Tips For Protecting Your Small Business Online And Off

There has been a ton of focus put on protecting businesses online, and that is an important thing to do for both your business and the safety of your customers. You should also be making sure that your business has protection offline. Even if you work from home and your business is all virtual you still have things, like your computer itself, that need protection.

Protecting and securing digital business assets

Having A Secure Business Space

Having a secure business space is important, even if you run your business out of your own home. That means having security set up, and knowing what to do in case you do get robbed.…

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Helping Your 3D Printing Business Succeed: 4 Tips

Building any kind of startup can be challenging, and starting your own 3D printing business isn’t any less so. But knowing what challenges to anticipate, having a roadmap of common pitfalls, and notes on proven strategies, can all help steer you through that crucial first year.

The recipe for success will be different for every entrepreneur, but with luck, these proven tips and tricks can help your business succeed, whether you’re focusing on PCB design and manufacturing or fabricating jewelry and home decor.

Embrace Innovation

One of the beautiful elements of the 3D printing industry is its ability to be flexible and embrace new ideas.…

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4 Ways a Marketing Database Guarantees a Steady Stream of Revenue

Want a business that stands the test of time? If so, you need to maintain a marketing database.Without it, your business simply isn’t going anywhere – period!

Marketing database helps you to know your customer better

If you don’t have a clue what customers are buying, when they’re buying it, or how much each customer’s ultimately worth to your business; you’re missing a huge part of the marketing pie.

What a Marketing Database does for Your Company


Calculating each Customer’s Lifetime Value to your company. You can’t price products and services to maximize profits and reduce costs without this information.

2. RFM

Understanding each customer’s Recency and Frequency, and overall Monetary value to the company.…

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Streamlining the Management of Your Construction Business

Managing a construction business can be very strenuous. However, with the availability of innovative software and technologies, construction project managers are able to streamline the various process involved to build smarter and faster projects.

Planning a construction projects takes too many details into consideration but even with the best laid plans, there are many internal and external variables to cause the plan to go awry.

There are so many people involved in a construction project, which equates to a slew of data. Just one missed report can do damage. The amount of data that flows and the paperwork alone can be too much to handle.…

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What Small Businesses Can Learn about Cyber Security from Corporate Solutions like Strixus

One of the major concerns that small businesses have is in finding the resources for Cyber Threat Detection that large corporations have at their disposal. Although small companies may not have the budget necessary to employ the latest cyber security threat detection for their companies, they can learn what it is Strixus does and how even a few small tweaks to their current cyber security can offer added layers of protection.

Cyber security tips for small business

According to CEO and co-founder of Massive Alliance, Brook Zimmatore, “It’s all about learning how we go about identifying threats. If you need a place to start, there are key areas of concern.”…

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The Top Mistakes Businesses Make with Big Data

The explosion of software, applications and overall technology designed to help with the management and usage of big data have had businesses of all types and sizes getting in the game. Big data isn’t exclusively reserved for big business, and it’s becoming the leading way organizations are better targeting their desired audiences, tailoring their marketing, and improving their efficiency.

Big data mistakes

While the above-mentioned software and technology do simplify how businesses of all sizes are able to collect and analyze data, this doesn’t mean it’s an obstacle-free experience for all of them. If you’re considering adding or growing big data into your overall business strategy, below are some common mistakes to avoid.…

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What Credit Unions Can Learn from the MHR Breach

Wherever there is money, there are sure to be a few individuals who will want to get their hands on that profit. Unfortunately, hackers can attack any organization in any industry, and the hotel and restaurant industry is no exception.

Cyber attack on hotels

According to the Credit Union Times, Denver-based Millenium Hotels & Resorts North America (MHR) was the unfortunate victim of a cyber attack in August 2016. If you are part of a credit union, you could find yourself in similar situations, even if you may not be dabbling in that specific industry. However, that does not mean that you can’t learn a thing or two from what they had to go through.…

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Which Marketing Automation Tool For Your Small Business: GetResponse vs. InfusionSoft

Businesses that use marketing automation tools, see 53% higher conversion rates than companies who don’t, and an annual revenue growth rate that’s 3.1% higher than those who don’t.

Enough said.

This post compares two of the best marketing automation tools available, to find out which one is most suited for the needs of your small business.

Marketing automation tool: GetResponse vs. Infusionsoft

The marketing needs of small businesses vs. large businesses

Small businesses follow the same marketing strategy as a large business, but the implementation of the strategy would be completely different, because a large corporation has teams of people and a much bigger budget, whereas the marketing of many small businesses is left to the owner who also needs to perform the businesses’ core tasks.…

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10 Types of Link Building Habits you Should Prune Before Penguin 3 Hits

The contest for ranking on the first page of Google has never been more fierce. Bids for keywords on Adwords have reached astronomical heights, traffic from social media is proving to be difficult to convert and the SEO landscape has changed so much that it is becoming more difficult to rank successfully for a desired keyword. However, the sites that rank on the first page of Google reap the rewards of getting free traffic leads.

Google Penguin 3 update

Because webmasters know how lucrative it is to appear on the first page of Google, there’s a strong temptation to manipulate the organic search results with web and link spam, which is breaking Google’s Terms of Service.…

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