7 Salesman Tactics to Avoid When Shopping at a Dealership

Car salesmen get a bad reputation; there is no doubt about that. Like any other salesperson, their job is to convince someone that they have to put themselves behind the wheel of a car on their lot. If you are in the market for a used or new car, then the only way to come out ahead is by making a budget, sticking to it, taking the emotion out, and not getting caught up in high-pressure sales tactics.

Car salesman

Before you start looking for the car that suits you and your business, make sure to look out for these seven sales tactics that can have you making a not-so-good choice, courtesy of our friends at Applewood Nissan Richmond dealership.…

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Q&A with James Turner, the Managing Director of Turnerlittle.com, on American Adults’ Attitude Toward Cryptocurrencies

Cryptocurrencies’ popularity blasts through the roof.  In fact, the search term “buy bitcoin” is being used more than “buy gold” – an indicator of people’s behavior toward buying/selling or investing in cryptocurrencies, specifically bitcoin.

Bitcoin (illustration)

So, it’s safe to say that bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are supported by many, right? Well, not necessarily.

A recent survey conducted by YouGov on more than 1,000 American adults interestingly reveals that their attitude toward cryptocurrencies isn’t all that positive.

In this session of Q&A, we talk with James Turner, the Managing Director of Turnerlittle.com, discussing the findings from the YouGov survey, as well as offering his insight on what’s the future hold for everything related to bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. …

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Top Issues Faced by First Time Entrepreneurs and Solutions to Getting By

Being the boss is rewarding, but not without challenges. Though there will be peaks and valleys throughout your time as an entrepreneur, it is the beginning stages of starting a business that seems to cause the most obstacles.

Busy entrepreneur solving problems

The quest to establish a new brand and being successful in the competition is not an easy one. Everything from raising startup funds and managing cash flow to standing out from the competition and obtaining new customers, there’s a lot that comes up for first-time entrepreneurs.

Knowing how to quickly deal with the problem and keep business going is a must.

Raising Startup Capital

Most entrepreneurs aren’t sitting on cash that can be used to invest in a business.…

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How Behaviour Science Can Help Solve Our Global Energy Crisis

It’s no secret that Australia, and indeed the world, is undergoing an energy crisis like never before. Our state and federal governments continue to make the argument that coal is the way to go, even as the threat of blackouts looms over us every summer. Despite this, a recent report has seen Australian chief scientist Alan Finkel reminded us that the Australian energy crisis could be seeing a resolution in as little as three years – but that coal use is not the answer, no matter how much our politicians seem to think it is.

Behavioural science for solving enery crisis

And while it’s a common thought that there’s not much you as an individual can do to change the face of the globe, the fact with energy is that it’s exactly the actions of everyday people and companies who are making a difference.…

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5 Aspects Every Business Website Should Display

Building an effective business website takes a delicate mixture of several concepts of business. You must effectively represent your brand, call your viewers to take action, and maintain the interest of web users in only a few seconds. It may sound like a tall order, but business web design is not as hard as you think.

Accessing business website

Those who have designed before you have figured out a sort of equation that seems to work best. The good news is that just a few minutes of your time will reveal their findings. Take a moment to read through this short synopsis of a few aspects every business website should display, and get started on your design now.…

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Insights for Small Businesses with Exposure to Foreign Exchange Risks

Small businesses seeking to grow their bottom lines often have to look for opportunities beyond their immediate markets. Many small businesses looking for growth often forge strategic alliances for international exposure. Some small businesses find suppliers in foreign markets in order to create a competitive advantage. Other small businesses hire professionals in foreign countries or market their products and services to buyers in other countries.

Foreign exchange risks

Interestingly, when it is time to create financial accounts, many business owners with international exposure are surprised that their top and bottom lines are not impressive. A small business with foreign exposure can still lose money despite the fact that they have excellent products, sold at decent margins, and with good marketing strategy in place.…

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6th Tax Compliance for Financial Institutions

From 7th to 9th November, Hermes bank representatives reaffirmed their commitment to regulatory transparency by turning their attention to adopting CRS updates and sustaining FATCA compliance.

Tax compliance for financial institutions

The 6th Annual Tax Compliance conference held at Times Square, New York brought together a global pool of acclaimed professionals in their field. In attendance, the bank benefited from the experience of industry experts from international players such as BNP Paribas, JPMorgan Chase, BNY Mellon, Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs, Citi, Thomson Reuters and others as well as the Internal Revenue Services (IRS).

In preparation for the inaugural year of country by country reporting the bank continues to examine FATCA and CRS requirements from various perspectives to mitigate risk and adopt industry best practices.…

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10 Common Mistakes Small Businesses Make

There are hundreds of mistakes business owners make when it comes to running their own companies. They vary from the website mistakes to incorrect usage of effective business tools.

Statistics shows that most mistakes are very common and are made almost by 95% of all business owners. Recommendations to wanna-be entrepreneurs often include what they should do to become successful in their businesses, but rarely mention what they should avoid to do, although it is equally important.

Small business owner reading newspaper

Today, we are going to talk about what we personally consider the biggest mistakes often made by small business owners. Avoiding these mistakes can save the business you are working on.…

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How to Use APIs to Strengthen Customer Interactions

While many small business owners and entrepreneurs might not yet know what “APIs” stands for, the good news is that they don’t have to be developers to use these application programming interfaces and bring value to their companies.


With APIs, projects are completed faster and operations are more efficient, meaning that this technology is quickly revolutionizing the business world. As APIs allow software across multiple platforms to “speak the same language,” integrations that once took a team of developers months can now be done in a matter of hours. The APIs expose those methods to a public interface, and because there’s no need to build systems from scratch, this technology helps small businesses and entrepreneurs remain viable and even grow in an increasingly technological marketplace.…

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CEOs: 7 Ways to Improve Your Australian Visa Application

Year upon year, the Australian Department of Immigration and Border Protection will receive thousands of work, family, student and migrant visas – many applications will be deemed successful, but there are still those thousands that will, unfortunately, be knocked back.

Australian visa

Are you someone who is about to submit a visa application of your own in? If so, you may want to read this article first. Today, we will touch on 7 ways to improve your Australian visa application. Visa applications can often cost hefty sums of money, so you want to ensure that you have done all that you possibly can to make your application a successful one.…

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