How to Use Your Business Credit Score to Your Advantage

While many business owners are more than aware of their personal credit scores, there are many who are simply unaware of how their company’s credit score contributes to their potential success.

Business credit score

As most professionals know, a good, clean credit score can be the difference between loan or mortgage approval. If you have ever applied for credit, a lender will generally use this metric in their assessment of you and the risk you pose to their business. This three figure number (generally between 300 and 900) is a representation of your history of how you have handled credit. This information is widely available in 2018, meaning that there is no excuse not to be familiar with how lenders treat you, considering that almost everyone has access to their free credit score.…

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Improving Your Potential: Here’s How CEOs can Reroute Their Life Toward Fulfillment

Most of us aren’t living life to the fullest – and While for many, the phrase “living life to the fullest” conjures images of enjoyment and happiness, in this article we’re going to explore ways to live life to the fullest–when it comes to your potential.

Studies show that individuals who make the most of their intellect, time, and bodies are often healthier, happier, and more content. It’s easy to start rerouting your life towards fulfillment, and it starts with unlocking your potential.

Professional development

Professional potential

Many of us wish for a better salary and a better position in our current field.…

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Turning Office Small Talk Into Smart Conversation

You’ve heard the saying ‘time is money’; this is true in most elements of your life but especially true when you are thinking about starting a company or building your business.

Creating your own small empire is a fantastic idea and one that can bring a number of awards, success, potentially fame and security. But getting from a small startup or even a medium sized business to the big leagues takes time, money and effort.

Having a conversation with a colleague

Fortunately there are several ways in which you can smooth this process along. The ability to convert your office small talk into smart conversation is an important skill to learn; it will help to grow your reputation and your business.…

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How to Start Your Investment Portfolio Construction

Starting an investment portfolio can be an intimidating task. Whether you are planning to monitor and trade regularly or set up a one and done growth portfolio, the amount of time it can take to set up a solid plan for growth with your money can shake even the most stedfast of us.

Investment portfolio construction

Although it can be intimidating, setting up a stock portfolio is a great way to build your wealth over time, and can even be the reason you never “work” again. Getting there takes time, patience and market knowledge, but it all starts with the construction of your investment portfolio.…

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The Culinary Tastemaker – 10 Tips For Effective Hospitality Management

Whether you’re new to the business of hospitality management, or looking to improve and develop your rapport with staff and customers, there may be factors you’re overlooking or unsure of approaching. The following 10 tips are aimed at making your management (and your business) more effective – without leaving any passive-aggressive notes.

Hospitality management

1. Look The Part (Without the Cost)

While it’s obvious that your personal presentation matters, it’s even more important that your business is well attired and stocked with supplies. Clean, matching glasses, crisp linen and shining cutlery are all signs of a well-run establishment. There’s no excuse for looking like your serving ware has been through a war.…

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3 Steps to Choosing the Best Website Hosting Plan for Your Small Business

As a small business owner, you have to make many decisions when it comes to how to set up and run your business. You have to decide where you’ll be located, what you’ll sell, how much you’ll charge, and what type of customer you want to serve. Well, one of these decisions also involves choosing the best website hosting plan for your company’s online presence.

Web hosting servers

If you’re not sure what that would be, not to worry. There are three fairly simple steps you can take right now that can help make this decision-making process easier.

Step 1. Determine Your Website’s Hosting Needs

It’s pretty much impossible to pick the best website hosting plan for your small business if you have no idea what your hosting needs are.…

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3 Ways To Get More For Your Money When You Start A Business

It’s one thing to run a business and it’s another to grow your business. The difference between the two is the use of the Pareto Principle, better known as the 80-20 rule. According to this principle, 80 percent of your results will come from only 20 percent of your efforts.

Business operations

Since the aim of every business is to increase profits, a person who runs a business focuses on marketing and sales. Meanwhile, someone who grows a business will also focus on marketing and sales—but they will also apply the Pareto Principle to overheads. He or she will try to isolate the 20 percent of B2B services that increase 80 percent of the business’ performance.…

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The Power of Anticipation

As a professional you experience a multitude of problems on daily basis.  If you don’t know how to handle all the pressure, then you’ll break. So, what should a professional do? Read on.

Thinking businesswoman

“Just try and be present” is something people with anxiety and stress hear an awful lot. It’s not bad advice, but it’s also a little vague. No one really says what “being present” means. If it means moving forward with your life even in the face of adversity, then that’s a good thing to tell people.

We all want to be able to close our eyes and just experience life as it is in that particular instant, but it’s so much easier said than done.…

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Business Taxes That Small E-Commerce Businesses Should Be Aware Of

Managing taxes for your business is, well, taxing. It involves a lot of paperwork and several receipts, all of which you need to properly sort out and file. Even if you’re running a small business, taxes are still part of your responsibility, and this same goes for small e-commerce businesses.

Calculating taxes

Are Online Businesses Required To Pay Taxes?

One common misconception is that selling online does not involve paying taxes. Some e-commerce store owners may not know this, but paying taxes may be required in the area where your business market is operating.

In some places, taxation includes Internet marketplaces – that is, e-commerce websites like Amazon and eBay whose products are sold by individuals and not by the websites themselves.…

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4 Skills to Master for Improving Business Processes

Business owners often look for ways their companies can improve. After all, nothing is ever perfect and the more your company evolves, the more likely it is you’ll succeed long-term. Fortunately, improving your business doesn’t mean you have to make drastic changes. There are small skills everyone in your company can learn to help improve your business processes. You can inculcate these skills by offering green belt training and start focusing on these often-overlooked business skills.

Developing business skills

1. Problem-Solving Skills

Problem-solving skills are essential to every business, but it’s not something that comes naturally to everyone. Consider offering a Six Sigma certification program to your employees to help them improve their problem-solving skills.…

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