3 Ways Technology Can Improve your Online Customer Service

Customer service plays a huge role in the satisfaction and return of your customers. However, many online companies have forgotten that having good customer service for an online business is just as important as for a brick and mortar business—maybe even more so. And because many other companies understand this, there are a plenty of different technologies available to help you improve your customer services as well as your overall relationship with your customers or clients.

Caring customer service

To show you how, here are three types of technologies you can use to improve your customer service with online visitors.

Finding Weaknesses with Analytics

Before you can know how to improve, you first need to know where you should be improving.…

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5 IT Solutions for Common Small Business Issues

It used to be that small and large businesses were separated by a lot more than just size, but technology has leveled the playing field. As small businesses seek to increase their tech budgets, they’ll find several innovative solutions to some common business problems.

Business people using IT solutions

1. Problem: Secure Storage

Small businesses are at higher risk for security issues than many believe. A majority of small businesses operate under the assumption that they’re not at risk because of their size. However, small businesses are at greater risk for storage breaches than they realize, and it’s essential that they become informed.

Solution: Adopt Cloud Storage Solutions

Cloud storage is a great, affordable option for small businesses.…

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3 Reasons to Invest in Knowledge Base Software That You Haven’t Thought of Yet

If you’ve considered investing in knowledge base software, you’ve probably already looked at the typical reasons that companies add the tool to their arsenal. Knowledge base software supports customer service, giving your employees the tools they need to help your customers quickly and efficiently, and in some cases, giving your customers more self-service options. A well-developed knowledge base helps improve staff productivity as well.

Man seeking info using knowledge base software

When all of the answers they need are at their fingertips, they don’t waste time searching for information. And knowledge base software helps keep you customers happy. Not only can they get help quickly, but a comprehensive knowledge center increases the likelihood that they will get the rights answers when they need them.…

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Data Backup and Recovery: Essential Strategies for Small Businesses

For a business of any size, data storage and information handling are two of the most important aspects of operations in the modern commercial world.

For small businesses, these two elements can be even more vital. This is because the resources that are available to them on a day-to-day basis may be far more restricted than those of major corporate-level rivals.

Data backup and recovery

Today, clients, customers, and consumers take the matter of data security extremely seriously. Recent studies have shown that breaches or leaks from a company of personal details it holds can be extremely damaging to its reputation and lead to customers moving away.…

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DDoS Attacks Taking Aim at Linux – But is it a Linux Problem, or a Human One?

There’s a certain amount of cackling that happens when one operating system has a vulnerability exposed, is hit with a major security breach or is targeted by attackers while other operating systems go untouched. It isn’t malicious, it’s more a matter of rivalry. Windows vs. Mac OS X vs. Linux is a tale as old as the digital age.

DDoS attack in progress

However, when it comes to the XOR botnet which is composed of infected Linux computers that’s taking aim at up to 20 targets a day with potent DDoS attacks, non-Linux users may need to hit pause on any feelings of superiority. Here’s what you need to know about the XOR botnet, the human error element, and how to keep from contributing to or getting hit with a DDoS attack.…

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5 Reasons That The FinTech Sector Is Booming (And Won’t Slow Down)

It’s no secret that FinTech is booming. The sector is attracting users and investors by the millions, taking over operations that were once exclusively the domain of banks. UK neighbourhoods, such as Shoreditch, Old Street and King’s Cross, have undergone dramatic overhauls as they have become hubs of the industry. Everyone wants a piece of the pie.

FinTech trends

Banks fear the rise of the FinTech sector, and with good cause. They’re quickly being replaced by the far more attractive options FinTech companies are increasingly able to provide.

But why is it that the FinTech sector is rising so seamlessly? Here are the 5 main reasons:


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How your Organization Can Benefit from Hosted PBX and VoIP

Almost every realm of operations today, be it storage or connectivity, finds a virtual extension thanks to the advent to remote storage spaces available in the form of Cloud. This has brought to users the option of hosted PBX and VoIP services. Choosing a hosted PBX and VoIP for your organization has numerous benefits for your business operations, especially in case of small and medium businesses. Compared to the cumbersome paraphernalia brought in by traditional PBX set up that consumes a massive portion of an organization’s IT resources in terms of upkeep, operations and maintenance, the hosted version presents itself an a viable alternative.…

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Factors to Consider in Choosing eCommerce Solutions

Previously, large-scale, medium and small entrepreneurs could not imagine that a particular business could easily be built without having the traditional brick and mortar settings. Thanks to the inception of the internet, now it is possible for the owners of small and even large businesses to enjoy several advantages by operating their businesses online. There are even companies who are operating without having any physical locations.

eCommerce solutions

Thanks to the Internet, consumers worldwide can have 24/7 access to your products and services – online. So, what are you going to do, as a retail store owner, to respond to the trend – and opportunity?…

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Your Business Website Isn’t Good – Here’s Why

As an ardent reader of SMBCEO, you know too well how important the Internet is for small-business success. Small enterprises rely on the inexpensive marketing of social media and the Web’s plethora of accessible, essential business tools. You even comprehend the necessity of maintaining a small-business website to supply your customers and clients with the vital information they need to seek your products and services. Yet, having a website isn’t exactly the same as having a great website — or even a good one, at that.

Anxious businessman worrying over his bad business website

Your website is the lifeblood of your online presence, which means you must ensure that it looks nice, performs well, and, ultimately, makes sales.…

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The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Preparing Yourself For a Conference Call

Taking a conference calling through providers like BlueJeans should be a pretty straightforward matter for most people since the only thing you need to do is to activate the application and make sure the camera is pointing towards yourself. However, being part of a conference call is so much more than that and actually requires proper preparation before you participate in one.

Conference call


While yes there are primarily audio only conference calls, these days though companies have begun to prefer video conferences over their audio counterparts. If you are located in another country and are invited to a conference call in order for the company to know the status of your actions thus far, one of the worst possible things you can do is to answer a conference call looking as if you lost a fight with an elephant.…

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