The Last-Minute Checklist for Business Trips

Are you preparing to leave on a business trip in the near future? Do you have everything in order, or do you have some concerns that you’re going to leave something of importance behind?

Packing for business trip

While there may be a lot going through your mind as your business trip closes in, here are some of the last minute questions you should definitely address:

1. Did you book your hotel?

If the answer to this question is yes, make sure you have your reservation information handy.

If the answer is no, now’s the time to begin your search for the perfect hotel. For example, if you need to book a Hollywood hotel, you can use Expedia to find the perfect accommodations.…

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How to Identify Detractors using an NPS Tool

Detractors have a negative impact on your reputation by leaving negative reviews on the web. They tend to spread negative word-of-mouth making sure their bad experience is heard by as many people as they know.

Detractor writing bad review

At some point everyone of us have been a Detractor. Have you ever been loyal to a brand and then suddenly stopped purchasing from them because your experiences had become disappointing?

Detractor is defined as a person unhappy with a company, a product or service. He finds fault with everything your business does. In other words, he is a critic.

In NPS framework, Detractor is a respondent who answers from 0 to 6 on the NPS scale.These…

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Factoring for Small Business – The Essential Guide and Most Important Benefits

As a small business owner, you probably did some crucial thinking before you started your enterprise – as any good business owner does. But beginning a business of your own entails more than just the proper planning – it also entails a day-by-day effort to make your business grow.

Small business factoring

It requires a lot of dedication and commitment, and if you’re not passionate about what you are doing, it’s easy to throw in the towel and walk away. But when you’ve invested so much into your business – you want it to succeed. So, where can you can get the support you need?…

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5 Must-Have Learning Management Systems (LMS) Features for Employee Training

Picking a learning management system for employee onboarding and training can be a stressful affair. There are more than 180 sophisticated learning management systems in the market today and each one of them offer unique features and tools to make elearning fun, engaging and productive. But not all features may be required for your specific organization needs.

Learning Management Systems (LMS)

In this article, we will take a look at five specific must-have features that your LMS should offer.

Mobile Support

Smartphone are ubiquitous in the modern workplace. Yet, several legacy LMS applications do not offer comprehensive support for learning over mobile devices.

Mobile learning is important for two reasons.

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How to Build a Strong Relationship With Your Clients

It is well known that the acquisition costs are lower for existing customers compared to new ones. According to one Gartner report, 80% of a company’s revenues come from 20% of its clients. A strong relationship with customers is essential to your business continuity and subsequently lower acquisition costs.

Customer relationships

Here are a few tips to help organizations strengthen their relationship with clients.

Understand the Client’s Needs

A CEI Survey suggests that 86% of buyers are willing to pay more for a better customer experience. But at the same time, just one percent of these customers feel that vendors consistently meet their expectations.…

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Why Customer Service is So Important in E-commerce

When establishing an online store, you may not be thinking about the importance of customer service – after all, you won’t be seeing anyone face to face. However, it’s still crucial you’re communicating with those who do business with you, and here’s just a few reasons why.

Online customer service

You’ll keep them coming back

One of the most important things to ensure you’re practicing within your business is relationship building with customers. It’s absolutely vital – you want these customers to keep coming back, and existing customers are much more likely to buy from you than new customers would be.

By building these relationships, you’re letting the customer know just how trustworthy and reliable you are as a business.…

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What to Consider When Planning a Rental Property Investment

Many of the world’s richest people own their wealth to real estate. Therefore it should come as no surprise that many people looking to invest choose to invest in rental real estate, as there are many reasons why this type of investment is usually the safest bet.

Rental property investment

But as with any other investment, you will have to conduct some research before you have to pay several hundreds of dollars. While rentals are a safe market, there are many factors that can influence the price of the real estate as well as your return on investment.

In this article, we will list the factors you need to consider before investing in rental property.…

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4 Tips to Preventing Construction Accidents

Construction CEOs wrongfully assume that accident prevention rests solely on the shoulders of site managers and workers. But as CEO, it’s also your job to make sure that certain safety protocols are in place and that everyone is properly trained.

Construction accident

In 2013, one out of every five construction workers in Texas incurred injuries that required medical attention. One out of every ten construction workers in the United States as a whole are injured every year.

These four tips can help prevent accidents on your site.

1. Hold Mandatory Safety Meetings

Holding mandatory safety meetings every morning will ensure that all workers and managers are on the same page.…

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Arnold Siegel’s 7 Ideas for Staying Productive When You’re Dealing With Anxiety

Anxiety is a universal fact of life. We all feel it.

“We put pressure on ourselves to be successful,” says Arnold Siegel, contemporary American philosopher and founder of Autonomy and Life, “and we feel it from others too.”

Siegel literally wrote the book on sublimating anxiety in the service of a productive, self-actualized life.

Anxiety attack

Siegel has developed a philosophy of life for practical living. He directs his students in the following ways.

1. Take Responsibility for the Consequences of Your Actions

First, remember that the cavalry is not coming. The buck stops with each one of us; only we can take ultimate responsibility for our actions.…

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4 Tips for Crafting a Proposal Worthy of a ‘Yes’

When you’re in business, there are several times when you may be faced with writing a proposal to get something you want. Maybe you have an idea for expansion, but need some extra funding so you’re looking for investors. Or, perhaps you deal a lot with government contracts and have to submit a proposal in order to be considered for the job.

It's a deal!

Regardless of your circumstance or need, there’s nothing worse than taking the time to put together a lengthy proposal only to hear that it wasn’t accepted or approved. To keep that from happening to you, here are four tips to consider.…

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