5 Ways your Small Business Could Be Losing Revenue

It is an undeniable fact that the current state of affairs is difficult for small businesses. Trying to compete with Goliath-sized companies is a bit like swimming upstream in molasses for your small business. You may be unsurprised that you are counting every penny and monitoring revenue on a daily basis. But are there options for income that you could be missing out on? Included here are a few ways your small business could be losing revenue, as well as means to correct it.

Losing profits

No Credit Card Processing

Credit cards are like candy in today’s world. Everyone has at least one and they will use them whenever they get the chance.…

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3 Tips to Lead you to Financial Success for your Small Business

Owning and operating a business can be a challenge. There are a lot of expenses that you are responsible for. Unexpected things can happen, such as property damage or a bad quarter. For some unexpected things you can simply talk to an insurance agent, but not everything can be solved with insurance.

Businessman creates financial plan

In order for your business to be a success, you have to have a good financial plan. There are a few basic things you can do to help ensure that your business does well:

1. Budget

It can be a difficult task to budget for your business.…

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Choosing the Right Forex Broker

Forex or FX market is actually an abbreviation of two words – foreign and exchange. Basically, this is a foreign currency market. The volume of trading in the Forex market sometimes exceeds 6 billion dollars. So, it is no surprise why so many people want to be part of this type of trading.

Forex broker

Forex brokerge 101

One of the first things that you should do in order to start working on Forex is to open an account with the help of a forex broker. That’s why choosing the right forex broker is important. Before we go into details, it is good to explain what does this term actually mean and how can you get involved in the trading process with the help of such broker. …

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Angels vs. Venture Capital: Disposing of the Myths

Many people often confuse or interchange angel investors, venture capitalists, and private equity deals, which are among the major sources of start-up income. While there can be a few similarities in the right light, when you compare them side-by-side, they’re apples and oranges. People often believe that business angels, venture capital and private equity are all one and the same.

Angel investor

A major similarity is that both angel investors and venture capitalists are making their investments into private companies for the return of private equity in those companies. Private equity is simply shares or stakes (sometimes securities) in any company which isn’t registered with the stock market.…

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Loan or Line of Credit? 7 Key Differences you Need to Know

There are several key differences between a loan and a line of credit (LOC). Differences you need to go before putting yourself at the mercy of a bank loan manager or outside lender.

Business loans

1. A loan is a one time deal

Once a loan is paid off, you have to reapply again if you need a cash-infusion in the future. A line of credit is always there to be drawn upon as needed, provided you keep it in good standing.

2. Loans are largely based on needs

When you need cash, you head to the bank or other creditor and apply.…

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Lights, Camera, Action: Set Up a Home Video Studio on a Shoestring

If you want to get into shooting YouTube videos, one problem you might run into is the perfect setting. Professionals have a studio, but you can’t afford that. Some YouTube content creators set up and tear down sets every day. You don’t want to do that. Here’s a compromise: why not dedicate a spare room in your home or apartment for video shoots? Here’s how to pull it off.

Home video recording

Get a Good Set Of Lights

A 3-point lighting system is pretty much standard. That’s the minimum you want to use. Ideally, you’ll go with four-point lighting, which gives you an extra back light and better control over shadows.…

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Investing your Capital for Maximum Business Growth

Growth should be a core part of the business plan of any organization serious about success. Whatever its size, a business should always be thinking about the future in order to stay relevant and competitive, and the future should always include a vision of growth.

Small business investing

This is a particular challenge for small businesses, which always run the risk of not growing beyond the size they were when they started up, and stagnating as a result. There are many examples however, of small businesses that bucked this trend and achieved remarkable growth against the odds.

Investment is critical to growth and small business owners must understand how various aspects of investment work.…

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5 Considerations to Make When Your Stock Falls

Investing in the stock market can be an incredibly rewarding, and dangerous, game. Many investors are successful in turning a profit every year due, in part, to their choices when deciding whether to keep or sell stock. When you have invested in a stock and it drops, you may be considering whether or not to sell. Included here are a few tips to consider when your stocks fall.

Falling stock prices

Weakness in the Market

When your stocks fall, it is crucial to keep in mind whether the problem is the specific company, or the stock market overall. Weakness in the stock market is never a good reason to sell, as stocks are always prone to rises and falls.…

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Are You Ready for a Mortgage?

As a CEO, you’re used to making some big decisions. Every day, you’re responsible for securing the future of your business, and for helping it to thrive. However, sometimes the most momentous choices that you have to make affect your personal rather than your professional life.

Taking mortgage

The money that you earn from your enterprising endeavours won’t just sit in your bank: you’ll use it to support, improve, and attain the lifestyle that you want. When your enterprise is doing well, you might choose to upgrade your home, and this is where one of these big decisions rears its head.

The question: are you really ready to upgrade?

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Why Covering Your Business Vehicles Is Important

No matter how good you think you are at fixing vehicles, you and your company will feel much safer having the right cover for all work vans and cars. For many small and new businesses it can be incredibly tempting to avoid the added expense of breakdown cover and any extras, especially when you feel confident fixing problems yourself.

Car insurance

However, this isn’t always the safest or cheapest option. Taking out breakdown cover and insurance for all your business vehicles will keep the business in a good position, especially in the event of any accidents.

Cost-effective Option

Breakdown cover is only really appreciated when your vehicle breaks down part way through a journey.…

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