Broken Data Storage – How to Recover Your Data?

As winter storms strike North America, chances are good that disaster will strike right at the heart of your business.

Hopefully you have surge protection to safe-guard your IT equipment and storage devices…

Hopefully you back up your data so persistently that there’s no chance you won’t be able to do a fast and easy disaster recovery once the storm lifts…

broken hard drive

There’s a lot of things an SMB CEO needs to be hopeful about. If you are like most people, some lessons have to be learned the hard way, and you now find yourself in a position where you have to recover some uber-important data from a dead or otherwise discombobulated storage device – your laptop, PC, thumb drive, SD card, or main server.…

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8 Essential Small Business Sales Apps for 2014

I just received a package delivered by one of the leading International shipping companies. The package needs to clear customs, and thus I obviously need to pay some fees. The company accepts collect-on-delivery (COD) payment, so I took that option. To my surprise, the delivery man requests the fees to be paid in hard cash – or a bank transfer before the delivery is made.

collecting payment using sales apps

I don’t know how about you, but as I rarely have cash at home this arrangement is, by any means, not that convenient for me. I thought, “Why on earth such big business don’t facilitate payment collection via credit cards/debit cards method?”…

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Easy Step by Step Approach to Make a WordPress Site for Your Small Business

Almost every small business owner is faced with the challenge of building a website to help develop and market their brand at some point. To those of us who’ve successfully built a few, or dozens of sites, it seems almost silly that anyone would anguish over such a task – it’s really not that difficult right?

small business website building

However, for those of you who haven’t, but desperately want to: you probably have a hundred different questions running through your head:

  • “Do I really have the time to mess around with this darned website thinga-myjiggy right now?”
  • “What if I do all this work – research, planning, executing, outsourcing, maintenance – and it doesn’t make me any money?”
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Why You Need a Company Blog

Running a company blog can take up a significant amount of time. As a result, many small business CEOs are reluctant to start one. However, a company blog can reap long-term benefits for your business, particularly in terms of web traffic, viable leads, and brand reputation.

company blog

According to one survey, businesses with a company blog get 55% more traffic and 70% more leads than those that don’t. Here are the reasons why you should seriously consider starting a company blog.

  • A business blog is a hallmark of authority and quality. It demonstrates that your company is run by knowledgeable people, who have a deep understanding of their industry.
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Need More Hours in The Day? Follow These Tips for Cutting Your E-mail Time in Half

More than a quarter of an employee’s workday is consumed with reading and responding to e-mail, according to a study conducted by the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI).

email management on the go

E-mail notifications and mobile connectivity have left many professionals feeling as though they must read every e-mail as soon as it comes through—a practice that cuts into a worker’s productivity throughout the day.

But this constant connectivity can have a negative impact on your business—pulling employees out of conversations with associates and clients and leaving your team members feeling burned out. By making a few small changes to your e-mail, you can become more productive and provide better service to your client base.…

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Utilising Search to Start and Grow Your Business

As a search marketer for over ten years and CEO, I decided last year to start my own business and have Google to thanks for it’s success to this day. Here are a few key insights to help any CEO or business owner looking to start their own business online.

search marketing

Align Your Business To Search Behaviour

One of the first marketing 101 lessons at any school is that the pathway to success in 99% of cases is to meet an existing ‘need’. Google has the perfect free tool called the keyword planner which can help you understand what people are searching for and therefore the most popular sets of ‘needs’ in society.…

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High-Tech, High-Touch: Relevancy and Relationships for Today’s Young Businesses

Today’s marketing landscape is radically different than it was just one decade ago. It continues to evolve at an ever-increasing rate, keeping pace with the latest technological innovations.

mobile tech

Successful companies have adapted to the demands of this new environment, integrating competitive SEO and social media campaign initiatives into their marketing portfolios. Those who turn their backs on these changes put themselves at a steep disadvantage. However, those who are a bit too eager to go full-tech run the risk of falling even further.

The problem isn’t that businesses choose to embrace the high-tech transformation. After all, in order to remain relevant, a company needs to play ball on the same field as its competition.…

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What to Look for in a Document Management Company

When you are partnering with a document management service provider, you need to be sure that your data is well taken care of.   Indeed, there are many factors to consider when you are choosing from a list of service providers.  It’s an important decision to make – even more important than you realize.  How so?

document management system

Firstly, document management itself is crucial.  When you need to manage gigabytes of documents, you can’t afford to blink; if you mis-manage your documents, you can be sure that you can fall well behind schedule.

There’s a domino effect that occurs when you choose the wrong document management system (DMS) – including: poor time management, poor work ethics, poor work completion, bad customer feedback, and more.…

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The Top Three Benefits from Using Business Intelligence Software

Let’s face it, you don’t have time to manage and sort all of your company/department data with hours of manual labor. Thankfully, there’s business intelligence software that can do the hard work for you with just a few clicks!

business intelligence software

What Can Business Intelligence Do?

The goal of business intelligence is to better assist you in making more informed decisions on behalf of the company. Here are just some of the benefits:

  • You’ll see inside the minds of your customers and figure out what behavior they’re following, what they’re buying and when they’re buying it.
  • Identify any upsell or cross-sell opportunities that may exist.
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What Kind of PBX Phone System is Right for Your Business?

In order to understand which PBX phone system will best suit your business’s needs, you should understand what a PBX system actually is. PBX stands for Private Branch Exchange. The system exchanges and connects multiple phone calls from one user to another or from one department to another (“for Human Resources press 1…” etc) in a company or organization. Incoming calls go to an auto-receptionist who directs the call to the right employee depending on the needs and response of the caller. Outgoing calls travel through the PBX phone systems to connect with outside lines.

staff taking pbx calls

The need for a complex business telephone system is still very high for almost any business imaginable.…

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