Best Data Security Practices For New Businesses

Data security is a top concern for any business, especially for new companies. A data breach’s potential risks and consequences can be devastating, so taking steps to protect your business, like beginning to learn about PKI, is essential.

Data security

Here are some of the best data security practices for new businesses.

Use A Password Manager To Create And Store Strong Passwords

Anyone who has ever been the victim of a data breach knows how frustrating it can be to have your personal information compromised. One of the best ways to protect yourself from identity theft is to use a solid and unique password for every online account.…

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Why Automating Cash Forecasting in 2023 Is Important

Using manual methods for cash forecasting has always been a long and tedious process. Along with being time-consuming, manual methods also increase the risk of costly errors that leave business owners wondering, “What is cash flow forecasting really doing for my company?”

Many of the problems businesses face with creating cash flow forecasts can be solved with automation.

Cash flow forecasting automation

photo credit: Joshua Sortino / Unsplash

Here’s why automating cash flow forecasting is important.

Data Input Takes Too Long

It’s no secret that manual data input requires a lot of time. Prior to automation, this was something that just had to be accepted as par for the course.…

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Tech You Need For Your Small, Online Business

Technology is a small businesses best friend- it’s thanks to the innovation of modern tech and progress in the online world that enables most small business owners to do what they do. Without the internet, social media, online shopping and being able to source just about anything online, running your own business would be a lot more difficult.

Small online business

photo credit: Vojtech Okenka / Pexels

Regardless of what your company does and what you sell, having the right tools will ensure you keep up with your competition, remain fast, effective and keep costs down so it’s vital you do your research. Here are some of the available softwares and tech that you might be missing out on.…

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4 Things to Consider When Auditing Your Website

In a world of digital modes of payment, shopping, meeting, playing and more, one must know the significance and the role applications and websites play in our lives. Be it a business, blog, or shopping experience, websites today play a remarkable role in our lives. So, if you’re a web developer, there are a few aspects such as website auditing that can help you manage the website in a much more efficient way.

Website auditing

While most of us know how to visit a website and navigate through it, there are people who find it difficult to interpret the content of a website.…

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Using SEO for Plastic Surgeons – You Can Establish Yourself as an Authority in the Plastic Surgery Industry

Do you own a clinic that specializes in plastic surgery? Are you working to broaden the scope of your company’s online presence in order to attract a greater number of customers? You couldn’t have found a better destination! Even while we won’t physically alter your website in any way here at Brandllift Med, we will give it a new lease on life by applying the most cutting-edge SEO tactics.

SEO for plastic surgeon

You have the most highly regarded plastic surgery practice in the neighborhood. Now, let Brandllift Med a highly revered plastic surgery SEO company assist you in communicating this information to potential customers of your business.…

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Step by Step Guide to Building a P2P Payment App

Peer-to-peer (P2P) payment is an online transaction system that allows individuals to transfer money from one account to another without going through a financial institution. Here, we will walk you through how to develop a P2P payment app. We’ll also look at today’s best examples of mobile payment applications.

P2P payment app

Source: Codetibuton

P2P payment apps have been around for quite some time now. PayPal, Venmo, and Google Wallet are some of the earliest examples of mobile payment apps that allow users to send and receive money without going through a bank or other financial institution.

Since then, many other P2P payment apps have entered the market, each with its unique features and offerings.…

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Is Code Intellectual Property and How Can it be Protected?

In this article, we’ll discuss what code intellectual property is and how and why it should be protected.

Code intellectual property

photo credit: Markus Spiske / Unsplash

We have all seen stories and watched television shows where somebody has written an incredible computer program that will change the world and it’s been stolen. For many people, this is just the plot of a TV show, but for some people, it’s a very harsh reality.

So, is code considered to be an intellectual property, and can you protect it? Do you need copyright infringement lawyers? Let’s take a quick look at the basics of intellectual property and work out whether or not your code does qualify, and what you can do to protect it from theft and misuse.…

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Five Things to Consider Before Hiring Shopify SEO Services

Many people may tell you that hiring Shopify SEO services is an easy task, but this is a myth because many businesses who have failed can testify that search engine optimization is not an easy job.


photo credit: Merakist / Unsplash

When you are hiring a services provider for your online business, there is a need to consider a few things that will ensure that your site is properly ranked in the search engine. Now let’s have a look at some of the critical things that you should be aware of before you hire Shopify SEO services.

1. Have a clear Picture of Competitors

Before you start optimizing your store, you should have a clear picture of your competitors.…

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How Decentralised Exchanges are Evolving for The Good

The cryptocurrency market got DEXs, which stand for “decentralized exchanges,” in 2014. Users can trade a wide variety of assets through these exchanges.


Still, the first versions of these systems might not be accessible for people to use. But designers have worked hard to make them easier to use and simpler since they were first made.

On a decentralized exchange, users can trade with each other directly instead of going through a central platform. Smart contracts, which are used to carry out the orders that traders give, make this possible. When traders choose a decentralized exchange (DEX) instead of a centralized exchange (CEX), their money is not kept on the DEX.…

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How to Choose the Broadband Connection for Perfect Bandwidth?

Imagine you are on a crucial Skype, video, or Zoom call with your boss or a client when the call unexpectedly ends and you receive a notification stating that you have used up all of your allotted bandwidth for the day.


Naturally, you will feel awful about embarrassing yourself in front of them. Or, let’s say you and your gaming mates are online and you run out of data in the middle of a game. Wouldn’t that break your heart?

Consider all the reasons you and others in your home or apartment would want to use your home internet connection to connect to the internet before making your decision on the best internet provider service.…

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