Are You Looking For Free Small Business Management Tools?

We are happy to announce the opening of our “Free Tools” section of the Small Business CEO website. Together we have gathered a group of helpful websites that offer free management tools and resources for your small business. Feel free to peruse the selection of freebies available.

There are lots of free ebooks, eguides, templates, business forms, checklists, worksheets, free pdf files, podcasts and white papers to choose from. Our goal is to provide you, our readers, with the most informative tools and resources available to assist you in being strong, effective managers and leaders.…

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Proposed Federal Legislation Provides Paid Sick Time In 12 States

paid-sick-time.jpgAccording to the Fox Business article posted this week, “12 States Push Laws to Require Paid Sick Time“, some 46 million U.S. workers lack paid sick time.   Lawmakers in 12 states are trying to change those statistics.   States such as California, West Virginia, Minnesota and Connecticut have proposed legislation that would require businesses to provide paid sick leave.

On one hand, I can see how this will become another hurdle for a small business to overcome.   “How will  I afford to offer the paid sick time?”   “Will my employees abuse the system?”   “How will  my staff cover  the workload  when  employees are  absent?”  …

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Never A Dull Moment For Women Entrepreneurs and Mompreneurs

We all know that being an entrepreneur, whether male or female, has it’s many ups and downs with countless daily obstacles to overcome.   I know I may ruffle some feathers here, but as a female myself, I think we encounter  more challenges than men.   I am merely speaking from my own personal experience and observations so please don’t hurt me too badly.

You may ask, “What would make you think that?”   Well let me explain; most women entrepreneurs are not only responsible for the success of their small businesses but the majority of household duties fall on their shoulders as well.  …

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I Will Not Surrender To The Economy!

Last week I wrote the post, “Candle Wax + Rising Fuel Cost = Zero Profit” and was amazed at the responses I got almost immediately.   I want to thank everyone who took the time out to read and respond to my article.   I took all of your comments into careful consideration.

In response to my article;  reader Mark Riffey wrote “Quitting For The Wrong Reasons”  on his blog, Business Is Personal.   I really enjoyed reading Mark’s post written from his point of view and the quality comments it produced.  

I realize from the business side that shutting down my candle shop was probably not the best or smartest choice.  …

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Candle Wax + Rising Fuel Costs = Zero Profit

image010.jpgFor the past 4 years, I have had  the pleasure of turning my hobby of candle making into a full time business.   Kiski Valley Kandles was born from my own desire and need for  highly scented candles that not only smelled great but looked great also.   Let me tell you, it is not a cheap hobby to have.    However,  after  many trials and tribulations, I was able to begin offering my candles to customers locally and online.   I prided myself in being able to offer great candles at reasonable prices.  

Everyone is aware that when  it comes to your supplies, price increases are bound to happen at least yearly.  …

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Innovation and Entrepreneurship – Hope for Our Future

My daughters middle-school 6th grade recently held an innovation fair. Each student had 3 weeks to invent a product. They received guidance on how to find an idea, build a prototype and present to potential investors.

At the fair each adult (parent) had $25 to invest $5 each for five different product ideas. In total about 250 students participated.

The event was great and there were some great product ideas presented. Many of the kids were dressed in business attire, had a presentation ready and were even able to demonstrate a working prototype.

Here are some of the ideas:

This is my daughter Liz.…

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Pursue the Passion – Summer Tour

The Pursue The Passion Tour is a movement to inspire and instill a passion within college students nationwide. It is a special project to encourage the exploration of goals and ambitions, and to pioneer personal development.

Live Update from Brett Farmiloe on the Tour:

After traveling 4,500 miles, conducting 40 interviews, and suffering two parking tickets and two close calls to the breakdown of our RV “Maggie,” I am proud to say that we are still “pursuing the passion.” The West Coast tour exceeded expectations and brought us closer to achieving our goal of 100 interviews this summer.

We are currently in Tucson, Arizona until June 27th when we will be traveling to New York City to conduct interviews until July 6th when we will be returning to Arizona.

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