4 SEO Tips Small Businesses Can Implement Today to Increase Visibility

Small businesses just starting out online are at a disadvantage compared to businesses that have been online for years. The idea of overtaking Amazon, a Fortune 500 company or a large law firm that has a long presence on the Internet, can seem daunting and impossible.

SEO analytics

And while these entities do have the advantage of age and years of search engine optimization on their side, small businesses can still compete.

You can get your business to the top of Google and increase your visibility, but it will take time. A lot of hard work and effort needs to go into your online advertising much in the same way it has to go into your offline advertising.…

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5 Data Management Issues Small Businesses Have to Deal With

Data management is a problem for every business, but big businesses have more solutions for their problems because of the range of tools aimed at them and their larger checkbooks. Here are five data management issues small businesses have to deal with, as well as explaining the impact these problems have.

Data management


Big Data is a problem, not a solution. That’s why we pay people who can wade through the data and find exactly the information we need. You can try to collect less information, stop backing up information that isn’t important, and avoid backups of backups except where redundancy is essential to keeping your business alive.…

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Can Text mining Help Small Businesses?

Text mining is a valuable process developed in the 1980s, and helps companies to find solutions for specific and single/multiple business/strategy-oriented goals. It is used in A.I. technology to sift through all written language/text data across the entire world wide web, and also to collect and deliver pertinent information at a high processing speed and as close as possible to real-time.

Text mining

In conjunction with other A.I. applications such as Semantics technology and through Knowledge Management systems/applications, A.I. optimizes the text mining process thanks to its capability to recognize human language, speech and behaviour, and structure ‘unstructured’ data; it works in many ways by simulating the neural pathways of the human brain to make important connections and make sense of things.…

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What’s Fact & Fiction About the 10th Anniversary iPhone

We’re fast approaching the 10th anniversary of the iPhone, and Apple plans to celebrate their achievement with the iPhone 8. Slated for a release this fall, it has all the features of a truly innovative and impressive smartphone that’s worthy of the date. But can we trust the leaks and rumors surrounding its release to give us an accurate idea of the 8? Let’s dive into what we know about the new model and see if we can pin down any solid facts.

10th Anniversary iPhone

Possible Release Date Pinned Down

Experts are pretty confident that Apple will reveal the 10th anniversary edition on either the 12th or 13th of September, but they won’t officially launch it until a week later on the 22nd or 23rd.…

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How Financial Apps and Tools Can Help Streamline Your Productivity

Getting to accomplish all tasks within 24 hours can be difficult especially for business owners who never seem to have enough of time. Considering how important the effective use of time is when it comes to productivity level, it affects other essential areas that must be properly managed for the running of a successful business, such as finances. Then again, proper time and financial management is also important to streamline the productivity of any individual who is looking to secure a bright financial future.

Business people using financial software

Thankfully, there are different apps and tools that are available to help achieve this. However, how do these financial apps really help?…

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The Biggest Players in The Cloud Industry

As we know, the Cloud has made it possible for public users and for companies to store infinite amounts of data on online servers hosted by providers for a monthly or yearly fee, and/or based on the amount of memory storage they need (SaaS-Software as a Service)—or have a cloud computing system installed and run internally directly on the company server (IaaS: Infrastructure as a Service)—so they can then share and access all the data across their smart devices.

Cloud computing

‘Mobile Offices’ are the wave of the future as more CEOs and employees have recognized the benefits of the Cloud and its integration with A.I.

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How Webinars can Create a Stronger Company Workforce

Corporate profits are an all-time high across the globe. This has effectively made the business landscape more competitive than ever before. The rise of social media, advertising platforms, analytics tools, and other digital technologies has created an aggressive and cutthroat environment. There is no shortage of competition.

Employee webinar

It is not enough to fill vital roles in any organization with mediocre candidates. To really compete these days, companies need to hire top-notch, dedicated talent. Employees need to be superstars in their roles so that they can effectively contribute to a company’s dominance within its niche.

Unfortunately, many companies still cling to outdated training procedures and educational methods like a scared relic from a forgotten time.…

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Roadmap for Choosing the Best Web Conferencing Software

The importance of a good web conferencing solution is undeniable. As video becomes even more indispensable, more and more companies are fast finding out, the hard way, that it doesn’t pay to go for substandard systems. In a market that changes often with each new platform, tool or technology, choosing the wrong system could spell doom for your company.

Using web conferencing software

Here’s how to make sure you don’t make that mistake:

Evaluate Your System

It’s going to be expensive to overhaul your entire communication infrastructure. Take a good, long look at your system and determine which areas require an urgent switch or replacement.…

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Website Woes and Wisdoms: Handling the Dreaded Downtime Blues

If you are an entrepreneur, you probably rely on your website for a good portion and maybe even all of your income. While the internet can open your business up to customers all over the world, it also means that you are vulnerable to website downtime.

Website down

Simply put, when your website is down, you begin losing money. And with tens of thousands of websites hacked each day, along with many more down due to high traffic, hosting problems, technical glitches, and other causes, it is safe to say that sooner or later your website will crash.

When that dreaded day comes it is important that you know how to react so you can get your business up and running again as soon as possible.…

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How to Truly Take Your Business Payments On the Go

One of the most liberating parts of being your own boss is having the ability to call all the shots. At the same time, as a business owner you are going to end up working longer hours, with fewer breaks, and have far less vacation time available when compared to your subordinates. This is why it is vital that all business owners have the ability to literally take their businesses with them while they take a day off, go on the road, or just go out to run a few errands.

Work on the go

When it comes to taking payments on the go, portability is paramount.…

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