Simplifying IT Management for SMBs

remote cloud computingIn smaller organizations, IT management can be a real challenge. Technology changes rapidly and qualified staff might not always be on-hand to maintain mission-critical systems, support users and administer the network.

This is complicated by the fact that, given no other convenient option, users will often come up with their own “duct tape” solutions to common information management problems. This can quickly snowball into messy situation where critical business information is randomly scattered across spreadsheets, email attachments, Word documents and sticky notes.

It’s disorganized information and inefficient business processes like these that can often wind up costing companies a lot of money further down the road.…

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The Blackberry Storm – A Small Business Perspective

blackberry stormThe Storm phone is an interesting combination of Blackberry functionality with touch screen capability, and a large, clear screen. For those other small business owners without their own dedicated email server, Blackberry runs circles around Windows phones, at least on the Verizon network.

When it comes to technology, I’m not normally an early adopter. Putting up with my Windows-based Treo for the last couple years, coupled with Verizon’s release of the new Blackberry Storm sent me over the edge, running out first thing to find a store with a Storm. I have now had the phone for almost two months.

The good news:

My business and personal email boxes are now separate and I can reply from either.…

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Google Chrome Browser Coming To A Computer Near You

chromologo.jpgGoogle has announced that the launch of their new  web browser is just around the corner!   Google Chrome will be released later today in over 100 countries, according to Google’s Official Blog.   This new web browser is said to be  fast and handles today’s web applications much better.    

The Google Chrome browser will have a homepage of nine shortcut thumbnails with your most recent search history and tabs.   The tabs themselves are multi-threaded with no communication or interference from other tabs or other applications.   Each application opens in it’s own window.  

Another great feature  will be obvious when you open a new tab.  …

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You’re Not After Clicks: You’re After Sales!

My thanks to a special guest blogger, Caroline Melberg of This is a content and practical advice packed post, take your time and absorb.

It’s no secret that in today’s world, online success depends in large part on how much traffic you drive to your site. The amount of traffic you get depends on your search engine optimization. When your site is primed for search engine optimization, you get tons of traffic coming to you for free. Great, right?

Of course! You see, on the web you have a choice – you can pay Google or Yahoo tons of your hard earned cash for PPC clicks, or you can search engine optimize your site to drive new customers to you.…

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Top Ten Podcasts of 2007

Over at The Small Business Trends Radio Show we had a great year and we wanted to share the Top 10 Small Business Podcasts for 2006 with you.

Congratulations to the small business experts listed below — they had the most requested podcasts for 2006.

Here are the Top 10 Small Business Podcasts for 2006 (in no particular order):

Steve Kinney of Search Optimizers SEO Success for Small Business
Guest: Steve Kinney, Founder of Search Optimizers
Search engine optimization (SEO) can help your business beat your biggest competitors.

Gary Schoeniger on How to Start a Business With No Money How to Start a Business With No Money
Guest: Gary Schoeniger, Founder of
Gary Schoeniger started a business dead broke with a borrowed ladder.…

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The Blog Chain Letter Craze

I have been tagged by Anita Campbell at SmallBizTrends in the chain-letter blogging craze.

Here is the way it is supposed to work. I have to answer five questions. Then I get to tag five other people to answer the questions. They in turn can tag five others. (That’s where it resembles a chain letter.) And so on.

So what’s in it for you, you ask? Reading the answers is a good way to get to know me and other people online.

Here are the five questions and my answers:

1. What have you learned so far from visitors to your blog?

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