Top Tips to Improve Your Organic Page Ranking

When it comes to your business’ page ranking, the details really matter and if you want to get bumped higher up the search rankings then this post is for you. Hiring SEO services isn’t something that every business has the finances to do, but that doesn’t mean that it is impossible to increase the your organic page ranking, on the contrary in fact.

SEO analytics

The key thing to understand about your search ranking is that the aim of the search engine’s algorithm, which monitors your site and fixes your ranking, is to give users the best possible results for their searches, and here is how you can ensure that you are the most relevant result.…

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What is Cryptojacking that Uses CPU Resources Without Permission?

Cryptojacking is a malware that mines virtual currencies such as Bitcoin mainly on websites and advertisements so that users who visit the site do not notice them.

Cryptojacking trend

To understand cryptojacking, I would like to talk a little about cryptocurrencies. As you may already know, virtual currencies are electronic currencies such as BitCoin, Ethereum, Monero and Ripple that do not belong to any country.

These virtual currencies use a mechanism called blockchain, and are not managed centrally by a specific nation or creator, but are shared and distributed among users and managed. Since it is not a centralized management, it is necessary to have a system to manage transaction records and prevent tampering.…

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6 Convincing Reasons Why You Should Start A Podcast

In a world of virtual information and interconnectedness, modern podcasts can be considered the successors of the radio. The main reason why podcasts are growing so popular these days pertains to their wide availability and vast potential for audience outreach. Now, if you’re tech-inclined, are a natural entertainer and communicator, and have a passion for transmitting knowledge, starting a podcast can be an exciting and very lucrative enterprise.


In that spirit, here are 6 compelling reasons why you could find success as a podcast host, along with some helpful tips to help you get there and make a genuine impact.…

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EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard – Here’s What You Need to Know

Have you ever been in a situation where you accidentally deleted data that you needed? Are you searching for data that was there and now isn’t? If yes, you aren’t alone. It happens all the time. Data gets lost due to common issues such as accidental deletion and formatting, causing a panic as you scramble to retrieve it.

Data recovery

As you might already know, there are plenty of data recovery software options available, and today, we’re going to share with you what we found out about one of the biggest competitors on the market.

Meet EaseUS

EaseUS is a data recovery software that’s been used by 530 million people.…

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5 Biggest Challenges for Businesses with Custom Software Development

Custom software development comes with certain challenges. While the word ‘challenge’ is often used as a synonym for ‘problem’, this time it’s not sugar-coating it. We’re talking about obstacles that developers often happen to run into. You could experience them as well, but fortunately, these hindrances are 100% conquerable.

Custom software development

Before we start, let us just say that we didn’t write this to frighten you about the difficulties you might experience. Rather, we did it to help you prepare and avoid them altogether. Everything you’ll read below is based on our own experiences as custom software development professionals. is well past the learn-from-your-mistakes phase, and we have a pretty optimized workflow.…

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Setting Up Your Small Business on the Cloud

Running your small business on the cloud can offer several advantages. It can improve security, better protect your essential data, and provide a better experience to your customers. However, many new businesses do not start off on the cloud. To gain these advantages, there are a few steps you can follow to set up your small business on the cloud.

Small business cloud computing

Step 1: Learn the Lingo

Before you start making any changes, you should spend some time familiarizing yourself with the language surrounding cloud computing. This will help you understand the different aspects of it and make better decisions for your business.…

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How Chatbots Can Benefit Your Business

The functions and capabilities of chatbots have evolved over the years. They have changed from being simply repetitive and illogically predictive to intelligent, programmable, and highly interactive features in a chat application or service.

Conversation with a chatbot

Chat, just like calls, is a way of communicating in real-time. Thus, this method of communication saw great potential in businesses, not just on the customer service aspect. It’s becoming a common misconception that chat services in business are only exclusively for customer service.

There are other benefits chat and chatbots can bring to your business, and we’ll tackle some of them here.

Chatbots Help Streamline Your Business Process

Chatbots that have intuitive and data-gathering programs embedded in them can collect valuable customer data which can be useful when it comes to planning and implementing changes or improvements in your business process.…

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How Zoom Meeting Helped Italy During The Lockdown

The effect of the pandemic in Italy has been grave and the lockdown has created a disruption in the everyday life of its people. People are suddenly confined to their own homes, not being able to go out to work or socialize. It is during these desperate times that Zoom has been able to create a virtual environment that has helped the people of Italy in a lot of ways.

Work during COVID-19 lockdown

Getting In Touch with Family and Friends

One of the biggest impacts of the lockdown is getting isolated from friends and family, especially those who are living far apart. This has become a challenge for their family life since Italians are known to have close-knitted family relationships.…

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4 Local SEO Tips For Small-Medium Businesses

Did you know that 97% of consumers search online for a local business?

Or did you know that every month, web users visit over 1.5 billion stores related to their Google search?

Or did you ever come across the fact that almost 46% of Google searches are local? [Source]

Well, if you didn’t, this can be your moment of enlightenment.

Local SEO works!

But a question may still arise:

“How can I make local SEO work for me?”

In this post, you will find answers to that. Here are four local SEO tips that any small-medium business can easily implement.…

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Tips to Increase Online Engagement

Selling isn’t about getting in the face of the consumer and reeling off a long list of product benefits and features.

Door to door sales techniques are fast and dirty and most people don’t respond well to the cold-call nature of any salesperson with wide eyes and a big smile who looks like they want you to join a cult. That’s like fishing with a very small net. Sure, you might catch a few fish that way, but casting out a hundred worms on the end of a hundred hooks is far easier – let them come to you.

Increasing online engagement

With so many online opportunities available to help business owners to communicate with potential customers, we can (if we’re smart) help to drive future sales by planting the seed today.…

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