Qualities of a Great Restaurant CEO And Why This Industry Is Different

Everyone knows that a great CEO, Chief Executive Officer, is one of the most important positions in any company. However, being a restaurant CEO is a little more specific than other executive management positions in other companies.

Qualities of a Great Restaurant CEO

Being a great restaurant CEO takes specific skills along with dedication.   Owning a profitable restaurant takes more than hard work – it takes the know-how of the daily ins and outs. So how do you know if you have what it takes?

Top 5 Qualities Needed in a Restaurant CEO

Unfortunately, it’s tough to know exactly what it’s like to be the CEO of a restaurant until you try.…

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Feed Your Fans By Hiring The Right Photographer For Your Next Corporate Event

When you’re planning a big corporate event, you might skip over a step that can make the difference between a good event and a great one – a professional photographer. Sure, employees can and will bring their own point-and-shoot cameras or rely on their trusty smartphones, but it’s nice to have professional photographs to remember special events and to make sure that employees don’t have to miss the fun to stop and take some photos.

Hiring The Right Photographer For Corporate Events

Whether you just want to have some photos for your employers, or if you want to capture images to use in professional marketing materials, a professional photographer can go a long way.…

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Keeping Cloud Computing Costs in Check

keeping cloud computing costs down

The cloud is a boon for companies with small budgets and small (or no) IT staff. It is seen as a way to keep costs in check.

But as so often happens with budgets, there are expenditures that you plan for, and then there are the costs that  seem to appear out of nowhere.

The cloud, of course, is not immune to cost overruns. According to Carl Fransen with CTECH in Calgary, Alberta, cloud-related costs seem to be nice at the start  but can add up after a while.  “Many cloud services charge extra for exceeded bandwidth, extra processor power, etc.,”…

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The Entrepreneur’s Guide To Writing Faster Articles For SEO

We all know the importance of writing quality articles for your website. Without great content, search engines can’t find you and visitors won’t stay on your website. If you write a bad article, people will leave. If you don’t write an article at all, you’ll never have the chance of being found.

There is a success formula I use every time that helps me generate traffic to my website through the art of writing articles. It’s not the conventional ways of generating traffic such as video marketing, search engine optimization and pay per click advertising. It’s the simple act of writing articles faster.…

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Shaking Hands in Cyberspace

In the good old days, a town’s small businesses (the barbershop, the general store, the soda fountain) served as the hub of a community. Employees and customers were typically on a first name basis, and any sales conversations began with inquiries about family and life events.

Even if you still live in a small town where that sort of community exists, it’s possible that you make your living online, dealing with customers you’ll never meet face-to-face. Although it takes some extra effort through the web, you can create real relationships that make clients feel special and encourage loyalty, repeat business, and word-of-mouth marketing.…

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5 Tips to Succeed in Your Startup

5 business startup tips

Businesses start up nearly every day all over the U.S. Many entrepreneurs are lean and mean when it comes to setting up their businesses. They’ve learned all the right lessons to starting a business. Consider these steps below to create a successful startup.

1. Stick With What You Know

Start a business in an area of familiarity or industry expertise. Doing what you love has a direct relation to how successful a startup can be. This also enables you to anticipate the needs of potential customers and clients.

2. Make A Plan

Your well-researched business plan should be your company guide for the first few months of business.…

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Five Items Needed To Keep Your Office Safe

items needed for a safe office

Although industrial workplaces may have more incidents of serious injury, those operating businesses in normal office environments must also concern themselves with the safety and well-being of their employees. The following lists some of the items all offices should have on hand for emergencies.

1. First Aid Kit. No office is complete without a basic first aid kit. Employers should store an adequate number of first aid kits, based on the number of employees, in prominent locations throughout the office. At a minimum, each kit should contain bandages, antibiotic ointment, hot and cold packs, burn cream, rubbing alcohol, over-the-counter pain relievers, throat lozenges, and tweezers.…

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8 Do’s and Don’ts When Confronting a Customer about Delinquent Accounts

If you’re a small business owner who operates on credit, than you know all too well what it feels like when a payment date passes and you still haven’t received your check. To get paid, you have to confront the customer.

Confronting a Customer about Delinquent Accounts

However, this communication is crucial, so make sure when an account is first past due, you follow these 8 do’s and don’ts to reach out to the customer successfully.

“¢   Do send a letter first – When the payment date first passes, immediately respond with a reminder letter.

“¢   Don’t send a generic letter – Don’t send the same letter to all customers.…

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Streamlining Your Workstation For Productivity

What’s all the fuss about keeping a clean desk? In college, my favorite professor had stacks of books and articles that rivaled the Empire State Building. CEOs like Apple’s Steve Jobs and Amazon’s Jeff Bezos have even been photographed at desks that didn’t exactly display a model of organization.

streamline your desk for better productivity

Still, if you’re running a small business, you want things to work efficiently. That boils all the way down to your work station, both as an example to your employees and a place where you can be as productive as possible in the least amount of time necessary.

At the end of the day, your desk should have little more on it than your computer, keyboard, mouse pad, phone, and perhaps a framed photograph of a loved one.…

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Five Ways New Business Owners Can Save Money

5 tips for cutting business expenses

Starting a new business is a gamble, especially in the current economic climate. You might have a winning concept, excellent leads and the drive to succeed, but how do you keep your business afloat until the money rolls in?

1. Review Your Bills. There’s no need for both landlines and mobile phones – cut out the landlines and call clients from your office for free with Google Talk. Your insurance plan is another area in which you could cut costs, at least temporarily. Go with a plan that offers a higher deductible to cut monthly premiums.

2. Shop Smart. Planning ahead when it comes to shopping is critical.…

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