What Type of Tech Support is Best for Your Company

If your company uses any type of technology – from laptops and printers, to network routers and phone systems – then you are going to need some type of technical support. It doesn’t matter if your company only employs four people, or if your workforce is several thousand strong.

Tech support officer

However, while the size of your company won’t determine whether or not you’ll need technical support, it can play a role in the type of technical support that you use. However, the type of support that you use is not always the best choice.

Types of Tech Support

There are several tech support options available and they all have their strengths and weaknesses.…

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Analysis of the Cloud Computing Market: Trends in 2015

According to Business Insider, the price war on cloud computing rages on. Described as “the race to zero” by some tech experts, the competition seems fierce in the coming year and the market continues to be a vicious battle ground for cloud service providers. Mark Mahaney of RBC Capital published a chart to show the changes between Oct 2013 to December 2014, and this trend shows no sign of stopping.

Cloud computing trends

For small businesses looking to take the leap, this could be the ultimate year to invest in a new cloud based network. With so many vendors slashing their prices in the competitive market, affordable solutions for robust, flexible and scalable IT have never been so accessible.…

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How to Improve Multi-Channel Customer Service

Without your customers, your business wouldn’t be successful, so of course you want to treat them well and make sure that you’re addressing every one of their needs. One of the best ways to show your customers you care about them is by making sure that your customer service channels are optimized to serve your customers in a quick, efficient manner.

Multi-channel customer service

Of course, each one of your customers will have a different preferred method of contacting you, so you’ll have to make sure that each of your customer service channels is responsive and helpful, whether it’s over the phone, e-mail, social media, or text message.…

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Google Panda 4.1 Leaks Provide More Complete Picture of Corporate SEO

2014 was another year full of computer hacks and data leaks, with more and more confidential information becoming available from every corner of the internet. At a time when giants such as Sony or the United States government are able to be targeted, the internet’s own Google is no exception.

Google Panda

In addition to “Project Goliath”, Google has made the news over the course of 2014 because of other data leaks and reinterpretations of patent filings from their own organisation: The key factors which affect your business websites’ search rank have been revealed iteratively throughout a series of small leaks.

A Matter of Ethics

While some say that learning from leaked information may not be the most ethical -others will argue that Google’s role of self-proclaimed “internet hall monitor” warrants it.…

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Why your Business Could Benefit from Call Forwarding

When it comes to business, large and small, one main focus should always be on the client and the solid delivery of services for those clients. This however makes them stick to one specific area for long periods of time meaning they cannot progress in terms of size or profit. In order to make yourself freer to be able to deal with other important things, you should consider hiring a virtual receptionist to help you with your call logs.

Call forwarding

Benefits of having virtual receptionists

If you are wondering why your business could benefit from call forwarding, there are numerous ways, some of which we will list below:

Firstly, you will have a well-trained qualified receptionist at your disposal- this will help your business as they are always composed and know exactly how to talk with the clients who call.…

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Tips for Selling Retail Items Online

The world of retail is so different from what is used to be. Today, many shoppers are online – if you don’t tap into the online market, you could be missing out on a huge number of customers.

online shopping

If you are in the middle of a search for tips for selling online, here are four of many that will help you in getting started:

1. If you are selling handmade items, consider setting up an Etsy shop, even if you also have your own website

When you’re first starting out, sales are hard to come by. Buyers tend to trust Etsy sellers more than brands they randomly come across online.…

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Celebrating the 44th Anniversary of Email

This year, email celebrates its 44th anniversary. Since its creation in 1971, email has gone from being a niche method of communication to something that most Americans use on a daily basis. In honor of email’s 44th year, let’s look back at what the first 44 years have included.

Email history

Email made its official debut in 1971, when computer engineer Ray Tomlinson sent the first electronic mail message, and it was first used by a head of state in 1976 when Queen Elizabeth II sent her first electronic mail message. Two years later, the first electronically delivered advertisement was sent, over a network of government and university computers.…

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How can Dark Fibre Solutions Benefit your Business?

Demand for internet and related telecommunications services has grown significantly in the last few years. This has compelled businesses to explore access technologies that promote their information technology (IT) investments.

Dark fibre

Dark fibre solutions offer a cost-effective way for businesses to control their bandwidth requirements and fool-proof their operations. They offer dedicated fibre networks for organisations. This means that you will have a private network that only you can access.

Each fibre will only handle your traffic and this gives you a lot of flexibility. These solutions can provide a variety of benefits for your business including:

Unlimited Bandwidth at Reasonable Costs

This is one of the main reasons why businesses need to take advantage of these solutions.…

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Modern Printer Innovations: Refillable Cartridges and Other Ink Inspirations

It is quite a startling fact to discover that UK households work their way through some 50 million inkjet cartridges every year.

Color ink for refillable cartridges

It is therefore no surprise that many consumers are looking for ways to reduce their printing costs by taking advantage of some modern printer innovations such as refillable cartridges and other ideas that offer a cost-saving and environmentally-option by allowing you to print with greater efficiency and economy.

Here is a look at some the technology now available and how it could save you money and print more efficiently and resourcefully.

Refillable tanks

Epson have recently introduced a new breed of printers that would appear to be offering an end to our reliance on ink cartridges.…

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Choosing the Best Website Hosting for a Personal or Community site

Ever noticed how most of the advice you receive online about choosing a web hosting plan focuses on business customers? There’s no end to the number of articles or blogs out there giving us tips on how to pick hosting that helps us to make money and serve our customers.

Web hosting

But what if we don’t have customers? What if we’re not in the business of making money at all, but instead want to launch a new website dedicated to something we’re passionate about, like a hobby or special area of knowledge? What if the only goal for our website is to keep members of our community, local sports team or church group informed about what’s going on?…

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