Mistakes to Avoid When Operating a Scissor Lift

Getting a residential or commercial structure built in a timely and efficient manner is no easy task. A key component to having success as a construction company owner is having the right equipment at your disposal.

When it comes to working at high altitudes, having a scissor lift is essential. In an attempt to save money, most business owners opt for the low cost to rent a scissor lift rather than buying one outright.

Scissor lift

Once you have found the right scissor lift rental, operating it in a safe manner should be your main concern. Read below to find out about some of the most common scissor lift operating mistakes you need to avoid.…

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A Workers’ Compensation Guide for Small Business

Employees are imperative to the successful operation of all small businesses, perhaps even more so than for large corporations because those larger entities usually have workers they can allocate where there’s a labor shortage. But, what happens when an employee is severely injured on the job? What are the responsibilities of a small business? That’s what this guide aims to do, provide a basic understanding of a small businesses’ responsibilities when an employee becomes too sick or injured to continue in their job.

Workplace accident

“Unlike other personal injury claims, if you suffer an injury in the workplace, you don’t need to prove negligence was caused by the employer or if it was the employee’s fault,” says Attorney Dan Brown of St.

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The Hidden Benefits of a Visitor Management System

Ranging from claims management software to cloud security system, companies are adopting technology to streamline their business operations. This also holds true when it comes to managing your business premise’s visitors.

The main goal of any visitor management system is safety. Creating a safe environment where people could be vulnerable is reassuring.  The technology properly and effectively tracks guests, which is why offices should install a visitor management system with complete background checks.

Visitor Management System (VMS)

Organizations are increasingly making efforts to protect their people, while restricting the access of unwanted factions. This is brilliant to protect the establishments from legal liability.

There are, however, various other benefits of installing a visitor management system.…

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4 Questions to Ask Before Choosing a Law Firm

Before you hire a legal firm to represent your business, it’s important to establish whether they’re suitable. Your decision is largely based on your circumstances, alongside the proficiency of the firm in question.

Choosing a law firm

To learn about a legal firm’s success, you can start with a simple Google Search including your geographic location. For example, if you live in New Jersey you’d google for Law Firm New Jersey. From here you can evaluate various customer testimonials and success stories to help you narrow things down.

To find out whether they’re a good fit for your company, it’s important to ask the right questions.…

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ROI Revisions: A Guide to Keeping Your Startup Out of the Red

You know what they say…starting up a business can be a risky thing. Statistics show that that 50-70% of most startups do not make it past their first 18 months in business, and trying to ensure that your startup doesn’t fall into that boat can be a stressful, daunting task.

Startup business owners analyzing business finances

Luckily, we are here to guide you on ways in which you can avoid becoming a statistic, and instead, have a startup that thrives not just financially, but on all levels. To find out more, keep on reading our guide to keeping your startup out of the red.

1. Do Your Homework

Like everything else in life, you need to start off doing your homework.…

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How to Start a Company in the Netherlands

The Netherlands is a top business destination in Europe. Its connectivity, high quality of life, business ecosystem and access to talented workforce from around Europe make it a prime location for investors looking to open a company. Regardless of the chosen business field, starting a business in Netherlands is a straightforward process that will involve a few administrative procedures.


The process can be reduced to a few key steps, which are briefly detailed below.

1. Choose a business structure

Once you have your business plan ready, it is time to choose a suitable business structure. This is an important decision because the chosen legal form will influence the degree of liability for the founders of the company and will require a certain minimum share capital.…

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Why Healthy Relationships are Financially Sound

There’s a time in every couple’s life when things move from dating to planning marriage, kids and an entire life together. Besides love and happily ever after, this step forward involves a wide series of changes in a couple’s life.

Money heart

Moving together means sharing not only the house but also the current expenses. Who’s paying for what could soon become a problem in a couple’s dynamic. Because talking about money is less fun than planning the next night out. So, before saying ‘I Do’, partners should take some time to discuss finance.

Knowing what to expect from your partner in terms of financial stability is essential when planning to build a family.…

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How Technology Made Real Estate so Easy

Since the advent of cyberspace, many human activities have changed, this modernization does not exclude the real estate business. These changes span from the availability of real estate information, how business is transacted, the bridging of the consumer-manager distance barrier and the attitudes of consumers towards the real estate industry. Time to discover those significant ways in which technology made real estate very simple.

Real estate agent

Increased availability of information

The old estate business is a restricted zone where all land documents were paper-based, and the transactions were done ‘man o man’ but the status quo of this present day estate business is a magnum opus.…

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How to Avoid a Business Burnout

Whether you have twenty employees or a business that consists of you and only you, stress is going to happen. And, when it does, business will continue to go on. If you can’t slow down and deal with the source of the stress, it will get worse. The friction will turn into fatigue, possible illness, and then, ultimately, complete business burnout. It can happen to anyone.

Experiencing business burnout

Anyone, that is, that’s not actively doing what needs to be done to avoid burnout. However, none of these approaches will add more things to your undoubtedly packed schedule. This is a guide meant to suggest doing things differently to encourage a better quality of life for you and those closest to you.…

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Why Major Companies Seek Certification Professionals

There’s plenty of advocates in the business world that support the strategy of getting as many professional certifications as you can or deem appropriate for your line of work. These individuals aren’t scared of a little extra work and time being invested in their career, especially if it means having a nationally or even internationally recognized certification.

Certification professionals

The adverse school of thought is comprised of individuals who feel that their resume, job performance, and experiences are certification enough – and a certification isn’t worth it. This may help them get by and land a job, eventually, but the best job seekers come certified for project management tasks and more.…

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