How MOOC s are Changing the Way we Do Corporate Education

Remember when everyone thought the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) would be the future of higher education as we know it? Yeah, that was only 2012. In recent years, the popularity of the MOOC has dramatically decreased. Yet inversely, the number of high profile research institutions that have presented these courses has steadily risen. As eighteen year olds continue to opt for more traditional means of education, there is room for the MOOC to make major waves in the world of corporate training and education.

Professor using MOOC

The Educational Landscape

Unless you live under a rock, you’ve realized that the cost of education has skyrocketed.…

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These are The Reasons Small Businesses Should Consider IT Consultation

You may think that IT support is something that only big businesses need. They are the ones with all of the big computer systems and they are more likely to be the ones to have problems since they have so many different people working in one place.

IT support

However, if that is your personal train of thought then you are on the wrong track. Unless you know all that there is to possibly know about information technology and can fix problems without calling a tech, then you too may need an IT Consultant.

Even small businesses can use the assistance of an IT professional, because even small businesses have network issues.…

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4 Things you Can Automate to Cut Business Costs

Automation isn’t just for large corporations, SME’s can leverage it to enjoy benefits as well. Both B2B and B2B companies can use automation to streamline business processes and reduce costs. Given most businesses are looking to do more with less, automation of business processes is rising in the enterprise ‘to do’ lists.

Entrepreneur using business software

If your staff, management, and other personnel are required to do repetitive, multiple tasks to conduct operations, it’s an indication that automation opportunities exist. The potential for long-term savings and human error minimization further supports the case for automation for SMEs.

Here are some areas that can be automated to save time in execution and reduce expenses:


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Benefits of Cloud Computing for Small Business

What is cloud computing?

Cloud computing is web based and allows users to access shared computer applications, storage and other resources through a network of remote servers, rather than each individual user installing hardware and software onto their on-site server and personal computer. It allows the user to store, manage and process data in exactly the same way as traditional computer systems and programs, without the need to buy, install, manage and update a variety of expensive applications on one computer.

Business cloud

In cloud computing, you are renting a service rather than buying a product from providers like BlueJeans Video Conference For Business.…

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Desk Phones Vs. Softphones – Which one is better?

Desk phones are going out of trend. In fact, most of the decision makers have already migrated to soft and VoIP phones according to recent Frost & Sullivan survey.

An Executive using VoIP

Softphones are more interactive, responsive and offer better productivity. It is hardly surprising why many firms in first world nations have switched to softphones and left PBX-based phone behind.

So what should you pick?

Here are some of points to consider before you make a decision.

Upfront Costs

A mid-grade, voice only desk phone costs nearly $100. Add video calling and other perks and the cost goes well beyond a hundred bucks.…

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Motivation through Gamification: The Path to Productivity?

For years, GTD (get-things-done) advocates, efficiency experts and HR professionals have searched far and wide for the best way to enhance productivity in the workplace. For a small business, it may not be that simple, especially when people are wearing several hats at the same time.

For any size enterprise, perhaps the best way to enhance productivity is to establish targets and find creative ways for people to reach these. Here is where gamification comes into play.

What is Gamification?

Gamification involves using games and psychology to encourage specific behaviors within the game’s target audience. Research indicates internal gamification can increase employee productivity by 40%.…

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Staying Connected in Australia During your Business Travel

It sounds cliché, but we really are in an age of constant connection: video chatting on trains, emailing in cafés, watching YouTube in the bath (not advisable, but it can be done). Our smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices’ wifi and data capabilities let us access anything, anytime, anywhere. In fact, there is a growing number of business owners who work solely on their mobile devices.

Sydney Opera House, Australia

Whether you’re scouting out the best free wifi or trying to find the fastest speeds, here’s your guide to staying connected in Australia during your business travel. Indeed, staying connected in important, whether you work from a garden bench or renting shared and private offices in Adelaide by the hour.…

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Printing Made Simple for SMBs

Brought to you by Brother International Corporation

Simplicity overrides complexity when trying to get things done effectively. Brother™ wants to help ensure that small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) have the right solutions in place for optimal productivity and cost saving. Replacing underused print devices with more effective printing solutions can result in an optimized printing infrastructure that delivers increased productivity and lower operating costs. Whether it’s replacing printers or finding compatible software and services to improve a business process, Brother is at your side to help find the perfect solution for your business printing needs. 
For more information visit Brother’s website

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5 Benefits of Cloud-Based VoIP (Infographic)

Although many companies have already begun to use the cloud for their everyday business needs, this tool’s capabilities expand far beyond the day-to-day operational processes. By integrating cloud-based VoIP into your firm, IT professionals can spend more time tending to core business technologies instead of having to troubleshoot and maintain phone systems.

Businessman using cloud-based VoIP

Additionally, VoIP phone systems update themselves without hassle, and therefore do not require the attention of on-site employees. This also translates into an integrated emergency plan that companies do not need to worry about.

In addition to easing employees’ workloads in the office, cloud-based systems can break through geographical boundaries by allowing your company’s workforce to access important information wherever they are.…

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Don’t Assume You’re Too Small to Attract Cybercrime

America’s Backbone Weekly: Start Planning

Don’t Assume You’re Too Small to Attract Cybercrime

By Keith Loria for America’s Backbone Weekly

Contrary to many people’s assumptions, you don’t need to be a multi-million dollar business to be vulnerable to a cyber attack; many small- and medium-size businesses represent an easy target to would-be criminals – and often have direct connections (as subcontractors) to the networks of larger business partners.

Amy Abatangle, EVP at Untangle, says the biggest mistake a business can make is not thinking it could be a target. Planning ahead is critical.

“While it’s true that big business grabs the headlines when it comes to breaches, it’s a mistake to think that small businesses aren’t vulnerable,” she says.…

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