Top 10 Business Trends for 2014

Business in 2014 is bound to be more vibrant, connected and tech savvy. Here’s how things are set to be in the year to come:

business trends 2014

1. Visual Explosion

Pictures can speak a thousand words and they are really more effective in communicating ideas and messages. This is probably why platforms like Pinterest and Instagram have become platforms and vehicles for those who’d like to tell a story with their products and services. The super duper success of YouTube perhaps is why we have a phenomenon called Vine today. More power to images which in turn propel businesses to a new level.…

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Critical Business Mistakes to Avoid in the Coming Year

As the new year approaches, most of you will be thinking of ways you can improve both your personal and professional lives in 2014. Oh, the agonizing decisions we’re going to be faced with whence the New Year’s bell rings in Time Square: app development; content marketing; social media; new competition taking established customers; what’s the bloody government going to tax us on this year; tech changes; will the first quarter be strong – or will our profits reign in the fourth; will the economy get stronger – or flatline as it has without warning in so many past years?

business mistakes

All these and many others weigh on the minds of any business owner.…

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Google Hummingbird and its Impact on SEO and Content Marketing Strategies

The new Hummingbird update from Google has hit the online marketing world by storm, much like every other update they’ve ever done! Site owners, marketers and search engine enthusiasts alike seem to go into frenzy-mode every time Google changes something. And rightly they should, every update makes a significant leap forward for the actual users.

google hummingbird algorithm update

While it usually sets most marketers back a few, or several steps – where they have to head back to the drawing board to figure out a game-plan to fight their way back to the top of the search engines for terms like “Test fit black elastic underpants sizes 1-20”, or “prefabbed concrete slabs in Glendale”.…

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How to Choose The Right Freight Company

Expanding to International markets is your next logical step in small business growth. You need to do your due diligence in preparing your business to take on the challenges overseas. You also need to work with service providers to manage everything, which includes getting your products to the target market in a timely manner.

freight forwarder

Shipping is indeed crucial; in fact, it is one of the most challenging aspects in running a business. You need to get the right products at the right location and time directly impacts your business’ reputation and bottom line.

To help you ship your products better, you need to partner with a freight forwarder.…

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What to Look for in a Document Management Company

When you are partnering with a document management service provider, you need to be sure that your data is well taken care of.   Indeed, there are many factors to consider when you are choosing from a list of service providers.  It’s an important decision to make – even more important than you realize.  How so?

document management system

Firstly, document management itself is crucial.  When you need to manage gigabytes of documents, you can’t afford to blink; if you mis-manage your documents, you can be sure that you can fall well behind schedule.

There’s a domino effect that occurs when you choose the wrong document management system (DMS) – including: poor time management, poor work ethics, poor work completion, bad customer feedback, and more.…

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The Top Three Benefits from Using Business Intelligence Software

Let’s face it, you don’t have time to manage and sort all of your company/department data with hours of manual labor. Thankfully, there’s business intelligence software that can do the hard work for you with just a few clicks!

business intelligence software

What Can Business Intelligence Do?

The goal of business intelligence is to better assist you in making more informed decisions on behalf of the company. Here are just some of the benefits:

  • You’ll see inside the minds of your customers and figure out what behavior they’re following, what they’re buying and when they’re buying it.
  • Identify any upsell or cross-sell opportunities that may exist.
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POS System Trend to Watch: Online Ordering

Point of sale is no longer the same as what it was several years ago. Point of sale – or POS – was referring to retail transaction only – customers bring goods, retail staff calculate the amount, issue a receipt and get paid for the amount. It was a terminal, rather than a system.

online ordering

Today, POS has transformed; as a small business owner, you need to be aware of the transformation and when you see fit, adopt the changes to give your business an edge over your competition.

POS today is all about integration, and it’s no longer taking care of transactions only.…

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5 Ways Office Holiday Parties can Bring You Lawsuits

It’s party time! As we are now technically in the holiday season, it’s time to think about what many businesses are focusing on these days: Office holiday party.

office holiday party

It’s a great way to end the year with colleagues, and a great reward for the hard work everybody is doing throughout the year. If you, for some reasons, never arrange any office parties, ‘tis the season you should consider doing it – it’s good for your employees’ morale and job satisfaction.

While many are focusing on how to make it a memorable event (on a budget,) I would like to remind you about one issue which many often neglect.…

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What Kind of PBX Phone System is Right for Your Business?

In order to understand which PBX phone system will best suit your business’s needs, you should understand what a PBX system actually is. PBX stands for Private Branch Exchange. The system exchanges and connects multiple phone calls from one user to another or from one department to another (“for Human Resources press 1…” etc) in a company or organization. Incoming calls go to an auto-receptionist who directs the call to the right employee depending on the needs and response of the caller. Outgoing calls travel through the PBX phone systems to connect with outside lines.

staff taking pbx calls

The need for a complex business telephone system is still very high for almost any business imaginable.…

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Surviving Legal Terms: Does Seeking Online Help Make Sense?

Law plays an important role of keeping mankind in the right. Like a bracket, it holds everything together, putting a sense of moral justice in everything we do.

legal help

Law, in fact, influences our daily life. This also holds true with business. From being obliged to follow the traffic to being obliged to honor signed business contracts, we are under a pledge which compels us to follow our indicated duties or else, we experience penalties – even lawsuits.

Signing business contracts and documents are among the seemingly simple situations but are in fact, complex. A contract may contain legal terms that the signee should fully understand before she sign it in order to enter into the agreement.…

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