How We Started a Second Business to Fund Our First

There often comes a plateau for a start-up that’s been growing pleasingly. One of the most enticing elements of starting your own business is the fact that, technically speaking, the sky is the limit and, no matter how far you come, growth is always possible.

Tom Cridland shopfront

That said, scaling in almost all cases requires investment, which, if you’re young and inexperienced, is extremely hard to come by without sacrificing an exorbitant amount of equity.

Tom Cridland, the startup

I run a sustainable fashion brand with my girlfriend of almost eight years, Deborah Marx. I started it in January 2014 with a £6,000 government start-up loan and decided to call it, Tom Cridland (my name), because

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Don’t Forget These Crucial Steps When Starting a Business

No matter how much preparation you do, setting up a business is a trial-and-error endeavour. Its success is unpredictable, and failures big and small could happen anytime. However, the amount of struggle for a start-up entrepreneur may be reduced by keeping in mind the right concepts and carrying out the right steps before launching.

Startup team

Before you take the risk of building your own business, it’s best to equip yourself for the battlefield ahead by knowing what to do first.

Choose your name

Simply deciding on an impactful name for your company does not mean you can scratch this off your to-do list.…

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The Why, How and The Painstaking Steps Taken to Achieve The Dream of Being Your Own Boss

Ten years ago I was working a full time job, I had a decent salary and a seemingly steady life. I was working 8-9 hours everyday (plus overtime too many times a week),and coming home after work and simply laying in front of the TV became my purpose in life. I worked just like everybody else around me, I had to pay my bills, I had to let go of all the dreams I had as a young adult and embrace reality.


I was trapped. I felt like a robotic mind replaced my own and my only joy in life became kicking off my shoes at the end of the day.…

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The Importance of Persistence in Business

The phrase ‘when the going gets tough, the tough get going’ is particularly appropriate in the business world. Persistence, and the willingness to overcome a wide range of obstacles, usually determines the fate of a company. Below are some of the main reasons why persistence is the most important characteristic every business professional should have.

Persistence business owner

Your Business is More Likely to Succeed

Many companies fail because the owners and the main decision makers in these organizations give up too easily and they are not willing to go the extra mile to make their business a success. However, the business leaders who face their fears and the obstacles that are in their way head-on, are the people who eventually establish and grow the most profitable, effective businesses.…

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Par Chadha Interview on Serial Entrepreneurship

Par Chadha is an electrical engineer with a long history of creating innovative companies in the technology arena as well as building bundled industry solutions through M&A of leading platforms.

Par Chadha

Chadha founded Osicom Technologies with his wife in 1981 and drove innovation through the development of numerous Patents: Patent 5343324 – Bias control and method for electro-optic modulators; Patent 6151336 – Time division multiplexing expansion subsystem; and Patent 6400478 – A wavelength division multiplexed optical transmission system with expanded bidirectional transmission capacity.

Par Chadha interview

Q: In your career you’ve ran and worked with dozens of tech startups – it’s not a small feat. 

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Great Ideas for Home-based Business Startups

Venturing into the world of startup businesses is an exciting journey, and has the potential to be a highly profitable one. However, determining which goods or services a marketplace needs can be more complicated than it sounds. What any successful entrepreneur needs is a great idea to get them started on the right foot.

Business ideas

More and more people are finding success by choosing to start a home based business. Being self employed requires a large amount of discipline, but when done correctly the income will come pouring in. Here are some fantastic ideas for business startups that you can do all on your own, right from the comfort of your home.…

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Top 10 Startups to Follow This Year

Today we’re taking a look at the top 10 start-ups for 2017. What you’ll find below are the fastest growing start-ups of 2016, the ones that impressed us most, the ones that have raised more investments, those that have given a violent shock to the innovation market.

Top startups in 2017

1. Inverse

If you are averse to any kind of news Inverse is the portal for you. Inverse is a site of scientific and technological content that launched last year. The question that torments its creators is precisely, “What will happen next?” And to provide answers to this question, all the writers who work for Inverse are constantly looking for emerging ideas, new technologies and trends that boil down.…

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6 Steps Before Launching Your Plumbing Business

Launching a plumbing business is not something you can do simply because you like doing it or because you have some knowhow and experience about it. There are important steps you have to undertake to make sure that the endeavor will be successful.


Before you launch your plumbing business, use the steps below as a guide.

1. Planning

Of course, no business should ever launch without planning. This planning step, however, is not about the writing of a business plan, making a feasibility study, and other steps that should have already been conducted before you reach the point when you are about to launch the business.…

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Before You Start a Tiling Business – Read this First

Starting a tiling install business is arguably much easier than other businesses, provided you have a few years of real-world tiling experience, and are comfortable managing a crew, if applicable. The difficult part comes after registering your new business and setting it up for the taxmen at HMRC.

Tiling business owner

First Thing’s First: Planning and Registration

Before setting out to find your first customers (though, hopefully you have this step taken care of already) it’s important to head on over to Business is Great Britain website to get the paperwork side of things all figured out – such as creating a business plan, choosing and registering your business structure, becoming licensed, bonded and insured, and all the financial considerations you’ll need to know including how to file business taxes with local and state governments.…

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How to Market Your New Independent Pharmacy

Opening up the doors of a pharmacy is not like any other kind of business. The aim of a pharmacy is genuinely to assist the clientele that walks through the doors with sometimes the most personal of needs. Those needs can range from the medications they need to stay alive and at their healthiest, to lighter and more topical needs like a new package of Band-Aids –and everything in between.

Pharmacist in a drugstore

When first starting up your independent pharmacy, there are quite a few options you have in how you may want to market your new business to the surrounding community. Below are some methods you may want to consider to get your new and independent pharmacy off to a running and sustainable start.…

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