Four Ways of Taking The Loneliness Out of Working at Home

If you are a ‘mompreneur’, or entrepreneur mom, working from home is likely to be the best option for you. The allure and advantages of working remotely are evident: it provides all the flexibility you need, and also entails a huge saving of time and energy. Working from home means no more hours of commuting, and this is time that can be better spent with the kids.


While this lifestyle sounds ideal, the other side of the coin is the lack of socialization, the overwhelming sense of solitude that anyone who works from home should be familiar with.

So how do you overcome the loneliness of being a mompreneur?…

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Fight Those Intruders with High-Quality Security for Your SMB

The humble owner of an SMB probably thinks that a burglar wouldn’t bother with them. Imagining that intruders only like to pick on corporate suits or smuggle billion dollar diamonds, your smaller business owners might trick themselves into being lax with their security.

No burglar

But, what you might not be thinking about is the mentality of a scheming burglar. Bigger jobs take a heck of a lot more effort, so why go to the bother of robbing one massive company when you could, with much less preparation, burgle six or seven smaller ones?

The first thing you need to do is take a look at your business and ask yourself, could I break in here easily?…

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These 5 Amazing Tips Will Kill the Boredom of Running a Business

Starting a business is exciting! The thought of establishing new systems, achieving your short term goals, and seeing the baby steps that your business is taking towards growth is such a priceless experience!

But what happens when your business is all set-up? What happens when your business is already established to the point where you’re starting to feel that there’s not much left for you to do?

That’s right. You get BORED!

Bored business owner

The thing is, getting bored (although it’s normal) isn’t something that you should allow to happen. The moment you get bored, you lose the enthusiasm and the urge to improve.…

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Sponsoring an H-1B Visa as a Startup Business

We already know this: the employees make the company. That’s for sure. How, though, do we find them? We put our ads out there, we have accounts on Careerbuilder, we contact recruiters with requests to help find the best possible candidates, and still we’re often left high and dry. It’s as if the supply isn’t as much as the demand, and in many ways, that’s true.

We have to search elsewhere. But where? This is where an H-1B visa might help, as we target the foreign market as such for employment in our companies here in the state. First off…

Sponsoring H-1B Visa

Can You Explain What an H-1B Visa Is?

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DIY: How to Start Your Home Business

At some point in your life, you might think, “I could do this, and I could do it better.” Many business models spring from ideas like that, and many of those businesses have gone on to become very successful.

In recent years more and more people have decided to go into business for themselves, and many of them do it from their own homes. It can be a scary thought to invest so much time, money and passion into an idea, but the rewards can far outweigh those risks.

Running a home-based business

Whether you’ve decided that working in the corporate sector is not for you, or you’d like to spend more time at home with your family, or you have an entrepreneurial spirit, taking those first challenging steps toward your home business can seem huge.…

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A Reluctantly Offered Guide to the Latest English Business Jargon

Do you feel empowered to move the needle by leveraging your company’s core competency? Does your business make hay for its shareholders? If English isn’t your first language, then many of these expressions might be confusing. After all, if your company manufactures medical devices, why would someone ask whether you’re “making hay?”

Business jargon confuses staffs

Jargon is the enemy of good writing and good communication. As an English teacher, you may wish that it would disappear. Unfortunately, until business jargon is abolished forever, non-native English speakers who work for global companies have no choice but to learn it. If you want to get certified to teach English overseas, there’s a good chance that you’ll take a job teaching Business English.…

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Common Mistakes to Avoid When Writing a Business Plan

For years you’ve toyed with the idea of starting your own business. You’ve fancied yourself as an entrepreneur and you’re ready to make the move from a corporate pencil pusher to a business owner. You’re excited to get started and have found the inspiration needed to begin the process of transitioning out of the daily grind and into the excitement of small business ownership. The only problem, you don’t know where to start!

Business planning

Any small business owner will tell you that the first step to business ownership is writing a business plan. A clear and persuasive business plan provides you with a blueprint that will guide you in building a successful business.…

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3 Great Online Business Ideas You Can Implement Right Away

The idea of starting an “online” business is one that’s no longer the foreign concept it was less than a decade ago. However, with that said, so few of you have the intestinal fortitude to move forward and “leap into the fire” to become a “Webpreneur”. There are so many great ways to go ahead and start making real money online. All that’s required is the courage and resilience to do something that the other 95% of the world doesn’t (or did but failed miserably.)

Online business setup

Regardless of your current status; successful business owner, highly motivated career-person, recent graduate – or just unhappy and sick of working 9-5 for the boss(hole) and having “too much month at the end of the money” – quote from the original “Lifestyle Coach”, Business Philosopher, and professional mentor to Tony Robbins, Mr.…

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3 of the Hottest Office Locations for New Businesses in London

Establishing a new business in London? Finding the right space for your startup can be a challenge. Here are three locations to seriously consider.

King’s Cross: Google’s New Home

King’s Cross, together with the wider Midtown area, has been gaining increasing interest over the last year or two from larger companies within the tech industry. Google is due to open its new London HQ here in 2016/17, and between now and then we can expect the area to get plenty of attention from the media and developers alike.

But it’s not all about state-of-the-art business premises for large corporations. King’s Cross is home to a selection of business centres which are set up to accommodate small and new businesses.…

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Top 10 Business Trends for 2014

Business in 2014 is bound to be more vibrant, connected and tech savvy. Here’s how things are set to be in the year to come:

business trends 2014

1. Visual Explosion

Pictures can speak a thousand words and they are really more effective in communicating ideas and messages. This is probably why platforms like Pinterest and Instagram have become platforms and vehicles for those who’d like to tell a story with their products and services. The super duper success of YouTube perhaps is why we have a phenomenon called Vine today. More power to images which in turn propel businesses to a new level.…

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