Improve Performance Through Time Tracking

time trackingIf you want to improve performance, or likewise increase capacity or capability, you need to track the one thing that you’ll never get back: time.

In order to improve effectiveness and efficiency, you must understand how your time is being used. With all of the technological advances over the past two decades, we’re continually forced to do things “better, faster, cheaper.” In other words, all of these advances have taught us how to be more efficient.

But – have any of these advances (spreadsheets, email, cell phones, IM, etc.) made us more effective?

The difference between the two?…

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Getting More Out of PPC Advertising: 5 Tips for Optimizing Your Landing Page Now

optimize landing pages for PPC advertisingSo you think you’re ready for PPC management? Fantastic. But before you throw the kitchen sink at it, make sure you are prepared to succeed.

If your company is showing signs of growth, one of the first things to evaluate is the quality of your landing page. While PPC advertising can do wonders for your business by boosting your online visibility, driving qualified traffic to your website, and reducing wasted advertising spending, bidding on keywords and placing text ads in the search engines are not the only steps. Before you go on the hunt for the perfect PPC management firm, make sure you are sending people to a landing page that gives them what they want and makes it easy for them to take action.…

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6 Tips For Buying An Existing Business

tips for buying an existing businessBuying an existing business is a good option because it saves the buyer from hard work establishing a new business and promoting it. Buying an operating business is always considered a way of less risk because it brings a lot of current customers with itself.

So if you are planning to buy a business because of its advantages, then this article is for you. In this article I will discuss some basic things each buyer should think about before making a final decision to buy or not.

1. Assess Your Skills – You should be completely aware of your skills. You should be ready to handle the responsibilities which come with a business.…

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Increase Flexibility and Reduce Costs with Targeted IT Outsourcing

Targeted IT Outsourcing

Are you looking for ways to minimize increases in long-term staffing commitments, yet want to position yourself for growth once the economy recovers?

Outsourcing is a great way to create flexibility while meeting current demands in the organization, particularly in small and mid-sized businesses. (Throughout the remainder of the article I’ll refer to small and mid-sized organizations as SMBs).

In trying to solve current issues, companies may create new issues by turning over their IT department to an outsourcer without oversight, or negotiating outsourcing agreements solely to cut costs. Costs escalate because normal updates or company growth wasn’t included in the contract.…

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Small Business Tips For Staying Organized With Your Online Efforts

Staying organized while running your online business at home can feel like there are just never enough hours in the day to achieve anything. And then when 6pm comes along and it’s “time to go home”, you think that nothing has happened to move your business forward.

You know you get the calls to help with the kids, go shopping or just “do this because it’s only going to take you 5 minutes” when actually you know it’s going to take more like 5 hours.

Or that “you can get this done now because you’re only surfing the net” *sigh*

So what can you do?…

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Email Marketing – 7 Methods For Connecting And Keeping Subscribers

You have conducted the preliminary research and built a thorough direct email marketing list. Each entry represents a potential buyer and future opportunity for your business. A proven autoresponder service has been employed and is in position to follow through with the direct email marketing of your product. You wonder, Is this the right campaign? Will the recipients bite? How can I be sure the campaign will make buyers out of readers? The following list of 7 methods for capitalizing on direct email marketing will guide you through the process from list construction to list activation.

1.) From Friendly to Familiar

For many businesses, customers are drawn to a recognizable trade name or a well-known endorser.…

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Optimize Your Business’ Website for Search Engines

Writing to ensure your business’ website is optimized for search engines is a valuable skill in today’s business world.  Gabriel Shaoolian of Blue Fountain Media, a leading web design company, has several suggestions to ensure you do it right. Shaoolian says “The goal of Google is to show the most relevant results for every query, giving users the most satisfaction when searching. To do so, the search engine has begun taking into account certain factors. To capture its attention you need to write in a way that blends your own intent with an eye for how search engines search.” Here are some simple rules that will help any copywriter write more effectively.…

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Building Up Your Customer Base During the Holidays

The holiday shopping season is in full swing, and although the economy isn’t everything we as business owners had hoped for, people are still out spending their hard-earned money. One main difference, however, is where they are spending it.

Shoppers this holiday season are looking for exceptional values, this is certainly true. Saving money during these times is of vital importance for many people, so it is very important to maintain a competitive edge when it comes to pricing.

More important, however is what you can do for your customer base if you keep a few key components in place for the holiday season.…

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Something Old or Something New – Investing In A Business

When you’re looking to own your own business, it’s easy to be drawn towards simply buying an already established one.   You think, “All the work is done,  I just simply insert myself into this well oiled money machine”.   Well, not so fast.   Crystal Williams, author of the blog, has weighed the pro and cons of purchasing an already established business.  

To me, the most important question I would ask myself is “Why is this business being sold?”.   Think of it as a Christmas gift.   The outside packaging may be neat and pretty but you need to remove the wrapping and open the  box to see what’s inside.  …

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Trim Your Business Expenses During This Economic Downturn

trim business expensesDuring this economic downturn, some small businesses are struggling to stay ahead.   Maybe you need to consider trimming your expenses to keep more money in your pockets instead of flying out of the window.   I came across this list of suggestions to help you secure your business finances, “78 Ways For Your Small Business To Save Money In This Economy”.

The list is divided into different  categories such as Technology, Overhead, Office Items and Office Space, Advertising, Insurance and Finances, and Travel.   It also offers a lot of great resource and article links to help you along the way.   Even if your business is not struggling at this time, this list can still be of good benefit to you.  …

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