What is The Best Online Address Book? A Debate Revisited

Let’s get clear up front – we’re talking about ‘online address books’, which for the purposes of this article means an address-book, a place where you hold information on how to get in touch with people, that is online. No, I promise this will not be the most patronizing article ever written, but it is important to clear up a potentially misleading set of terms.

Online address book

Let’s also be clear on is what we’re not talking about: phone books, like those you may still receive from your landline provider. We’re not talking about those.

Now we’re all singing from the same song-sheet, let’s get down to the business of looking at the market for online address books, and where we seem to be heading, what is now about 10 years since Facebook entered the mix.…

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Don’t Let Pirated Software Sink Your Business

If you download pirated software from Pirate Bay or another torrent website on a computer you use in the workplace, then you’re placing your entire business network at risk. A person downloading pirated software has a one-in-three chance of encountering malware. However, the risk isn’t just in downloading the latest version of “Modern Warfare” before it comes to the U.S. Businesses that purchase refurbished computers containing pirated software have a 61-percent chance of encountering malware.

Pirate girl

Recent research released by IDC and the National University of Singapore predicts that pirated software will costs businesses approximately $491 billion in 2014. The majority of the cost, $364 billion, comes from lost data, damage repair and identity theft expenses.…

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How Much Internet Does Your Business Need?

No matter how many apps and tools you have to help you run your business, the key to a successful business is making sure that you have enough internet for your needs. The last thing you need is to be in the middle of a video conference, or just trying to upload a send a large file to a client, and discover that your current speeds aren’t enough to handle the task. On the other hand, if all you do is occasionally access the internet and check email, you don’t want to spend a lot of money on bandwidth you don’t need.…

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Dear SMB Owner: Think You Don’t Need CRM Software to Maximize Sales?

This post isn’t a promotional for any single type or brand of “Customer Relationship Management” software. I just want to outline some of the benefits of using one for those of you who’re starting a business soon, or who may be on track to expand your new or established SMB in the near future.

Zoho CRM

I’m not going to recommend any specific software in this post. If you’ve tried CRM’s that are great – or ones that are garbage for that matter – please leave a comment after this article so everyone can benefit from your knowledge.

Benefits of Using a CRM for Your SMB:

Team compliance

How often do you find yourself in a situation where a team member is giving you the “I forgot excuse” when it comes to your sales or customer service process?…

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Can’t Afford Mobile? 5 Tips to Help You Survive Without It

Customers expect to have information about your business – and your competitors – at their fingertips. If you’re not on mobile, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity to gain customers.

Online store

Four out of five consumers use smartphones to shop, and 70 percent of mobile searches lead to online action within an hour.

Despite these staggering statistics, many CEOs are still hesitant to jump on the mobile bandwagon. But mobile is the future of business, and it won’t wait for you to catch up before it sweeps your competition right past you on a digital wave of connected clients.

Mobile Boosts Business

In nearly every area of commerce, a mobile presence can boost your business by providing:

  • More leads.
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Your User’s Mouse is Trying to Tell You What’s Wrong With Your Site

Your website is a work of art. The design is clean and beautiful, the visuals fit perfectly with your brand, and the entire site is structured to quietly guide users where they need to go.

But there’s a problem: Users aren’t cooperating.


Most of them seem to insist on using your site incorrectly. They’re not navigating to the right pages, no one is contacting you or filling out the forms, and most importantly, the number of people buying what you have to offer is much lower than it should be.

This is a trap many companies fall into: They put great effort in designing a website based on how the user is “supposed” to use it.…

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Is Your Yahoo Email Account Secure?

Yahoo recently disclosed it asked an undisclosed number of its email customers to reset their passwords. The company discovered hackers had obtained a number of Yahoo email login credentials from a third-party database and then used the credentials to access Yahoo email accounts.

Yahoo! mail mobile

Yahoo has a history of being targeted for email-related attacks. Last year, a number of European Yahoo users reported their devices had been compromised by malicious ads displayed on Yahoo’s websites. In 2012, the hacktivist group D33Ds Co. stole 400,000 Yahoo usernames and passwords and posted the information online. If you have a Yahoo email account, install the best antivirus software for email security, which can scan attachments and warn you when those attachments are malicious.…

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5 Tools to Manage Your Small Business More Effectively

Running a business, however small, is no walk in the park. With little or no staff, you would have to take care of the many challenges inherent in business management, which can include financing, marketing, managing deliverables and growing the business, among other things.

business apps

Like a plumber and his tools, it is imperative that you are equipped with spot-on business applications to grow your business, as allowing yourself to settle for software systems that get in the way of effective communication, data accuracy and reliability, client relationships and employee engagement are detrimental to success.

If you’re in the market for tools to help you manage your business more effectively, here are five you might want to take a look at:


Bitrix24 is a free social intranet framework for small businesses comprised of a maximum of 12 team members.…

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Why You Should Consider Hosted Small Business Forms

As an SMB CEO, you are required to find the best solutions offering you the best value for money, as resources are scarce these days.

When you are running a full-fledge business website, you need to give emphasis to one of the most important – yet often neglected – features of your website: Your online forms.

Online small business forms

Your online forms – particularly your contact forms – need to be crafted in such a way that it converts well. Increasing your contact form conversion rate should be your top-most priority.

When you design online forms, you essentially have two options: design and host on your own, or design and host using a third-party service.…

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Apps for a Small Business’ Accounting Needs

Being in the accounting department of a small business doesn’t mean being tucked away in the back corner of the office hammering away on a Dell desktop running Windows XP and an old copy of QuickBooks. No sir, accounting can actually be fun thanks to the help of mobile devices like smartphones and tablets, and some nifty apps as well as long awaited Mac accounting software.

small business owner using mobile accounting apps

The idea of putting accounting-related tasks into a mobile device might seem scary to some accounting pros. But the concept of being able to touch, swipe and manipulate numbers at the stroke of a finger can be pretty liberating.…

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