Types of QA Tools and Their Functionality

Testing is done to make sure there aren’t any bugs in the software. In order to do this, a tester uses different types of tools.

QA tools

In this article, we will discuss the three most common types of QA non-functional testing tools, which are management testing, functional testing, and performance testing. QA tools are an important part of the software development process that ensure a quality product.These three types allow testers to focus on specific aspects of their work and avoid overlapping or duplicating efforts while also determining whether there is room for improvement in the areas they cover.

1. Management testing

Management testing is used to determine steps in the software development process and determine whether there are any problems with them.…

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How to Ramp Up Your Local SEO in 2021

If you’re in business today, your online presence is probably the most important piece of real estate that you own. But if you can’t get anyone there, then it isn’t worth anything. That’s why search engine optimization (SEO) is such a crucial piece of any marketing plan so that you can get in front of your target audience on a regular basis.

Local business SEO

This is especially true in the local context where you’re competing against other companies both local and international – to target specific people in your geography. At Trusted Search Marketing, we’ve learned a lot from our time in the business and we thought we would share our top 5 local SEO tips that can take your business to the next level.…

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Marketing Strategies to Increase Your Blog’s Traffic

While blogging is an amazing way to express ourselves and make some extra earnings, it undeniably has its peculiarities and needs. Blogs have been around almost as long as the internet, and this means that there are tried and true tactics that can help any blog increase its traffic and become more successful.

Blog marketing

And with that in mind today we’ll go over some of these strategies one at a time. So you can bring your blogging to the next level and make the most out of your efforts.

Promote your blog with Social Media

While blogs were the main source of content back in the day, that no longer is the case.…

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Passwords: The Key to Protecting Your Business

Did you know that the average password contains eight characters or less? That’s not secure—far from it! And yet, 90% of internet users are in fear of having their accounts hacked. If that’s the case, why aren’t people using more secure passwords?

Password protected

The topic of passwords is a difficult one, especially when it comes to business. It’s not uncommon for employees to take the easy route and use the same one-or-two passwords across all their work accounts; they may even use the same passwords they use for their personal accounts.

Weak passwords are among the quickest ways to have your business hacked.…

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Converting JPEG Files Into PDF Will Reap Many Benefits

There’s no running away from the fact that there are plenty of image formats available these days. So when PDF is concerned, it is chanted as the most suitable format out of all the options available.

Image conversion

For your information, the PDF is known as the most suitable format due to its incredible benefits. Especially when a JPG file has to be converted into PDF format, people rest assured about the quality of the image. If you don’t know, most of the images are in JPEG format and are of high resolution. This means you will eventually have a lot of problems when converting the images unless you utilize a PDF converter.…

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The Science Of Video Marketing For Small Businesses

Statistics of recent years speak volumes about the active transition of both users and marketers to a separate type of content – video. Netizens give about 70% of their traffic to watching videos and other media.

Video production for marketing

Given this attractive figure, small businesses are also turning to video in the race for consumers’ attention. Today we’ll take a look at how video marketing is driving the exponential growth of projects, how it improves Google rankings, and how to professionally create and edit marketing videos for small businesses.

How does video marketing affect small business growth?

Along with influencer marketing, the transition from statics to dynamics is a new trend that every self-respecting company must follow.…

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Why You Should Outsource eCommerce Order Fulfillment

As an e-store owner, you know the deal does not end with the customer paying for the item. You have to take care of the shipping, packaging, inventory management, handling returns, and such. That’s just the beginning of the entire process.

Ecommerce order fulfillment

You have to make sure product delivery is handled perfectly, so you get good reviews, then repeat business, improving your bottom line. It’s a pretty complicated process that involves managing and coordinating shipment and transportation of the items to the end consumer.

Here is an outline of the benefits you get when you outsource eCommerce order fulfillment.

Helps you avoid long-term lease agreements

If you choose to keep your order fulfillment in-house, it means you enter some long-term lease agreements and other commitments so that you get space for your inventory.…

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The Rise of Data Science and Big Data: Everything You Need to Know

Everything we do produces data. In the past, that data has to be recorded to be useful in any meaningful application. Today? Today you cannot escape it. Apps track each other, information that you gave to one site might be available to others, and of course your behavior, your accounts, and more are all logged. Your behavior is worth money, and today they can quantify it and commodify it.

Big data science

There are new privacy laws coming into effect that are set to improve the control you have over how other company’s track you, but they are still slow coming. What is more, the power and potential of what data science and Big Data can do for the world mean that it is in everyone’s best interest if certain types of data are universally available – albeit not connected to you.…

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How Tech Is Changing the Way Small Businesses Run

Technology propels companies forward, from streamlining processes to boosting security to improving communication and expanding research capacity. However, it is also evolving at a breakneck pace, and keeping track of the ongoing advancements is an enormous challenge.

Businesswoman using tech

In a tech-driven world, any company will not survive without embracing the changes. To determine which tech is most suitable for your organization, let us first understand how technology is reshaping the way businesses work.

Candidate Tracking Systems

An expanding business needs new talents to sustain its growth. Recruiting an HR staff to handle the hiring process is a crucial step. However, it is not enough to get the best candidates.…

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What Should You Check When Looking for Digital Directory Signs for Your Building?

Digital directories and wayfinding signs could quickly help visitors and staff provide accurate information. There are various sizes and options for digital directory signs available in the marketplace today.

Digital directory sign

photo credit: Poly Surasit / Pinterest

According to a market research report the global digital signage market is estimated to close in 2021 at a value of $16.3 billion. Furthermore, the sector is expected to grow at a CAGR of 11.2% in the next five years. These numbers are an indication as there are multiple players involved in the digital signage sector.

How do you go about selecting the best brand to purchase wayfinding and directory signs for your building?…

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