The Top Mistakes Businesses Make with Big Data

The explosion of software, applications and overall technology designed to help with the management and usage of big data have had businesses of all types and sizes getting in the game. Big data isn’t exclusively reserved for big business, and it’s becoming the leading way organizations are better targeting their desired audiences, tailoring their marketing, and improving their efficiency.

Big data mistakes

While the above-mentioned software and technology do simplify how businesses of all sizes are able to collect and analyze data, this doesn’t mean it’s an obstacle-free experience for all of them. If you’re considering adding or growing big data into your overall business strategy, below are some common mistakes to avoid.…

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What Credit Unions Can Learn from the MHR Breach

Wherever there is money, there are sure to be a few individuals who will want to get their hands on that profit. Unfortunately, hackers can attack any organization in any industry, and the hotel and restaurant industry is no exception.

Cyber attack on hotels

According to the Credit Union Times, Denver-based Millenium Hotels & Resorts North America (MHR) was the unfortunate victim of a cyber attack in August 2016. If you are part of a credit union, you could find yourself in similar situations, even if you may not be dabbling in that specific industry. However, that does not mean that you can’t learn a thing or two from what they had to go through.…

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Which Marketing Automation Tool For Your Small Business: GetResponse vs. InfusionSoft

Businesses that use marketing automation tools, see 53% higher conversion rates than companies who don’t, and an annual revenue growth rate that’s 3.1% higher than those who don’t.

Enough said.

This post compares two of the best marketing automation tools available, to find out which one is most suited for the needs of your small business.

Marketing automation tool: GetResponse vs. Infusionsoft

The marketing needs of small businesses vs. large businesses

Small businesses follow the same marketing strategy as a large business, but the implementation of the strategy would be completely different, because a large corporation has teams of people and a much bigger budget, whereas the marketing of many small businesses is left to the owner who also needs to perform the businesses’ core tasks.…

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10 Types of Link Building Habits you Should Prune Before Penguin 3 Hits

The contest for ranking on the first page of Google has never been more fierce. Bids for keywords on Adwords have reached astronomical heights, traffic from social media is proving to be difficult to convert and the SEO landscape has changed so much that it is becoming more difficult to rank successfully for a desired keyword. However, the sites that rank on the first page of Google reap the rewards of getting free traffic leads.

Google Penguin 3 update

Because webmasters know how lucrative it is to appear on the first page of Google, there’s a strong temptation to manipulate the organic search results with web and link spam, which is breaking Google’s Terms of Service.…

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You Have 3 Seconds to Save your Online Business!

Speed optimization and converting users to customers in the next digital era

Speed optimization

The internet age brings with it one absolute guarantee: file sizes are increasing, and content quality is improving. The result is that page load-time is under threat, and your online shop or startup faces real risk.

The Aberdeen Group reports that a 1-second delay in page load-time leads to:

  • 11% fewer page views
  • 16% decrease in customer satisfaction
  • 7% loss in conversions

Amazon agrees. They report that a 100-millisecond improvement to their site speed resulted in a 1% revenue increase, while Walmart produced a 2% increase in conversions for every 1 second of improvement.…

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How Wireless Broadband Fits into the Internet of Things

Today, our Internet connections aren’t just more reliable. They’re also more secure and faster than ever. And thanks to wireless technology, we can now also connect a large number and variety of devices with each other.

But that’s not all. With broadband internet becoming more readily available, connecting to the web has become much easier. All of these conditions are perfect for ushering in a new generation of internet-capable devices. We are now entering the world of the Internet of Things (IoT).

The Internet’s Next Frontier

Basically, the IoT involves the concept of connecting any device to the Internet and with each other.…

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How to Support Data-Driven Decision Making in Your Organization

Today’s IoT-driven landscape requires you to make data-driven decisions quicker than ever before. While companies have been collecting customer data for some decades, they’ve only recently realized that insights from big data can help them make predictions and identify trends that lead to long-term success.

Data-driven decision making

However, cultivating such a data-driven mindset is an obstacle for several organizations, particularly the ones that are just beginning to unlock and analyze the data accessible to them. In such enterprises, top managers shrug their shoulders when they’re asked to connect the dots from multiple data sources to make decisions that will optimize their company’s growth.…

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Why Use VoIP for Your Small Business?

VoIP is an up and coming internet-based communication method. Often touted as a replacement for traditional land telephone lines, VoIP’s many features beyond traditional voice calls are making it the choice for many small businesses.

Businesswoman making VoIP call

What is VoIP?

VoIP, or Voice over Internet Protocol, is a technology developed to allow users to place voice and video telephone calls over IP networks. The technology was developed to allow users to make phone calls from remote places in the world and is rapidly becoming the preferred type of telephone network for small businesses across the world.

To use VoIP you need either a handset specifically designed for the protocol, or software for your computer.…

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Cloud-Based Knowledge Management Systems: Benefits and Risks

As constant investment in learning always results in immediate improvement, business across the world have searched long and hard to find a way of managing obtained knowledge. And with a revolution of fresh IT solutions, it seems that cloud computing is a foolproof system for doing so. With increased popularity of cloud-based knowledge management systems, we now have enough experience to discern the benefits of cloud usage from its potential risks.

Knowledge management system in the cloud

The Importance of Learning and Perks of Knowledge Management

As obvious as it may sound, knowledge is a supporting system of any prolific business. Those striving toward continual learning consequently never fall short on their assets, which grants them a position of competitive advantage and continual success.…

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Popular Online Services That Help Businesses with Limited Resources

Is your business struggling because it lacks essential resources? If so, you’re not alone because thousands of other business owners are in the same position as you. However, the internet provides most of the solutions you require to address this problem.


Below are some of the most popular online services that help businesses with limited resources.

Product Packaging Services

First impressions last, so it’s important to package your products in a professional manner. However, designing and creating your own packaging materials can be time consuming, costly and in most cases difficult to do because you probably don’t have the expertise available.…

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