5 Ways Online Videos Can Help Your Business

Video has become one of the most powerful ways to communicate with online audiences. More businesses than ever are using this format to sell, educate and promote their products and services. This is a trend that looks set to continue for many years to come and the companies that have embraced online videos are seeing a lot of positive results.

Below are five of the main ways online videos can help your business.

Online video

1. You Can Use Video to Explain What Your Business Does

It’s often difficult to explain to an online audience what a business actually does. However, video is a very easy way to introduce your business, to explain what your business does, to introduce your products and services and much more.…

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4 Ways Big Data Has Changed Fleet Management Forever

Fleet management is no simple task; it’s tough to balance vehicle acquisition, repairs & maintenance, as well as disposals. All of that’s even before you consider the knowledge and effort it takes to be in full compliance with regulations and state laws. Without fixed parts, fleet management is a complex and ever-changing process.

Fleet management

Fortunately, today’s fleet managers have a distinct advantage: big data. The advances made possible by big data have ushered a new era of fleet management. Today we’ll examine four ways that big data forever changed the world of fleet management.

1. Improved Efficiency

Naturally, one of the most important aspects of fleet management is the ability to ensure drivers are on the right route at the right time.…

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7 Ways Small Businesses Can Boost Profits With HR Software

If small businesses want to remain on the front foot whilst they grow, developing systems to manage and streamline workflow makes good business sense. And that includes HR (Human Resources). The biggest problem for start-ups and small businesses is cost. Lean times when setting out often means deferring strategies with costs involved, despite the long term benefits and efficiency savings.

HR software

Another problem with HR development in small businesses is the lack of any designated HR staff. It’s easy for business owners to see HR software as unnecessary when they are managing perfectly adequately overseeing just 2 or 3 staff. But, it’s easy to lose sight of the day-to-day processes as the business starts to take off and more staff come on board.…

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DDoS Damage: Why Ecommerce Sites Are So Vulnerable, And What Can Be Done

When it comes to the bad things in life there are degrees of awfulness. For instance, falling down a flight of stairs is bad. Falling down a flight of stairs in front of an important potential business partner who does not seem interested in signing on the dotted line just because someone is pitifully holding an ice pack to his or her face is worse. Life is fascinating like that.

DDoS attacks

With DDoS attacks, there are a number of factors that contribute to an attack’s awfulness – size, duration, attack type – but one of the big ones actually has little to do with the attack itself and everything to do with the target.…

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How to Increase Engagement on Your Business Blog to Epic Levels

You spend a lot of time writing your business blog to attract new visitors every day – I know I do. There’s nothing sadder than realizing that no one is spending more than a few seconds on that page you spent so much writing and perfecting. If your content is not engaging enough, you’re doomed to failure.

Business blogging

People will often need nothing more than a glancing look to decide whether your business blog is worth their time, regardless of whether the things you wrote in it are actually interesting or not. Nobody is going to dive deeper unless you provide them with some compelling reason to do so.…

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How To Discover Real ROI Using Workplace Analytics

Return on investment is at the forefront of every business leader’s mind when it comes to marketing initiatives and customer experience. Why? Because these things are important to attracting and retaining customers and increasing their business’s bottom line.

Real ROI

But while spending ample time in these areas is both necessary and important, external metrics aren’t all you should be worried about. If you want real and continued business success, you have to also focus on measuring internal operations.

Your business is nothing without your employees. So whether you’re considering getting new technology, renovating your current office space or building a new building to bring on 20 new hires, the only way to maximize your ROI with these types of internal decisions is to find a system that gives you the right data to make better-informed decisions about staffing, your workspace and technology and equipment costs and get employee input.…

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Price Optimization is a Must for Online Retailers: Here’s Why

The speed of change in technology and business is rapidly increasing. Those who are unable to ride the waves of change risk falling far behind their competitors. E-Commerce businesses are always seeing new trends come and go as the online retail landscape continues to shift. Some of these trends are short-lived, while others permanently affect how you should be doing business.

Price optimization strategies for eCommerce

Pricing Optimization Strategies Predict Trends

Dynamic pricing and price optimization are at the core of essential and long term trends.

They consist of pricing strategies that a company uses to take advantage of what consumers are willing to spend, when they spend the most, and their usual buying habits.…

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Discover Three Acronyms that Will Help Your Company’s Website Stay Ahead of the Game

Running a small business is no small feat. A lot of tasks that are allocated to a number of different resources in other types of companies tend to be undertaken by a handful of individuals in the case of small businesses.


So as a small business CEO or manager, it is extremely important to always keep in mind the big picture of each and every thing that your company must be paying attention to – especially in terms of your website which plays a crucial role in reaching out to your preferred client base. And we know that you do not have a lot of time on your hands, so today, we present three essential concepts that you need to remember in the form of acronyms.…

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Top Tips for Ensuring Your Company’s Payment Processes Are Secure

While procurement officers are obviously focused on ensuring that payments are made on time at all stages, it is also important for the security of transactions to be considered too. Unfortunately, in this digital day and age when we constantly use our computers to complete tasks, and where hackers find ever more sophisticated ways to gain access to networks and systems, companies are at more risk of digital attacks than ever before.

IT security

Thankfully though, there are numerous things you can do to protect your organization when transactions are finalized. Read on for some top tips you can follow today to ensure payment processes are secure as possible.…

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The 5 Biggest Cybersecurity Threats to Home-Based Businesses

If you’ve heard it once, you’ve heard it a thousand times: Just because you have a small business doesn’t mean that you are immune to hacking or other cyberattacks, or that you can let your guard down when it comes to cybersecurity. These days, small businesses, even home-based micro businesses, are just as vulnerable to attacks as major corporations, and the effects can be devastating.

Ransomware attack risks

Unfortunately, despite this reality, many home businesses aren’t adequately protected against the biggest threats to their livelihood. While your business may have protections already in place, such as powerful internet security software, firewalls, and encryption, there are still risks of which you should be aware.…

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