achieve quite a few goals, and the following are some of the best technology tools and tips for real estate agents.

A Realtor App

Creating a buzzworthy realtor app is something you should consider if you haven’t already.…

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