6 Best Tools and Apps for Business Entrepreneurs

Running a business solely from an office is a thing of the past. Nowadays entrepreneurs attend meetings, prepare presentations, and manage people from airports, cabs, restaurants, and even their couches.

Whether you’re starting your first entry-level job, own your own business, or are sitting in the C-suite of a major company, you need the right apps to complete your business tasks and keep track of your projects, both inside and outside the office.


Create lists, save clips from the web, discuss things with other Evernote users, and work on your projects from any device. Evernote is the ultimate note-taking tool.…

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How to Choose the Best E-Commerce Platform for Your Online Store

Opening an online store gives you access to the global marketplace. If you are able to grow a successful business, you can potentially reach millions of customers, which is very exciting for entrepreneurs with lots of ambition. However, before you can reach such heady heights of success, you need to actually build a functional online store to showcase your products.

So what are your options?


Using an e-commerce platform is appealing to many people because you don’t need any coding knowledge. Popular e-commerce platforms provide a drag and drop interface where you can personalize your website and add or remove features to suit your personal requirements.…

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Why Businesses Need Faster Broadband for Harnessing IoT?

The world is running behind time now! Nobody has time and the same applies to the Internet of Things also. Everything needs to get faster to reach the top level first. Since a majority of the work done by t]he big organizations depend on faster Internet, it is important for the Internet Service Providers to deliver the demanded speed.

Internet of Things (IoT)

Higher speed requires better technology and higher costs which many organizations do not want to incur as it affects their profit margin! It is a vicious circle, indeed. With the tech advances in fibre optics and its usage in connecting high-speed broadband for business and residential customers, speed is no more a worry for the ISPs.…

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From the Get-Go: Cloud Storage Smarts for Startups

Businesses could save a lot of time and money if they just used cloud computing right from the start. But, they don’t. Fortunately, this gives you an opportunity to get in and get ahead of your competition.

Here’s how.

Cloud storage service for business

Search For Providers

This is probably the hardest part of the whole thing. Searching for providers involves laying out a plan for what you want, how much you’re willing to spend, and then mapping out your usage.

You should plan on contacting at least 10 service providers. Spend some time interviewing them both on the phone and through their ticket support system, if possible.…

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3 Tips to Make your e-Commerce Business Rock

What are those mysterious success factors that will raise your business initiatives straight up to heaven? The products you offer? Sure. The best quality/price ratio? Of course. Outstanding customer loyalty program? It also matters. However, will it work for you properly if you website looks as if it was created by a 13-year-old in the early 2000s? Probably not.

Online shopping

Tip 1. Gorgeous website: make it or break it!

Your website is the #1 key to success. And here’re some crucial parameters you’d better keep in mind:

The simpler the better

Whoever persuades you that it’s a good idea to add the maximum number of photos, banners and ads, popping up every single minute form different corners of your website, can be officially considered your enemy.…

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Q&A with Chad Constant, Director of Business Client Marketing at Intel on the Launch of Intel Small Business Advantage (Intel SBA)

Small business owners need all the resources they need so that they can have a sustainable business growth.  One of the latest ones is Intel Small Business Advantage (Intel SBA).

What does the solution entail, and how does it help small business owners in keeping their IT secure – and more? Chad Constant, Intel’s Director of Business Client Marketing explains it all in an exclusive SMB CEO interview.

Chad Constant, Director of Business Client Marketing at Intel

Ivan Widjaya (Q): Hi, Chad. Please kindly introduce yourself to our reader.

Chad Constant (A): Thank you Ivan, my name is Chad Constant, and I am the director of Business Client Marketing at Intel.…

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Why Your Business Needs to Adopt a Unified Cloud Communications Platform

Between 2010 and 2012, the number of businesses implementing and using cloud communications doubled. The commercial embrace of the cloud has only continued that upward trend in the years since, to the point where cloud communications are starting to become an essential component for businesses rather than a cutting edge luxury.

Communication as a service (CaaS)

But why is a cloud communications platform such an important thing for a modern office-based business to have? And why should your organization adopt cloud communications, if you haven’t done so already? Here are just a few of the ways the cloud can change your business for the better.…

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How Solo Practitioners Can Maintain PCI Compliance

When attorneys accepts credit card payments, there is an obligation to keep the client’s information secure. They are expected to have safety measures and policies in place to help prevent the card information from being compromised. Like any other business that processes, stores or transmits credit card data, a solo practicing attorney is expected to be PCI compliant.

PCI compliant credit card transaction processing

To be PCI compliant, an attorney must follow strict Payment Card Industry security standards. These requirements apply no matter the size of the company, the number of transactions or the amount of those transactions. Maintaining this compliance, however, can be an issue for some businesses, and fewer than a third of companies included in a 2015 Verizon PCI compliance report were found to still be fully compliant less than a year after successful validation.…

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5 Reasons You Should be Offering Mobile Apps

It’s been a while since mobile phones were used solely for making calls and sending text messages. These days most of us use them for all manner of everyday processes and entertainments.

Shopping using smartphone

But as retailers, what’s so great about mobile apps and why might they be useful in helping you reach out to new and existing customers? Let’s take a look.

1. Customers want them

Perhaps the most obvious reason why a retailer might aim to design and deliver a mobile app is because customers are generally becoming more inclined to shop via their smartphones and tablets.

It is worth realising that not everyone who has a smartphone is suddenly ready to use retail apps on a regular basis but, and here’s the point really, many of those who do will end up engaging with them in a major way.…

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SEO and Cybersecurity Failures

SEOs are often on the prowl through all areas of the internet looking for the best ways to benefit their client or their brand; and as such, SEOs are often more at risk where cybersecurity is concerned than most general users. And unfortunately, some basic cybersecurity failures are so common that it’s not too hard to find full rosters of problem areas, like the Security Fail Kids published by CBTNuggets.

Security fail kids cards

So, what common failures should any SEO be aware of and on guard for?

1. Not Creating Strong Credentials

Do you have a simple password that you use for just about everything?…

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