Top 5 Mobile Payment Trends that will Disrupt 2018

Everyone and (literally) their grandparents are using mobile phones and devices to make payments on the fly. From using mobile wallets to buy products without a visit to the cashier — to banks making online bill payments more secure — there’s no end to the impact mobile will disrupt the way we make purchases in 2018 and beyond.

Making contactless mobile payment

The commonly-held drawbacks of the past have been usurped largely by the technology of the present and the promise of what it can offer in the future. The fact is, mobile payments using physical EMV, and online payment technology are as secure as any method used in the past.…

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6 Types of Insurance Every Small Business Owner Needs

Businesses face significant risks from their day of inception. These risks do not arise when the business hires its first employee as a law suit can deem catastrophic to a business even before it opens its doors to clients. In such a case, it is not only vital to have insurance, but the right type of insurance.

Small business insurance

Luckily, there are a myriad of insurance plans for small businesses to shield them from these risks. Below are six types of insurance for small business owners.

1. Property Insurance

Most, if not all, businesses own or sometimes lease its premises, office equipment, inventory among other property.…

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3 Ways to Improve Retirement Planning

One of the many things that can put stress to people is thinking about future and making retirement plans. Younger generations almost never think about retirement planning, although this is serious and important issue to think about.

Retirement planning

Saving money to spend it in retirement days seems like a thing far away to many people, but truth is that time goes fast and it is wise to make plans about future. Many people avoid retirement planning because it reminds them of getting old. But you should get rid of that mindset, quick!

Life begins after you retire

Sure, the working days are over, but being retired does not mean that the life stops.…

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Commercial Mortgage Loan Alternatives For Small Businesses

Obtaining commercial property loans and mortgages is becoming increasingly difficult as a result of increasingly restrictive lending requirements by traditional financial institutions. Due to this, numerous small businesses who are looking to purchase an office of their own, expand their current premises, or buy out another business, are turning to alternative lending options.

Commercial mortgage loan alternatives

Commercial property finance can be complex and difficult to understand, as each project may require a different form of funding. Here, we’re taking a looking at the commercial mortgage loan alternatives small businesses may consider in order to fund their latest project.

Property Development Finance

Short term property development finance can be sourced away from traditional financial institutions, often through P2P lenders, or brokers with access to exclusive lending facilities.…

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Types Of Insurance You Need To Protect Your Business

As a small business owner, limiting risk and ensuring business continuity should be your main priority. One of the major reasons a business will collapse is a result of bankruptcy, and threat of legal action can be a major cause of this.

Business insurance protection

In order to minimise the risk of bankruptcy in regards to this avenue, you should ensure that your business is protected at all times. Opting for a number of different types of insurance as soon as you start your business should be a top consideration.

Here, we’re taking a look at the types of insurance you should have in order to protect your business.…

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Your Website Needs Work. Here Are 6 Things You Can Do Tomorrow

Have you put off building your personal website for way too long?

Or do you have a half-dormant, sort-of website that you’d prefer no one you know lay eyes on?

Either way, the task before you — turning your website into something to which you proudly direct colleagues, prospective employers, and/or potential clients — is more manageable than you might think.

Website redesign

In fact, you can do these six things to improve your website tomorrow. In your spare time. Really. Let’s go!

1. Feature Your Elevator Pitch Above the Fold

Do you have an elevator pitch yet?

If not, get busy. Crafting an elevator pitch is a straightforward process, but it requires some soul-searching — and a degree of decisiveness with which you might not be comfortable.…

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Being a Entrepreneur vs. Being an Employee: Which One Should You Choose?

Whichever side of the fence we fall, it might well be the case the grass always looks a little greener across the way. So, whether we’re on the path to entrepreneurship or are enjoying the security of being an employee it’s good to try and keep the pros and cons of both in mind.

Business people having a meeting

Whilst entrepreneurs can enjoy plenty of opportunities for growth across various aspects of their professional careers, it’s important to remember that there are also a number of advantages associated with being someone else’s employee.

So join us as we explore the various PROS and CONS of being an Entrepreneur VS an Employee…

Being an Employee – THE ADVANTAGES


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When Your Small Business Should Start Using Software

As small business CEOs, we have to allocate our time and budgets very carefully. Many executives try to cut costs too much. As a result, the small business lacks the infrastructure to support processes that would unlock growth.

Businesswoman using business software

Needless to say, small businesses should continuously invest in a sound IT strategy. However, if you are still unsure of when to get started, here are warning signs that you should start implementing business software right away.

You Have Established Business Processes

Once you have establish processes for quoting clients, following up for payments or keeping up with the books, it’s time to start automating.…

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Choosing the Right Sleeping Mattress is Essential for Optimum Work Productivity

Good night sleep is necessary to boost the creativity and get the best out of the person. When a person does not have sufficient rest, then there is almost zero probability that the individual will work up to their real potential. One of the biggest reasons, apart from any health condition, why people are not able to get sufficient sleep is the poor selection of the mattress.

Sleeping businessman

Why mattress matters more than you think

People are unaware of the fact that not every mattress is the same, and they should be chosen as per the needs of the person. Below we mention some of the reasons why choosing the right mattress is necessary.…

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4 Ways Automation is Transforming the Business World in 2018 and Beyond

When we as business owners think about “automation,” our minds are oftentimes flooded with images of robots, complicated algorithms and concepts that simply go over our heads.

The reality? Automation is, was and will continue to dominate the realms of businesses and marketing as we know it. There’s a good chance you’re already using automation for your business already; meanwhile, the degree to which new algorithms and technologies are emerging is staggering.

Business automation trends 2018

From saving time and money to ultimately building the most efficient business possible, automation is here to stay and entrepreneurs today need to understand just how they can leverage it.…

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