How to Use APIs to Strengthen Customer Interactions

While many small business owners and entrepreneurs might not yet know what “APIs” stands for, the good news is that they don’t have to be developers to use these application programming interfaces and bring value to their companies.


With APIs, projects are completed faster and operations are more efficient, meaning that this technology is quickly revolutionizing the business world. As APIs allow software across multiple platforms to “speak the same language,” integrations that once took a team of developers months can now be done in a matter of hours. The APIs expose those methods to a public interface, and because there’s no need to build systems from scratch, this technology helps small businesses and entrepreneurs remain viable and even grow in an increasingly technological marketplace.…

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CEOs: 7 Ways to Improve Your Australian Visa Application

Year upon year, the Australian Department of Immigration and Border Protection will receive thousands of work, family, student and migrant visas – many applications will be deemed successful, but there are still those thousands that will, unfortunately, be knocked back.

Australian visa

Are you someone who is about to submit a visa application of your own in? If so, you may want to read this article first. Today, we will touch on 7 ways to improve your Australian visa application. Visa applications can often cost hefty sums of money, so you want to ensure that you have done all that you possibly can to make your application a successful one.…

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Why Customer Service is So Important in E-commerce

When establishing an online store, you may not be thinking about the importance of customer service – after all, you won’t be seeing anyone face to face. However, it’s still crucial you’re communicating with those who do business with you, and here’s just a few reasons why.

Online customer service

You’ll keep them coming back

One of the most important things to ensure you’re practicing within your business is relationship building with customers. It’s absolutely vital – you want these customers to keep coming back, and existing customers are much more likely to buy from you than new customers would be.

By building these relationships, you’re letting the customer know just how trustworthy and reliable you are as a business.…

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What to Consider When Planning a Rental Property Investment

Many of the world’s richest people own their wealth to real estate. Therefore it should come as no surprise that many people looking to invest choose to invest in rental real estate, as there are many reasons why this type of investment is usually the safest bet.

Rental property investment

But as with any other investment, you will have to conduct some research before you have to pay several hundreds of dollars. While rentals are a safe market, there are many factors that can influence the price of the real estate as well as your return on investment.

In this article, we will list the factors you need to consider before investing in rental property.…

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4 Tips to Preventing Construction Accidents

Construction CEOs wrongfully assume that accident prevention rests solely on the shoulders of site managers and workers. But as CEO, it’s also your job to make sure that certain safety protocols are in place and that everyone is properly trained.

Construction accident

In 2013, one out of every five construction workers in Texas incurred injuries that required medical attention. One out of every ten construction workers in the United States as a whole are injured every year.

These four tips can help prevent accidents on your site.

1. Hold Mandatory Safety Meetings

Holding mandatory safety meetings every morning will ensure that all workers and managers are on the same page.…

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4 Tips for Crafting a Proposal Worthy of a ‘Yes’

When you’re in business, there are several times when you may be faced with writing a proposal to get something you want. Maybe you have an idea for expansion, but need some extra funding so you’re looking for investors. Or, perhaps you deal a lot with government contracts and have to submit a proposal in order to be considered for the job.

It's a deal!

Regardless of your circumstance or need, there’s nothing worse than taking the time to put together a lengthy proposal only to hear that it wasn’t accepted or approved. To keep that from happening to you, here are four tips to consider.…

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Thermostat Wars!

When the heating season comes about, a lot of households and offices with mixed gender staff experience the so-called thermostat wars. But why does it happen? Can you do anything to stop it? And most importantly, is it bad for your heating system?

Setting up a thermostat

At the start of the heating season, no matter if you have a thermostat war raging, you need to perform a maintenance. This way, you can be sure that your heating equipment won’t fail you in the peak of the season. You can learn more about that here

What’s the Deal?

To boil it down to the basics, men typically prefer colder temperatures than women when it comes to comfort.…

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Pros and Cons of Being a Landlord

Being a landlord is a great way to earn more income on the side. It also comes with its own set of challenges, from problem tenants to maintenance costs. Below are the pros and cons of being a landlord so you can decide if it’s the right job for you.



Extra Income

One of the biggest appeals of becoming a landlord is the extra income. As long as you have reliable tenants in your property, you can count on a steady cash flow each month. The monthly payment should be enough to cover the mortgage of the property so you can hold on to the property as it appreciates in value.…

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Bad Breath Can Ruin Your Career – Seriously! (Infographic)

Halitosis is nothing to joke around about. Not only does it make the people you talk to at work and in life want to vomit at the mere thought of communicating with you, it can literally kill you! Looking at the infographic on this page, you’ll note that at least 60 percent of people suffering from bad breath are also much more stressed than their minty fresh counterparts.

Bad breath in the office

There’s no “U” in bad breath!

Now, you might be fine with elevated cortisol and the effects it has on your long term health, including high blood pressure, heart disease, weakened immune system, and the slow and steady destruction of your brain.…

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How to Buy a Used Coordinate Measuring Machine

Buying a used coordinate measuring machine is a smart, strategic way to save money while improving your measuring capabilities. But it also raises a number of questions, including where you should buy a used coordinate measuring machine, what brand you should buy, and what you should expect.

Coordinate measuring machine

The good news it that the majority of coordinate measuring machines use frictionless air bearings, which means their mechanical structure wears down much slower than your CNC tools. A good coordinate measuring machine can last as long as 30 years, so a used machine will have plenty of life left in it.

Coordinate measuring machine buyer’s guide

Carefully consider where you go to buy metrology instruments, as there is a big difference between going online or buying at auction and going to a reputable coordinate measuring machine dealer.…

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