4 Ways to Optimize Your Business Landing Pages

Business landing pages need to pop. Consumers and clients are very picky, and who can blame them when there are so many options at their disposal? Statistics show that 81% of shoppers do research online before making a purchase, 22% of businesses are happy with their conversion rates, and 72% of consumers who did a local search visited a store that was within 5 miles of their location.

These are impressive statistics, and one that really sticks out is that 78% of businesses aren’t happy with conversion rates.

Landing page optimization

It’s time to break away from this trend and make small changes to your landing page that can have a major impact on your sales.…

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3 Tips – Based on Research – to Skyrocket Form Conversions

You’ve done everything correctly: built a beautiful website, added contact forms and marketed your business. Leads are pouring in, but for some reason, they never convert. Your business is suffering, and the problem may be a simple one.

Your contact form isn’t optimized for success.

Form conversion rate optimization

I have seen long contact forms spanning 30 fields before, and the first thing I thought was: “no one is going to take the time to fill out this form.”

And this leads to our first tip:

1. Limit Your Fields

If no one is going to fill out a long form, what is the ideal number of fields then?…

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3 Lesser-Known Link Building Opportunities for Businesses

Businesses, especially new businesses with a small budget, have a hard time justifying link building. You might, and I say might very lightly, be able to start generating leads affordably with pay-per-click advertising.

Every business is different, with some having very affordable pay-per-click rates.

But over time, a business will start to realize that organic traffic that they don’t have to pay for is much more economical. Enter link building. Indeed, link building remains the cornerstone of any search engine optimization strategy.

Link building strategies

To get started, QuickSprout has a great, advanced link building resource to help you get started.

So, what are the lesser-known link opportunities for businesses?

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Spending Smart by Maximizing Technological Investments

Technological investments are a part of business. Your business can spend $1 million to invest in new technology and equipment, but how will these technologies transition to profit? That’s the question.

Technology investments analysis

Increased investment doesn’t necessarily mean improved financials.

And small businesses need to know how to maximize these investments, or maybe they shouldn’t invest in certain technologies too early. Oftentimes, a small business will make an investment that keeps them cash-strapped and not able to recoup their money fast enough.

Missed opportunities can be a result of these decisions, which leads to lost financial gain.

Business Case Analysis

Subjectivity in an investment can be offset by business case analysis.…

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5 Alternative Financing Options for Startups

Lack of funding is one of the biggest hurdles startups face. Banks are reluctant to lend to a brand-new business – or even an established business. Even loans from the Small Business Administration can be tough to secure.

Alternative financing options

If you’re struggling to get the capital you need for your startup, consider these four alternative financing options.

1. Crowdfunding

Crowdfunding can be an extremely effective way to raise capital. Platforms like Indiegogo and Kickstarter have helped countless startups get up and running.

The idea behind crowdsourcing is simple: everyday people make small investments in your project, or business.

Maybe you have an innovative new product.…

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5 Things Your Accountant Should be Doing

Is your accountant giving you more than just tax advice? If not, it may be time to find a new one.

Happy accountant

Your accountant should be helping you with these five important things:

1. Helping You Prepare for Tax Season – Well in Advance

Most business owners hire an accountant purely for tax purposes, although they can offer assistance in other ways as well.

Ideally, your accountant should be helping you prepare for taxes well in advance, so there are no last-minute surprises. He or she should be helping you understand:

  • Which credits to claim
  • Which deductions to claim
  • Tax laws that can maximize your write-offs

Tax opportunities, like the R&D credit, can help reduce your tax burden, and your accountant should know if you qualify for such opportunities.…

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How Will Divorce Affect Your Business?

They say it’s smart to keep personal and business relationships separate, but when you’re married, you and your spouse become one in every way – including business. If your “I do” turns into “I don’t” in the future, what will happen to your company?

Here’s how a divorce may impact your business.

Business couple

Divorce and Business – Your Ex May Become Your Next Business Partner

Depending on the state you live in, your ex may become your new business partner when the divorce is finalized.

The way in which assets are divided in a divorce depends on state laws. A business is considered an asset, and it may be classified as either marital or non-marital property.…

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Contract Law Basics for Every Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurs have a lot on their plate, and the one thing that can really get them in trouble is the legal aspects of business. When first starting a business, there’s a lot of hustle involved, which leads to the small business owner taking major risks.

Some of the most worrisome risks of all are contract-related.

Business partnership

You might agree to something orally, and if you don’t meet your end of the agreement, you might be in trouble as a result.

Let’s talk about some of the contract law basics every entrepreneur should know and understand.

What Constitutes a Contact?

There are written and oral contracts.…

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3 Steps to Take This Year to Avoid Another Tax Season Scramble

Tax season is the enemy of small business owners. Small business owners wear a lot of hats: accounting, marketing, sales – you name it. The small business owner often fills the void in his business.

Doing small business taxes

TurboTax and other online services even allow owners with no accounting experience to file their taxes and take advantage of tax breaks along the way.

But there’s also the anxiety of:

  • Gathering receipts
  • Outlining all expenses
  • Cycling through billings and invoices

Businesses that opt to pay taxes annually and incur the small penalty also worry about having enough money come tax season.

If you’re a freelancer or contractor, chances are you were more focused on staying afloat this past year than worrying about tax season.…

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